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Emergency Situations Module(v.5.24) User Help Document
Module Version: 5.24
1.INTRODUCTION: According to Article 11 of the Occupational Health and Safety Law No. 6331, employers; It is obliged to evaluate the emergency situations that may occur in advance by taking into account the working environment, the substances used, the work equipment and the environmental conditions, to determine the possible and probable emergency situations that may affect the employees and the working environment and to take preventive and limiting measures for their negative effects. It is mandatory to carry out the necessary measurements and evaluations and to prepare emergency plans in order to be protected from the negative effects of emergency situations in the workplaces. According to Article 1 of the Occupational Health and Safety Law No. 6331, in case of serious, imminent and unavoidable danger, employers; It is obliged to make the necessary arrangements in advance and to give the necessary instructions to the employees so that they can leave the workplace immediately and go to a safe place by leaving the work. A safe meeting place should be determined at the workplace and employees should be informed about this.
The studies to be carried out in this regard should be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the "Regulation on Emergency Situations in the Workplaces" published in the Official Gazette dated June 18, 2013 and numbered 28681.
PURPOSE 2: The purpose of this help guide is to determine the path that organizations using QDMS can take during and after the implementation of the Emergency Situations Module.
3.RESPONSIBILITIES: Workplace Physician, Occupational Safety Specialist, Administrative Affairs Officer, Employer
AD: Emergencies
Emergency situations are defined as events that require emergency intervention, struggle, first aid or evacuation such as fire, explosion, spread caused by dangerous chemicals, natural disasters that may occur in all or part of the workplace.
It is the module where the preparation of emergency plans in the workplaces, prevention, protection, evacuation, fire fighting, first aid and similar issues and the safe management of these situations and the determination of the employees to be assigned to these issues, and the identification of emergency teams to intervene in emergency situations are carried out.
5.1.System Infrastructure Definitions/Emergencies
It is the menu where the infrastructure of the Emergency Situations module is created and definitions are made. According to these definitions made in the entries from the Integrated Management System menu, the data is confronted.
5.1.1.Defining a Field
Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/Emergencies/Area Definition
It is the menu where the areas that should be seen in the Emergency Team Identification, Emergency Team Member Identification, Emergency Drill Definition menus under the Integrated Management System menu are defined. The fields created here are added to the field pool.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: A new field is added.
: Used if you want to make changes to the existing field.
: Used to delete the corresponding field.
: The values of the field are defined.
To add a new field to the list, click (New) button opens the Define Field\ New Registration screen.
The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:
Area Code: The area code information is defined. Spaces should be defined without using characters such as Turkish characters, so that they are not the same as previously defined fields. E.g. '001' , 'RK'
Field Name: The domain name information is defined.
Title Note: The title note information of the field is defined.
Entry Type: The generated field determines whether the user will enter / select data or be automatically assigned by the system by the calculation method.
Field Type: Determines which of the field types created will be text, numeric, date, list, etc.
Condition to Appear: Determines whether the field in progress to define appears based on the value of another previously defined field. Its usage is [AREACODE]=ALAN_DEĞERİ and so on.
Status: The field status is selected as active or passive.
Width: The column width of the field is defined.
On the screen that opens, the field name and area code information are entered. Entry type, data entry and field type personnel are selected. The Status section is selected as active. After the required fields are filled in the Field Definition screen, the ! Registration is performed by clicking the (Save) button.
If the fields added to the pool are one of the types of list, scored list, searchable list, and the relevant field is selected, next to the buttons in the upper right corner of the screen, the Values () button appears. With the help of this button, the values of the field in the form of a list are defined.
The full list of field types available in the system is as follows;
- Text: : Adds a text box that allows manual typing.
- Text Multiline: Adds a multiline text box with no character limit allowing manual typing.
- Numeric: Performs numerical data entry.
- Numeric-Monetary: Numerical input as monetary value.
- Numeric-Unit: Numerical input as a unit.
- Date: Adds a calendar field.
- List: Makes a single selection among multiple elements.
- Scored List: Select from the drop-down menu, point values of list elements are available.
- Searchable List: Allows single and/or multiple selections to search among multiple elements with a wide search function.
- Tree List: Allows selection among multiple elements with tree breakdown so that you can search with the extensive search function.
- Staff: Allows people to be selected from the QDMS personnel database.
- Department: QDMS allows the selection of department information from the department database.
- Title: Allows title information to be selected from the QDMS title database.
- Document: Enables the selection of document information from the QDMS document database.
- Process: QDMS Allows process information to be selected from the process database.
- Management System: Enables the selection of management system information from the QDMS management system database.
- Customer: QDMS allows customer information to be selected from the customer database.
- Supplier: QDMS allows supplier information to be selected from the supplier database.
- Product Group: Enables product group information to be selected from the QDMS product group database.
