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Product Name: Ensemble Version Info:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • No New Features


  • 66532 – DR10261 GetPeriodValueDataChangeList"(../api/BSC/GetPeriodValueDataChangeList?startDate=2023/01/01&endDate=2023/12/31) The following two enhancements in the json data returned as a result of therequest in the API development Made.
    1. It was ensured that the data suitable for the period breakdown of the indicator was brought.
    2. It has been ensured that the data of the indicator whose measurement location relationship is outside the reporting date is not retrieved.


  • 65002 – DR10261- In Reports>Process Reports>Process Summary List Report, the "Creation Dates" of the processes came as revision dates. The error has been fixed and the process has been enabled to come as the first creation date.

  • 65407 – DR10340- BPMN objects used in the visual model of the processes could not be placed between two lanes. With the development made, it was enabled to place between two lanes by pressing the shift key.

  • 66235 – DR10496- The admin user could not view the processes when the "Activate process record maintenance mode when version management is on" parameter on the System Definitions>System>System Parameters>General screen was inactive. The error has been fixed.

  • 66571 – DR10571- The <@ProcessStepControlsWithCodes> tag, which brings the controls attached to the process steps in the visual model of the processes to the process card, only brought the last control. The error was fixed and all attached controls were brought to the process card.

  • 64240 – DR10111- It has been ensured that Process Cancellation Requests are sent to the process owner, working independently of the 'To Whom Revision Requests Go' parameter on the System Parameters>General screen. If the process owner is not full in the process, a warning message appears when creating a cancellation request.

  • 65130 – DR10279- The mail produced with the code written in the "Message Body Code to be used for Indicators that need to be opened Capa" parameter on the System Parameters>Performance Management screen was coming empty. The error has been fixed.

  • 66191 – DR10478- It was aimed to prevent possible problems by making the level control from the PeriodTypeId field when bringing the elements with a period of year created from the Performance Management>Elements screen to the data entry screen.

  • 64573 – DR10175- The "GetPeriodValueDataChangeList" API development's time out issue has been fixed and further optimisation has been provided for the slowness issue.

  • 64604 – DR10183- Automatic actions can be opened according to the action tasks created in line with the data entered in the Performance Management module. Action tasks in the evaluation method 3 When the period was set for the relevant interval in a row, the automatic action was occurring for each period, not at the end of 3 periods as it would occur in the task. The error has been fixed.

  • 64634 – DR10189- In the action tab of the indicator details, the indicator can be associated with the previously opened actions. However, the related indicators were not included in the list when exporting. The error has been fixed. (The development is valid for the actions associated with modules 42 and 28).

  • 66923 – DR10189- The QDMS document added to the process detail and process step was multiplexed by bringing old versions in the process card when the document was revised. The error has been fixed.

  • 59961 – DR9366– System Parameters>Responsible Persons screen, when the "Show Responsible Persons in Process Step in Process Detail" parameter was inactive, the responsible persons attached to the process step were not shown in the process card. The error has been fixed.

  • 65790 – After the edits made in the detail and visual models of the processes, a saving problem could occur. The error has been fixed.

  • 66214 - System Definitions>Process Management>Competencies screen, when the competency group with sub-competence was edited, it gave a warning and prevented editing. The error has been fixed.

  • 56046 – The search problem on System Definitions>Process Management>Organisation Units page has been fixed.

  • 61707 – The parameter "Display the limit values of the indicators on the data entry screen" on the System Parameters>Performance Management System screen is used on the indicator-based data entry screen.Was not working. The error has been fixed.

  • 61712 – "Processes Pending Activation Approval", "New Process Requests" and "Processes I am a Stakeholder", "My Performance Management Indicators" tasks of Process Management were not included in QDMS pending jobs. The error has been fixed.

  • 61708 – When the colour selection was made and saved for the "No Target Colour" parameter on the System Parameters>Indicators screen and the page was refreshed, it returned to its old white colour. The error has been fixed.

  • 61717 – System Definitions>Process Management>Process Step Types screen, while defining or editing the process step type, selecting "Cannot be associated with processes" when BPMN type object selection is made disappeared but was not visible again when we removed the BPMN object. The error has been fixed.

  • 61773 – When the parameters "Use authorisation on process basis" and "Use version management in processes" on the System Parameters>General screen were inactive, the unauthorised user could add processes by right clicking on the processes listed on the Processes screen. The error has been fixed.

  • 61778 – The problem that a document attached in the old version of the process cannot be deleted by giving a process dependency warning when deleting from system definitions has been fixed.

  • 63233 – It was ensured that the risks in the status set in the parameter 170 "Which status risks should be displayed in Ensemble?" of the QDMS application risk module are displayed in Ensemble.

  • 63786 – In System Definitions>Process Management>Competences screen, the competence with sub competence could be deleted and passive. The error has been fixed.

  • 64021 – Tools> Personnel Task Transfer> Process Management screen, the list of "Passive User with Task" for source user selection was empty. The error has been fixed.

  • 64025 – When the user selected in the "Doer" field in the process step was passive, the (P) expression was not next to the user in the doer icon, above the process step and in the process step detail. The error has been fixed.

  • 64042 – The deviation value in the Performance Reports>Score Based Performance Report can only be used in a single report. was being shown for the indicator. The error has been fixed.

  • 64051 – System Parameters>Risk screen "Add Controls Related to Selected Risk to the Process Is it? " parameter is active, the problem that the relevant controls disappear when the control associated with the risk is added to the process step and the page is refreshed has been fixed.

  • 64757 – Corruption on the Report Card Details>Classic View screen has been fixed.

  • 64606 – A change has been made for the SetProcessStepLinkValues method running on methodmigration on DataService to run once.

  • 63798 – System Definitions>Process Management>Competences screen, the competences used in the process could be disabled. The error has been fixed.

  • 61787 – The problem that a process/process step type added to the model only in the old version of the process could not be deleted by giving a process dependency warning when deleting from system definitions has been fixed.

  • 63859 – The problem of not returning data when reporting is requested by selecting the process owner in Reports>Process Reports>Process Analysis Report has been fixed.

  • 64048 – The edit button has been removed in the old version processes opened from the process options.

  • 63802 – In the visual model, when it is desired to edit the Responsible Persons in the process step, the problem that the accountable, controlling, informing fields cannot be changed has been fixed.

  • 66680 – Improvements have been made for the following errors related to the risks used in Ensemble application.

    1. When the risk added to the process step is revised, the error that cannot be deleted from the process step has been fixed.
    2. When it is desired to edit the process detail in processes with added risks, if the risks tab is opened, the error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." received during saving has been fixed.
    3. When the "Authorisation Check on Risk Selection Screen" parameter is inactive, authorisation control continues to be performed. has been fixed.

4.Breaking Changes

  • Ensemble version and QDMS version must be installed.
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