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Product Name: Ensemble Version Info:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • No New Features


  • No Improvements


  • 44962 – DR6659- A draft process can be associated with a published process. When the relevant published process wanted to be passed, although the process was draft, there was a warning that revisions could be made and the process could be revised. With the development made, the initiation of revision in the draft process was prevented.

  • 44650 – DR6531- In the checkuser field in the "Process Change Request" mail, there were also users who were added to the process as controllers and then deleted. The bug has been fixed.

  • 44023 – DR6403- Of the risks added to the process detail, the ID information appeared instead of the textual expression of those whose risk area type was a checkboxed list. The bug has been fixed.

  • 43632 – DR6347 - Excel used for importing process step detail from media was landing incorrectly. The bug has been fixed.

  • 46429 – DR7020- System Parameters - Ensured that other fields are not brought into the redis cache except for the areas designated for risk linking with Ensemble on the Risks screen.

  • 44652 – DR6557- If the reference process associated with the process step was revised after association, the reference process could be deactivated. When the associated step in the process visual model was clicked, it was directed to the first associated version, not the last version that was deactivated. When the process step is clicked with the development, the warning "The associated process desired to be accessed has been inactivated." comes up. The same applies if the associated process is deleted.

  • 44974 – DR6349- For expressions entered only in Turkish, when the application language was changed, the expression equivalent to Turkish appeared to be defined in the selected language. With the improvement made, the corresponding status is blocked. In case of using multiple languages, after the definition is made, it is necessary to open with the edit button and click the language edit button. In the language edit screen that opens, the equivalent of the relevant language must be filled in and the save button must be pressed.

  • 44652 – DR7073- When the processes associated with the process step are wanted to be deactivated, a warning message is given stating that the relationship with the relevant process must be removed first. However, after the associated process was revised, when it was desired to be deactivated, the process could be done without warning. Bug fixed

  • 44027 – DR6448- Fixed an issue where the unassociated process step in the risk revision appears in the process tab of the risk again in the confirmation of the risk.

  • 44252 – DR6508- When using SSO, clicking on the link to access Ensemble would bring up the "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS" error. The bug has been fixed.

  • 47830 – DR7538- Older versions of processes due to state control would not open and error "Process not found." The bug has been fixed.

  • 46940 – DR7209- Tasks to complete actions unlocked via ensemble are listed in the "Action List to Perform" task of the QDMS. When the action was completed and closed from the relevant task, the action tasks could not be dropped. The bug has been fixed.

  • 42715 – DR6105- Environment-based Performance Management-Indicator Measurement Location Data screen would not open. The bug has been fixed.

  • 45543 – DR6805- Indicator added to the processes was checked for the end date of the indicator-measurement location relationship. If the indicator added with the development is outside the specified date range, when it comes to prd, ytd lighting, "The relevant period is outside the date range of the Indicator-Measurement location." He warns.

  • 45787 – Unauthorized users without module admin could perform operations on the Process Management-Profiles screen. With the development, only module admins can take action.

  • 45728 – Unauthorized users without module admin could perform operations on the Process Management-Competencies screen. With the development, only module admins can take action.

  • 42709 – When a revision request was created consecutively in a process, although a single file was attached, the previously attached files were also shown in the attachment file field in the process revision requests pending jobs. The bug has been fixed.

  • 45643 – When editing the authorization matrix of the scorecard on the Scorecard-Passive Report Cards screen, the corresponding scorecard did not appear on the screen of the user who was authorized to see it. The bug has been fixed.

  • 43803 – The "Data entry end date" field in the "Data Entry Overdue Indicators" task sounded incorrect on export. The bug has been fixed.

  • 45657 – Documents of the additional attribute type in the indicator information area of the data entry page would not open when clicked. The bug has been fixed.

  • 35310 – On the Elements screen, it is possible to add documents as an additional attribute to the element. The relevant documents did not appear on the indicator information screen in the data entry. The bug has been fixed.

4.Breaking Changes

  • Ensemble version and QDMS version should be installed.