- Product: Allows product information to be selected from the QDMS product database.
- Company Profile: QDMS allows company profile information to be selected from the company profile database.
- Title: Adds a title field to be written in bold letters on forms.
- File: Attaches files.
- Image: Adds images.
- Image List: Allows selection from a list of images.
- Multiple Pictures: Allows selecting multiple pictures.
- Table: Allows the creation of table-type fields. (After this type of field is added, new field definitions must be made as field values.)
- Query: A field type that can be defined to select from master data within QDMS/Ensemble databases. (Must only be identified by the Bimser Support Team) Single and multiple selections are available.
- Query Tree: A type of field that can be defined to select from tree-broken master data within QDMS/Ensemble databases. (Must only be identified by the Bimser Support Team) Single and multiple selections are available.
- Tab: Creates a new tab in which areas other than the active tab can be seen in a relationship.
- Checkbox List: A list-type field to be single- or multi-selective. In this selection type, all selection values will appear on the form on the same screen. It should not be used when the selection values are many.
- Risk: Allows values to be selected from risk-based modules. After this type of field is added, it is necessary to select which module the values will come from on the field definition screen.
- Annotated List: A field type that allows you to write a description next to the selected list value. When defining field values in the Field Definition menu, it is necessary to select whether the description box is active for each value. According to the selection made here, when the relevant selection is made in the menu where this field will be seen under the Integrated Management System menu, the box is opened next to the field value so that the user can write a description.
- Position: Enables position information to be selected from the QDMS position database.
- Time: Adds a clock-type field.
5.1.2.Function Designer
Menu name: System Infrastructure Descriptions/Emergencies/ Function Designer
With the Function Designer menu, the fields added to the field pool can be associated with the corresponding functions of the Emergency Situations module. To do this, you can go to the Function Designer menu under the System Infrastructure Definitions / Emergencies module. On the screen that opens, the functions of the Emergency Situations module to which fields can be added will be listed. On this screen, the fields to be used in the Emergency Team Identification, Emergency Team Member Identification and Emergency Drill Identification functions and their order and hierarchy detail in the approval processes are defined.
Located in the upper right corner of the screen ! With the (Fields) button, the previously defined field can be added to whichever function will be seen.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: A new field is added.
: The selected field information is updated in the list.
: The field information selected in the list is deleted.
: Clicking the New button displays the Field Identification/Functions/New Registration screen.
The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:
Field Name: Field selection is made from the fields defined in the field definition screen.
Is it mandatory? : It is selected whether the field is mandatory or not.
Obligation Message: The warning message information to be given when the required field is not filled in is written in this field.
Sequence No: The sequence number of the field is determined.
Default Role: If the value of the corresponding field is from a previously defined parent form, or if the data such as the first and last name, position, title, department, workplace of the person entering the record, etc., the role defined for them can be selected.
Do Not Change Default Value: If the selected field returns a value by default, it ensures that the value it returns does not change.
Show in grid: If the field needs to be shown in the grid, the corresponding box is checked.
Number of Rows: If the field is multiline, it is determined how many rows should appear on the data entry screen.
Column Width: In the list of records (grid) entered in the relevant module, the column width of the field is determined. Avg. for fields where the data is long. It is ideal to use 250, and 75 for fields where only numbers are entered. Considering the data to be entered in the field, it is appropriate to use a value in these ranges.
After all the required fields are filled, click ! By clicking the (Save) button, the corresponding function definition for the relevant field is registered.
The Emergency Team Identification screen displays the responsible field.
5.1.3.Emergency Types
Menu name: System Infrastructure Descriptions/Emergencies/ Emergency Types
It is the menu where Emergency Types are defined. (Fire, flood, earthquake, sabotage, etc.)
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: The new emergency type is defined.
: The emergency type information selected in the list is updated.
: The emergency type information selected in the list is deleted.
: Records can be searched by filtering.
To add a new emergency type to the Emergency Type Identification screen, click ! Clicking the (New) button displays the Emergency Type Identification/New Registration screen.
The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:
Code:** The code template for the emergency type is defined. ([NAME].### and so on.) In the System Infrastructure Definitions/BSAT/Configuration Settings/Parameters menu, the Emergency Situations module is selected as the Module. According to the code structure defined in the "Emergency Type Auto Code Template" parameter number 1 in the Emergencies parameters opened, the system automatically defines the code template.
Name: The name of the emergency type is defined.
Will Drill Be Done: If the information about whether the drill will be carried out will be activated, the relevant check box is checked. If the relevant check box is checked, two areas emerge: the exercise period and the role to perform the exercise.
Drill Period: Drill period information is defined. It is determined in which period the application will be performed.
Role to Perform Exercise: Selected from the role descriptions of the role information that will perform the exercise. (The role that will perform the exercise is defined in the System Infrastructure Definitions/BSAT/Configuration Settings/Role Definition menu.)
