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Product Name: Ensemble Version Info:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • 40736 – DR5180- It was ensured that the selections in the parameters "Forgot password on login screen?" and "Remember me on login screen?" in the System Infrastructure Definitions->BSID->Configuration Settings-> Parameters->System Infrastructure Definitions screen in QDMS application are reflected in Ensemble application. When the relevant parameters are marked as "Yes", the "Remember Me" and "Forgot Password" features from the login screen of the Ensemble application can be removed.

  • 42596 – DR6062- After the data entries made in the Performance Management module, the evaluation If both action and CAPA task occurs for the relevant period according to the adjustments made in the methods, only the CAPA task is created. If the CAPA task occurs for the relevant period, the action task will not occur.

  • 43039 – DR6126 - When the user password or username information is entered incorrectly while logging into the application, the verification code field before login has been improved. The verification code is set to "Number of incorrect entries required for the verification code to appear on the login screen" from the parameters on the System Infrastructure Definitions->BSID->Configuration Settings->Parameters-System Infrastructure Definitions screen in QDMS application. parameter is followed by as many incorrect entries as the number entered in the parameter.

  • 43391 – DR6126- The "Process Owner" field in the "Details" section on the process details screen "Process Stakeholders" selection field has been added. In the "Process Stakeholders" field, position, user, user group and department can be selected. Users in the selected user groups or selected Users are automatically authorized to view the processes added as a stakeholder. The task of processes you are a stakeholder has been added to the My Pending Jobs screen. When the user clicks on this task, the processes are listed and when the user clicks on a process, the details of that process are opened. "Processes I am a Stakeholder" in pending jobs is a task that can be viewed continuously. Stakeholder information has been added to the Process Summary List report.

  • 42037 – DR6126- The "Staff Authorization Copy" screen has been developed in order to transfer the authorizations of the users' report card, gauge measurement location and gauge to different users. Related screen System Definitions- >It is under the Tools menu. In order to view the relevant screen after the update, müne authorization must be granted via QDMS application. Source selection should be a single user, passive user, position or user group. Target user selection should be user, position anduser groups can be selected multiple times. Authorization(s) desired to be granted parameter(s) must be activated. Authorization copying process is completed by selecting from the list under the parameters and pressing the "Copy Authorization" button on the top left of the screen.

  • 42540 – DR7425- After the data entries made in the performance management module, action tasks are created for the data corresponding to the intervals determined through the application. Development was made to create automatic actions based on the tasks created. In QDMS application, 6 new parameters were added to the parameters on the System Infrastructure Definitions-> BSID->Configuration Settings->Parameters->Performance Management screen. In order to use the feature, these parameters must be filled in first. Related parameters and their descriptions are as follows. 23 - How many periods below the target will automatic action be activated? Automatic action feature is activated when the data is below the target by the number entered in the parameter. 24 - Main action number to be used for Auto Action: The parameter is filled with the code of the main action to be used from the main actions in the QDMS application. 25 - Action type number for Automatic Action: The parameter is filled with the code of the action type to be used among the action types in QDMS application 26 - Role of the person who will do the work for Automatic Action: The parameter is filled with the code of the role defined or newly defined in QDMS application. In the automatic action opened with the user in the specified role user assignment is made. 27 - Role of the person responsible for the Automated Action: Defined in the QDMS application or newly defined.The parameter is filled with the code of the role. In the automatic action opened with the user in the specified role, the responsible user is assigned. If the related parameter is empty, the user is taken from parameter 26. 28 - How many working days will the working time be for Auto Action? Start date of the automatic action is the date corresponding to the first working day of the day on which the task occurs. The number of days entered in the related parameter and the end date is set. 29 - Automatic action definition: After the update, the parameter is full. The parameter can be updated if changes are desired to be made in the specified definition. The automatic actions created are shown in the Action tab of the indicator details.

  • 34617 – DR3156- When the "Should Selected Risk Related Controls be Added to the Process?" parameter on the System Definitions->Parameters screen is active, the risk related controls added to the process are automatically added to the process.

