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Product Name: Ensemble Version Info:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • No New Features


  • No Improvements


  • 81530 - DR12274- There was case sensitivity when filtering in the "Measurement Place" column on the System Definitions-Performance Management-Elements-Indicator Measurement Place relationship screen. The error has been corrected.

  • 81820 - The error received while viewing the documents added at the stages of approval, control, etc. in the process approval history has been corrected.

  • 80737 - The error that the alphanumeric sequence numbers given to the process steps do not appear alphanumerically in the Process Detail-Process Steps tab when the "Use alphanumeric sequence number in process step details" parameter is active from the system parameters has been corrected.

  • 81349 - In the process that was created as a draft when the process was revised, the error of losing the risk data added to the step was corrected.

  • 81257 - The "Details" field disappeared when clicking on the visual model in the Indicator Tab-Indicator Detail Graph-Processes tab. The error has been fixed.

  • 78195 - In Oracle-System Definitions-Performance Management-Evaluation Methods screen, it could not be saved when entering a special formula for the series of evaluation methods. The error has been corrected.

  • 76703 - DR11924- The special symbols written in the "Name" section on the System Definitions-Performance Management-Units screen was not displayed correctly on the "unit" selection screen when defining and editing on the Element page. When '�' was used in the symbol of the units in the first definition, editing could not be done. The error has been corrected.

  • 76512 - DR11900- On the System Definitions-Profromance Management-Element screen, an error was received while passivating elements with similar symbols used in the formula. With the development made, it has been enabled to search by adding ' and " at the beginning and end of the symbols in order not to find errors in the codes it covers.

  • 75627 - DR11810- The error of adding extra rows at the bottom when <@ProcessAllApprovers>, <@ProcessAllApproversAddNoRow> tags are used in the process card has been fixed.

  • 75455 - The error of not loading the module list in some cases when Instance selection is made if subQDMS is available on the risk selection screen in the Risks tab in the process detail has been corrected.

  • 75371 - DR11775- In the flow that starts after the cancellation request is created in the process flows, the error that the control date information is incorrect in the Process Detail-Revision information tab when clicking on the task from the pending jobs has been corrected.

4.Breaking Changes

  • Ensemble version and QDMS version must be installed.
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