Must Receive: The information on what must be received is defined. These are the requirements that are needed when performing the exercise.
Pre-Notification Period (Days): The pre-notification period is set in days. It is the field where the number of days of prior notification is entered before the drill is carried out.
After the required fields are filled, click the ! By clicking the (Save) button, emergency type identification is performed.
5.1.4.Emergency Team Types
Menu name: System Infrastructure Definitions/Emergencies/ Emergency Team Types
In the Emergency Team Type Identification menu, the emergency team types available in the company are defined to the Qdms (Protection, extinguishing, search and rescue, first aid, etc.).
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
:A new emergency crew type is added.
: The emergency crew type information selected in the list is updated.
: The emergency crew type information selected in the list is deleted.
: Records can be searched by filtering.
To add a new emergency team type, click ! Clicking the (New) button displays the Emergency Crew Type Identification/New Registration screen.
The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:
Team Code: The code of the emergency crew type is defined.
Team Description: The definition of the emergency crew type is defined.
Purpose: The purpose of the emergency crew type is defined.
Associated Documents: The documents that the emergency team type is associated with are selected from the list of documents defined in the system.
Emergency Types: The emergency team type is selected from the list of emergency team types defined in the system of the emergency types information.
After the required fields are filled, click the ! By clicking the (Save) button, the emergency crew type identification registration process is performed.
5.1.5.Email Settings
Menu name: System Infrastructure Definitions/Emergencies/ E-Mail Settings
It is the menu that sets to whom and with which message body the e-mails to be created from the emergency situations module are sent.
Hover over the value to be set to the notification and click After entering the value with the (Modify) button, the appropriate message body is selected according to the roles and saved by checking the Is the email check box.
5.1.6.Emergency Module Parameters
Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/BSAT/Configuration Settings/Parameters
It is the menu for the Emergency Situations module where various adjustments can be made according to the wishes and needs of the user and parameters can be determined (selected) according to them.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: The selected parameter in the list is replaced.
: Records can be searched by filtering.
: Data can be exported to Excel.
On the Emergency Situations Module parameters screen that opens, the operations of activating the parameter value related to the parameters by selecting "Yes", deactivating the parameter by selecting the parameter value "No", entering the parameter value information and changing the entered parameter value information are performed.
Example; Parameter Activation process
While the parameter number 28 "Should the current status of the exercise be attached to the confirmation mail as an attachment file in PDF format?" is selected in the Emergency Situations Module parameters The (Edit) button is clicked.
On the parameters screen that opens, the parameter value "Yes" is selected.
! Parameter activation is performed by clicking the (Save) button.
Parameter deactivation is performed by selecting the parameter value "No" by performing the same steps and entering the parameter value information by entering the new value in the parameter value. Or the parameter value information is changed.
5.2.Integrated Management System/Emergencies
It is the part where emergency plans are defined, emergency teams are shown, reports are received in Excel format, emergency team and emergency drill approval procedures are performed.
5.2.1.Contingency Plans
Menu name: Integrated Management System/Emergencies/Contingency Plans
It is the menu where emergency teams are formed on a workplace basis and drills are planned. On the screen that opens, workplaces are listed as tree breaking. By selecting the workplace to be processed(Next) button is clicked. There are three different tabs on this screen.
With the help of the buttons in the Teams tab, the following operations can be performed;
: A new emergency team is added.
: The emergency team information selected in the list is updated.
: The emergency team information selected in the list is deleted.
: A team member is added.
: Sends the constituted emergency team for approval.
: Starts a revision.
: Used to opt out of revision.
: Displays older revisions.
: Sends the emergency team for passive approval.
: Data can be exported to Excel.
To add a new team, click ! Clicking the (New) button displays the Emergency Team Identification/New Enrollment screen.
The team type is selected from the list of team types that are defined in the system.
The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:
Crew Type: Selected from the list of Emergency Crew Type defined in the system. The system automatically issues the Emergency Team Identification code. In the System Infrastructure Definitions/BSAT/Configuration Settings/Parameters menu, the Emergency Situations module is selected as the Module. In the Emergencies parameters that open, the system automatically defines the code template according to the code structure defined in the "Emergency Team Type Code Template" parameter number 3. According to the "Emergency Team Type Counter" parameter number 4, the system automatically assigns the counter value of the template.
Status: The team's status information is shown. (draft).
Revision No: The revision number of the team is given by the system.
Revision Date: The revision date of the team is given by the system.
Last Review Date: The team's last review date is shown.
On the screen that opens, the team type of the emergency team is selected from the Emergency Team Type list defined in the system. The status information of the emergency team, revision no, revision date is given by the system. This field is selected from the list of personnel defined in the system. After the required fields are filled, click the ! By clicking the (Save) button, emergency teams identification is performed.