  • 40730 – DR4897- For processes to be able to bring the links added to the process step to the process card Developed <@ProcessStepLinks> tag. 3

  • 31571 – DR7425- In order to bring the controls related to the risks added to the processes to the process card <@ProcessRiskControls> (prints side by side and separated by commas) and <@ProcessRiskControlList> (prints them one below the other) tags have been developed. The format of displaying on the process card is "Risk RDFD_NO --> Control Code --> Control Description". Related tags work independently from <@ProcessRiskList> tag. Not suitable for use with risk tags.


  • 40731 – DR4935- Indicator authorizations could be transferred to the target user with the "Indicator Authorization Matrix" option on the Personnel Task Transfer->Performance Management screen. With the development made, it was ensured that in addition to the indicator authorizations, report card and indicator-measurement place authorizations can also be transferred.

  • 40739 – DR5263- An export button has been developed to export the data on the Performance Management->Indicator Measurement Place screen in excel and pdf formats. The button is located at the top right corner of the screen.

  • 41685 – DR5336- A password display button has been added to confirm the correctness of the password while entering the password on the login screen. By clicking the eye icon on the right of the password box, the password is displayed.

  • 43394 – DR5577- "Show action status" parameter has been added to Performance Reports->Indicator Realization Report. When the report is pulled by activating the relevant parameter, the "Action" line has been added to show the action information of the periods in the excel. The information in the action line and their meanings are as follows; Planned:Action was created as a result of an action task. Unplanned: The action task was created but the action was not started. - : There is no need to create an action as a result of data entry.

  • 43393 – DR5628- Add YTD alarm series to Performance Reports->Indicator Realization Report was enabled to be brought. The data brought to the relevant field comes according to the series result selected in the "YTD Default Alarm Series" field in Performance Management->Evaluation Methods. In the current application "YTD Default Alarm Series" field was not included in the Evaluation Methods. For this reason, in order to use the relevant feature of the report, the evaluation method must first be edited.

  • 43395 – DR5550- "Data Entry and Approval Status" parameter has been added to Performance Reports->Indicator Realization Report. When the report is pulled by activating the relevant parameter, "Data Entry Status" and "Approval Status" lines have been added to the excel. The information and fields in the Data Entry Status line are as follows; Timely : Indicator whose data is entered within the data entry period Delayed:Data entry period expired indicator Not entered: Indicator for which the data entry period has started but no data has been entered The information in the Approval Status line and its fields are as follows; Timely:Data approved within the data entry period Delayed:Approved data past the data entry period Not entered:Data entry period has started but no data has been entered Approved:Data that are approved from the data whose data entry period has starte Delayed (Not Confirmed): Indicators whose data entry period has elapsed and whose data is pending approval

  • 43872 – DR6342- In the process visual models, an improvement was made on the PM Tool so that the users who perform the work selected for the process steps can be changed collectively and saved to the responsible parties.

  • 45729 – DR6727- The color of the tooltip titles where the indicator score and status appear has been changed to improve readability. With the improvement, if the background color is light, the text color is black and if the background color is dark, the text color is white.

  • 40742 – DR5283- In environments where SQL database is used, the number of characters allowed for entering the process detail in the description field has been increased.

  • 40745 – DR5335- "Description" and "Additional File" columns have been added to the Process Reports->Revision Request Report to bring the description and uploaded documents entered while creating the request. The documents in the additional file column can be viewed in Bimser viewer.

  • 42597 – DR5997- When selecting resources for process and process steps from the list view, resource type "Source Type" column has been added to bring the information as well.

  • 42029 – DR5997- When processes are inactive, if there is a sub-process connected to the process, a warning message appears. If the sub-process of the process was an old version process, "Old Version" was written next to the process. With the development made, the version number was also added to the warning screen.

  • 47443 – DR7357- Action Id, Action No, Description, Doer, Responsible, Type, Status, Responsible Department, Delayed? fields were added to Reports->Process Reports->Process Action Report.

  • 44998 – DR7357- When the process steps in the process visual models were associated with another process or process step, the color of the step could not be changed. The color of the process step associated with the development can be changed manually.

