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Product Name: Ensemble Version Info:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • 71016 - In Tools - Process Detail Import template, a column for Restricted Authorisation has been added to the Authorisation Matrix page. If the TDA Integration parameter from the system parameters is passive, it is ensured that the TDA column does not appear on the Authorisation Matrix page in the template. In the process detail import template, the problem of writing Process Step as the process selection column name has been fixed.

  • 71268 - System Definitions - Tools - When you want to transfer without selecting the process in personnel task transfer, a warning has been provided. At least one process selection is required.

  • 71466 - Department selection has been removed for additional qualifications in person type. In task transfer, it has been enabled to transfer tasks for additional qualifications in department type.


  • 74424 - DR11645- In QDMS application, the "Period" column that should not be included in the Pending Jobs- Performance Management-My Indicators task has been removed. There was no "Period" column in the Indicators for Data Entry task. The error was fixed with the development made.
  • 74523 - Arrangements have been made for continuous caching of risks taken from QDMS at certain intervals.
  • 70153 - If the competency level is used in the process, it is prevented from being passive and a process dependency warning is given when it is tried to be passive.
  • 71381 - System Definitions - Tools - In personnel task transfer, when the person to whom the task will be transferred is selected as user in Resources, transfer is prevented, a warning is provided.


  • 71983 - DR11372- System Definitions-Performance Management-On the elements list view screen, when searching for elements with the same name, only one of them was displayed. The error has been fixed.

  • 72545 - DR11453- On the QDMS-Pending Jobs screen, the pending jobs belonging to the Ensemble Performance Management module were not visible. The error has been fixed.

  • 73548 - DR11572-System Definitions-Performance Management-Data Entry-On the old data entry screen, when one of the copied values was updated after copying data from the previous period, a "null" file attachment was created by itself. Error fixed

  • 74079 - DR11629-System Definitions-Performance Management-Data Entry-On the old data entry screen, when one of the copied values was updated after copying data from the previous period, a "null" file attachment was created by itself. Error fixed

  • 75371 - DR11775- In the flow that starts after the cancellation request is created in the process flows, the problem that the control date information is incorrect in the Process Detail-Revision information tab when clicking on the task from the pending jobs has been fixed.

  • 75455 - The problem of not loading the module list in some cases when Instance selection is made if subQDMS is available on the risk selection screen in the Risks tab in the process detail has been fixed.

  • 70189 - The problem of incomplete printing of data when the Process Card is received as PDF has been fixed.

  • 70377 - In the revised and published processes, the problem that the task of the processes in which I am a stakeholder does not fall into pending jobs has been resolved.

  • 70520 - DR11224- The problem of displaying HTML special character in the process model has been fixed.

  • 72640 - DR11477- In the process model, the problem that the same document can be added to the same process step more than once has been fixed.

  • 71742 - The problem that the selected source units of measurement disappeared in the attached sources in the process step and process detail has been fixed.

4.Breaking Changes

  • Ensemble version and QDMS version must be installed.
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