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Product Name: Ensemble Version Info:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • 33575 – DR2516-Series labels Special nomenclatures given to series via the indicator measurement location relationship have been shown in the new data entry display, indicator-based data entry screen and bulk transfers.

  • 33547 – DR2523-Process Cancellation Request parametricization study Defined the parameter "Use cancellation request in processes" to the System Parameters screen.

  • 32607 – DR1801-On Displaying Code Next to Department Name Defined the parameter "Bring code information when department is used in lane definitions?" to display the code next to the department name in the lane.

  • 33837 – DR2697-Indicator Type parametricization Provided parametricization of the indicator type, which is a mandatory field when defining in the element screen. The corresponding parameter has been edited to passive by default.


  • 34258 – DR2444-Process Cancellation Date Process cancellation date has been adjusted to date that the last approver approved.

  • 34574 – DR2436-Process Indicator Relationship Report New Field Request Element Type column added to Process Indicator Relationship Report. Data compatibility regulation has been made for the indicator type column.

  • 32668 – DR1946-Service tip with filtering by measurement location A new thread named GetMeasureDimensionByDimensionGridVM has been written to enable filtering by measurement location. (Example:/api/BSC/GetMeasureDimensionByDimensionGridVM?measureId=1378&dimensionId=738&measureDimensionState=3)

  • 32101 – DR1637-Process Revision Request Adding Multiple Files The ability to attach multiple files to process revision requests has been improved.

  • 32109 – Regarding Automating DR1614-BSC Data Recording Key A new save button has been developed to collectively record the data of all indicators for which data is entered after data entry to the indicators at the measurement location.

  • 33518 – DR1529-Work on sending Information Mail to those in the Knowledge Matrix When the revision was initiated, information mail was sent to both those in the Knowledge Matrix and the initiator of the Revision.

  • 29543 – DR626-Ability to Add Multiple Values to Additional Attribute in Document Type Improvements have been made so that more than one document can be added to the additional attributes in the document type.

  • 33556 – Special character editing has been made in the Indicators to Relate modality.

  • 33689 – Added lazy loading to the Department field on the Indicator Measurement Location Relationship page.

  • 34202 – Security improvements have been made.

  • 34149 – Underscore.js v1.13.6 update

  • 34294 – GoJS v2.2.16 Update

  • 34424 – Added Visual Model search minimize and maximize feature


  • 34085 – DR2784-Serial label data entry display Fixed an issue where customizing the name of the series did not change the name of the series on the old data entry screen.

  • 33822 – DR2674-Formula Editing Fixed an issue where ready-made formulas opened by right-clicking when writing formulas in series in the indicator measurement location relationship in Ensemble opened from within QDMS were not opened.

  • 32390 – DR1877-My Pending Jobs My Processes Task Fixed an issue where the number shown and the data listed in the My Processes field in pending jobs did not match.

  • 34078 – DR2802-Slowness in Indicator Data Entry Page Slowness in the data entry page on a per-legend basis in environments where Oracle database is used has been fixed.

  • 34635 – Fixed an issue where confusion occurred with similar additional attribute types in the Visual Model Additional Attributes tab

  • 34199 – Adjusted the features added in the background for the basic tools area in the visual model.

  • 34268 – Fixed an error in the Process-Analysis report where the source data does not arrive in the state where the source type is the source.

  • 24082 – Fixed an issue where English language equivalents were not passed for some tags in the Process Card. Related tags; <@ProcessType> <@ProcessInputsList> <@ProcessOutputsList> <@ProcessStepInputs> <@ProcessStepOutputs> and <@ProcessStepName>

  • 34406 – Added back button to the Indicator Report Card relationship page.

  • 34255 – Fixed an error when adding a new element type in Explorer and editing an existing element type.

  • 34286 – When the information that performs the work is selected from resources, user groups and organizational units, it is brought to the process step owner field in the Process-Lane Relationship Report. The report has been accelerated.

  • 32791 – Fixed records with blank Requester information in New Process Requests on the Pending jobs page

  • 33789 – Fixed blank entries from Process Lanes Relationship Report> Organizational Unit, Responsible, Process Step Owner information.

  • 34774 – Process - Fixed that in the lane relationship report, those responsible for the process steps did not show up and the position name did not come up. The report has been accelerated.

  • 34803 – Fixed the error when opening the Pending jobs page and the Process Revision Requests task in Oracle environment.

4.Breaking Changes

  • Ensemble version and QDMS version should be installed.