  • 47868 – DR7357- Reports->Performance Reports->Data Entry Report, the process to which the indicator is linked and the parent process information of this process, the document and code to which the indicator is related, the process and the process step API development was made to fetch the field information of risks. The request format is as follows. http://uygulama_erişim_adresi /netapi/Middleware/RequestRedirect//api//BSC/GetPeriodValueDataChangeList?startDate=2023- 06 - 01

  • 45747 – DR7357- API development was made to bring Element Type, Year, Indicator Measurement Place Start Date and Indicator Measurement Place End Date data to Reports->Performance Reports->Data Entry Report. The request format is as follows. http://uygulama_erişim_adresi /netapi/Middleware/RequestRedirect//api//BSC/GetPeriodValueDataChangeList?startDate=2023-06 -01

  • 43043 – DR7357- API development was made to bring Status, Indicator Owner and Indicator Type fields to Reports->Performance Reports->Data Entry Report. The request format is as follows. http://uygulama_erişim_adresi/netapi/Middleware/RequestRedirect//api//BSC/GetPeriodValueDataChangeList?startDate=2023- 06 - 01

  • 52227 – DR8415-After logging in to Ensemble application, when switching to QDMS application from the application menu on the top left, it was necessary to fill in the login information again. With the development made, the application page was opened without the need to log in again. In order to use the related feature, the "Product.QDMS" parameter in the CONFIGURATION table must be updated in "http://uygulama_erişim_adresi/QDMSNET/BSAT/GateWay.aspx?DATA=#DATA#" format.

  • 43603 – XSS vulnerabilities caused by user input have been fixed.

  • 43604 – Security headers have been added to the cookies used by the application.

  • 42667 – The added image could not be deleted in request tasks such as approval and revision request, such as process approval, where images could be added. A delete button has been added.

  • 49937 – Additional improvements and edits have been made to PMTool.


  • 48005 – DR7014- Users who are not module admins could create a new draft process by selecting the 'Copy Process Detail' feature from the options opened when right-clicking on the process names in the process list. With the development made, it has been ensured that only module administrator users can copy the process detail.

  • 48741 – DR7761- The impact, probability and score risk field values in the scored list type were not reflected in Ensemble. The bug has been fixed.

  • 49257 – DR7872- The "Processes in Draft" counter in pending jobs was getting different values in Ensemble and QDMS applications. The error has been fixed.

  • 42673 – DR6101- In the risks tab of the process detail, before the uploading of risks is completed, other tab, and then when you go to the risks tab again, it appeared as "no data". The error has been fixed.

  • 48894 – DR7799- On the Tools-Personnel Task Transfer screen, the selected list of revision requests pending on the user was incorrect. The error has been fixed.

  • 50210 – DR8134- "Check Authorization on Risk Selection Screen" parameter has been added to System Parameters->Risks screen. When the parameter is passive, it is ensured that all risks independent of authorization are brought when risk selection is made.

  • 49306 – DR7884- In cases where there was a published version of the process on the Draft Processes screen, the draft process could not be deleted and gave a "Process Deletion Error". The error has been fixed.

  • 48599 – DR7704- Process Cancellation Requests on the Pending Jobs screen were reappearing in pending jobs after they were approved. The error has been fixed.

  • 49448 – DR7916- Control used in process card(<@ProcessControlMatrix>) and approval matrix(<@ProcessApproveMatrix>) tags were only returning user type data. Error fixed. Related tags should be used without merging in the template.

  • 48631 – DR7728- Improvements were made to shorten the visual model opening time.

  • 46349 – DR6990- On the user group members display page in the process step details, filtering case sensitivity was occurring while doing this. For example, when the user group "Bimser" was searched as "BIMSER", data could not be found. The error has been fixed.

  • 47866 – DR7409- In the report card details->Classic View screen, the indicator associated with the report card and the parent indicators of this indicator are listed. Period information for the parent indicator was coming in the export. With the development made, it was ensured that the period fields are empty so that the parent indicator can be parsed.

  • 48522 – DR7703- After entering the language in the language table, the empty field must be entered once in order to save. had to be clicked. The development made was saved without the obligation to click on the empty field.

  • 48792 – DR7781- It was ensured that the language equivalents of the data that do not have language equivalents in the indicator details were brought.

  • 51157 – On the Process Management->Wastes screen, an unauthorized user who is not a module administrator could add, delete and edit waste. With the development made, users who are not module administrators are prevented from performing related operations.

  • 47369 – When the parameter "Should the controls connected to the selected risk be added to the process?" was active, an error was received when the risk that was not connected to the control was added to the process. The error has been fixed.

