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Product Name: Ensemble Version Info:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • No New Features


  • 37163 – DR4111- List Passive Positions on the System Definitions-System-System Parameters- General screen" (allowing passive position to be included in the position selection list) and "Add to Passive HR objects (P)?" The parameters "List passive positions and show with (P)" have been added by combining the parameters (P) next to the selected passive position. When the relevant parameter is active, while selecting the position, the passive positions are also listed and the expression (P) is added next to the selected passive position.

  • 33996 – DR2599- The transaction date field on the legend data history display would bring up the confirmation date when the data was confirmed. With the improvement, the transaction date field has been adjusted to bring the date when the data was first entered, and the approval date field has been adjusted to bring the date when the entered data is approved.

  • 38233 – Passive positions are also listed when the parameter "List inactive positions and show with (P)" is active. Before development, it was not possible to understand which position was active and which position was passive without selection. With the improvement made, it was ensured that the expression (P) was introduced next to the passive positions on the election screen.

  • 39796 – Version update for gojs tool used by Ensemble application for process drawing and modeling. The current version uses gojs v2.3.1.


  • 38718 – DR4798- Processes submitted for feedback are listed in the "Processes Pending Feedback" task, which is included in the pending work of users in the feedback matrix. These processes listed in the Ensemble application were not included in the task of the same name on the QDMS application. The bug has been fixed.

  • 39237 – DR4991 - When data is entered without an acknowledgement flow and then the corresponding data is changed by a different user, the user who enters the data appears to be the first user. With the relevant development, the user who enters the data has been edited to bring the user (end user) who changes the data.

  • 37940 – DR4418- In the connection type added to the process step, the description field of the documents did not come to the process card. With the newly developed "<@ProcessDocumentsList>" tag, it was ensured that the description field could be brought to the process card.

  • 36977 – DR4157- Reports-Process Reports- Fixed an issue where the Process Revision History Report remained "pending" and did not return results.

  • 37503 – DR4145- System Definitions-Process Management-Processes menu had case sensitivity when searching hierarchical view and list view screens. The bug has been fixed.

  • 38526 – DR4730- Fixed the problem where the user information designated as the data controller and owner from the "Indicator Measurement Location" screen was missing from the relevant screen and performance reports

  • 37123 – DR4196- If the end date of the formula added from the series detail and the end date of the relationship between the indicator measurement location of the indicators below it are the same, the relevant indicator was not included in the calculation. The bug has been fixed.

  • 37722 – DR4470- Performance Management - Error was received when creating semester, quarter, month, week, day under the year breakdown with the period robot on the period screen. The bug has been fixed.

  • 36884 – DR4128- Ensemble error was received when adding new document via QDMS. The related bug has been fixed.

  • 37166 – DR4218- In the process details, according to the zoom setting of the scanner, the process buttons (edit, process card, start revision, etc.) were shifted and the relevant buttons could not be clicked due to this situation. With the improvement made, the buttons that do not fit on the screen are hidden, and the hidden buttons are visible when zooming out.

  • 38268 – Adding and removing staff from user groups via the QDMS app was not available in the Ensemble app. With the development made, it was ensured that all the arrangements made in the user groups were instantly reflected in the Ensemble application.

  • 37860 – Adding the action available in QDMS to the indicator details could not correlate to the period. The related bug has been fixed. In order for the indicator to be associated with the current action, the corresponding action must not be associated with any module via QDMS. (In order to establish a relationship with the actions defined in QDMS, the "Can you relate to existing actions?" parameter on the System Definitions-System-System Parameters-Performance Management System screen must be activated.)

  • 37861 – In the indicator details, the menu bar of the QDMS application was also visible when opening the action and döf screens. With the improvement, the menu bar has been removed.

  • 39046 – In Oracle database, the transaction date field in the legend data history on the System Definitions-Performance Management-Data Entry screen was replaced by the approval date when the data was approved. With the improvement, the transaction date field has been adjusted to bring the date when the data was first entered, and the approval date field has been adjusted to bring the date when the entered data is approved.

  • 38024 – The "Indicator Data Controllers Report" on the Reports-Performance Reports screen in the Oracle database could not be reported by data entry officer and indicator owner. The bug has been fixed.

  • 37991 – The "Indicator Action Completion Report" on the Reports-Performance Reports screen did not return data. The bug has been fixed.

  • 37857 – If the number of actions added from the indicator details screen was over 4, only 4 came when exported in pdf and png formats. With the development made, it was ensured that all the added actions and actions were brought.

  • 37851 – On the System Definitions-Performance Management-Scorecard screen, only the user who was authorized to see on any scorecard could access the indicator-scorecard relationships screen, add new indicators and edit existing indicators. (weight, sequence, etc.). With the improvement, only users with visual authority have been removed from the access to the legend-scorecard relationships screen.

  • 37850 – The user who had view, change and delete privileges in the scorecards on the System Definitions-Performance Management-Scorecard screen could not view the relevant scorecard in passive scorecards. The bug has been fixed.

  • 38096 – The list view screen would not open when adding a document defined in QDMS to process steps in the visual model of processes. The related bug has been fixed.

  • 38212 – "Passive Users with Tasks" would not open when selecting resources from the System Definitions-Tools-Personnel Task Transfer-Process Management screen. The bug has been fixed.

  • 36639 – Documents with png and jpg extensions could not be deleted from the System Definitions-Process Management-Documents screen. The bug has been fixed.

  • 38704 – The lanes used in the visual model of the processes and the area of the process step that does the work can be selected from the "Organizational Units" tab. The organizational units selected from the relevant screen did not come to the "doing the job" and "the lane where the process step is located" columns of the Reports-Process Reports-Process Analysis Report. The bug has been fixed.

  • 37441 – Indicator based data entry screen could not be searched based on the owner of the indicator measurement location. The bug has been fixed.

  • 35315 – If the indicator type of the indicator is an indicator type with the parameter "Is disclosure mandatory in data entry" active, a data entered with an explanation in the data entry cannot be rejected in the confirmation, it gives the warning to enter the description. The bug has been fixed.

  • 39053 – Scorecard details did not include the name of the processes by which indicators were added in the display on a per-gauge basis and in the classic view screens. The bug has been fixed.

  • 39055 – When the indicator-based display and classical view in the scorecard detail were exported, the "Processes", "Accumulation Management" and "Period Breakdowns" columns did not appear. The bug has been fixed.

  • 38889 – In the Performance Report and Report Card Based Performance Report on the Reports-Performance Reports screen, only the user with visibility could make edits by double-clicking the report name. Editing of the report by users who are unauthorized with the development is blocked.

  • 39777 – Users who were not module administrators in the Oracle database could not access the old and new data entry screens. The bug has been fixed.

4.Breaking Changes

  • Ensemble version and QDMS version should be installed.