  • 50546 – When exporting Performance Management->Indicator Measurement Place Data, if there were icons in the Status and YTD columns, the icons were shifting and not displayed in the correct field. The error has been fixed.

  • 50930 – When the verify code field came up on the application login screen, the screen was distorted when the verification code was entered correctly and the password was entered incorrectly. The error has been fixed.

  • 50721 – When transferring with the indicator authorization matrix from the Tools->Personnel Task Transfer screen, if the target user was added to the existing authorization matrix, both the added version and the changed version with the source user after the transfer were multiplexed in the matrix. The error has been fixed

  • 50525 – In Reports->Performance Report->Indicator Realization Report, when only the "Data entry and approval status" parameter is activated and the report is pulled, the "Approval status" line is not displayed. When the "period breakdowns" field in the report was selected as quarter year or half year and reported, the column headings were slipping. The error has been fixed.

  • 52512 – When the "Data entry and approval status" parameter is activated in Reports- Performance Report->Indicator Realization Report and the report is pulled, the "Data entry status" parameter is activated for the periods for which data is not entered. "On time" was written on the line. With the development made, if data entry has not been made, it will be displayed as "Not Entered". display has been enabled. In the periods when the data was in approval, the expression "Not Entered" was included instead of "In Approval". The error has been fixed.

  • 50863 – The definition and default value of parameter 23, which is one of the parameters added to the System Infrastructure Definitions-> BSID->Configuration Settings->Parameters->Performance Management screen in the QDMS application for automatic action creation, was incorrect in environments using Oracle database. The error has been fixed.

  • 50715 – The authorizations on the Tools->Personnel Authorization Copy page did not overlap with the authorizations of the gauge and gauge measurement location, and the page had to be refreshed for the second operation after the copy operation. Errors have been fixed. In order to distinguish the indicators and report cards with the same name, their symbols were also brought.

  • 50860 – The start date of the automatic actions created in the performance management module was incorrect, actions were created twice for the same period, quarterly, semi-annual and annual actions were also created for monthly indicators. The automatic actions were not received when the indicator details were exported. Errors have been fixed.

  • 51025 – On the Process Management->Resources page, if the name of the resource was the same as any resource group, it gave a warning that this resource was available when it was wanted to be edited or disabled. The error has been fixed.

  • 49717 – The additional attribute value of the document type added to the process step is incorrect in the additional attribute report was appearing. The error has been fixed.

  • 51693 – When the reference process associated with the process step in the visual model of the processes was revised, the relationship was broken. The error has been fixed.

  • 51163 – On the Process Management->Process Maturity Assessment screen, an unauthorized user who was not a module administrator could add, delete and edit. With the development made, users who are not module administrators were prevented from performing related operations.

  • 51161 – In Process Management->Job Impact Value screen, an unauthorized user who is not a module administrator could add, delete and edit. With the development made, users who are not module administrators were prevented from performing related operations.

  • 51159 – In the Process Management->Digital Conversion Discomfort Assessment screen, an unauthorized user who is not the module administrator could add, delete and edit. With the development made, users who are not module administrators were prevented from performing related operations.

  • 51049 – Excel was downloading with the name "Datagrid" in the export on the passive input output page. With the improvement it was downloaded with the name "Passive Inputs & Outputs".

  • 51773 – If a data other than the user (position, user group, etc.) is selected in the Process Owner and the Process Owner value is selected in the "To Whom Revision Requests Should Go" parameter, when sending a process cancellation request, the Process Owner was empty and the request was not forwarded. The error has been fixed.

  • 51996 – If the status of the risk, opportunity and related parties and expectations added to the process is passive, "(Passive)" statement was added next to the name in the process detail.

  • 47626 – When the "Display Old Indicator Data in Indicator Details" parameter on the System Parameters->Indicators screen was activated, the data in the indicator details and the prd chart brought the data of the duplicate indicator even though the indicator had its own data. The error has been fixed.

  • 51297 – The user who is not the module admin was getting an authorization error when deleting the comment he created on the Scorecard Comments screen of the scorecard details. Error fixed.

4.Breaking Changes

  • Ensemble version and QDMS version must be installed.
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