(Team Members) button adds a team member to the emergency team.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: A new team member is defined.
: The list updates the selected team member information.
: The team member information selected in the list is deleted.
: Displays the training that the team member has received.
To add a new team member, click ! Clicking the (New) button displays the Emergency Team Identification/New Registration screen.
The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:
Personnel: Emergency team member personnel information is selected from the personnel list defined in the system.
Task: The emergency team member's task information is selected from the task list defined in the system. In the System Infrastructure Definitions/BSAT/Configuration Settings/Constants menu, select Emergency Situations Module as the Module and select Emergency Team Tasks in the field On the screen opened by clicking the (Change) button, next to the desired options
(Change) button is Passive and Active to be displayed and displayed in this area.
Job Description: The job description of the emergency team member is entered.
On the screen that opens, the personnel are selected from the list of personnel defined in the system. The selected personnel are selected from the tasks that have the job description defined. For example, president, deputy, team member. The job description information of the assigned personnel is entered. After the required fields are filled, click the ! By clicking the (Save) button, the emergency team identification process is performed.
! The (View) button displays the trainings received by the team member and their effective dates.
! The (Back) button is clicked.
All team types to be used in the company are recorded in this way. After the teams are created (Send for Approval) button is sent for approval.
My pending work is reduced to "Creation of Emergency Teams Awaiting Approval".
The emergency team is approved or rejected by clicking on the relevant code of the emergency team to the Emergency Team Confirmation screen.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: Returns to the previous screen.
: Displays the selected emergency team in the list.
: Confirms the emergency team selected in the list.
: Rejects the emergency team selected in the list.
! Clicking the (View) button displays the Emergency Team identification screen.
! If the (Reject) button is clicked, emergency situations are rejected by typing the reason for the rejection.
The emergency team list approved by clicking the Confirm button is sent to the person by e-mail and is assigned as "Emergency Teams I Am Assigned to" in the "My Pending Tasks" menu.
By selecting the workplace in the Integrated Management System/Emergencies/Emergency Plans menu! The (Next) button is clicked.
On the Emergency Teams screen, the Sketches and Drills tabs are clicked.
With the Sketches tab, sketches of emergency plans can be added as additional files.
The Drills tab defines the drills that the workplace is responsible for carrying out within the scope of emergency plans.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: A new drill is defined.
: The drill information selected in the list is updated.
: The drill information selected in the list is deleted.
: Records can be searched by filtering.
:The data can be exported to Excel.
: Images in PDF format.
To add a new drill, click (New) button is clicked to display the Drill tab/New Registration screen.
The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:
Drill Code: The drill code information is automatically given by the system. In the System Infrastructure Definitions/BSAT/Configuration Settings/Parameters menu, the Emergency Situations module is selected as the Module. In the Emergencies parameters that are opened, it defines the code template defined in the "Emergency Drill auto Code Template" parameter number 5. According to the value in the parameter in the "Emergency Drill Counter" parameter number 6, the code assignment of the template according to the value in the counter value in the template is made by the system.
Drill Name: The drill name information is defined.
Emergency Type: The emergency type is selected from the list of emergency type information defined in the system.
Exercise Officer: The drill supervisor is selected from the list of personnel whose information is defined in the system.
Drill Location: Drill location information is defined.
Exercise Date: Exercise date information is defined.
Drill Time: Drill time information is defined.
Equipment Used: The equipment used is written.
Drill Team: The drill team information is selected in the Emergency Team list defined in the system.
On the screen that opens, the drill code is given automatically by the system. The name of the exercise is defined, the emergency type information is selected from the Emergency Team Type list defined in the system and the drill officer is selected from the personnel list defined in the system. The location of the exercise is written, the date and time of the exercise is entered. If there is equipment used, it is written. The exercise team is selected from the list of emergency teams defined in the system. When the drill time comes, a notification e-mail is sent to the drill supervisor. After the required fields are filled, click the ! By clicking the (Send for Approval) button, the exercise is sent for approval.
The exercise leading up to approval is assigned as "Pending Tasks" "Drills to Complete".
By clicking on the relevant drill code, the exercise is approved or rejected.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: Returns to the previous screen.
: The selected emergency drill is displayed in the list.
: The emergency drill selected in the list is approved.
: The emergency drill selected in the list is rejected.
! Clicking the (View) button displays the emergency drill.
! If the (Reject) button is clicked, the emergency drill is rejected by typing the reason for the rejection.
(Confirm) button to display the Emergency Drill Description screen.
(Confirm) button to complete the emergency drill.
5.2.2.Emergency Teams I Have Been Assigned To
Menu name: Integrated Management Systems/ Emergencies/ Emergency Teams I Work With
It is the menu that shows the emergency teams that have been deployed.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: Data can be exported to Excel.
If the Export to Excel button is pressed, the system automatically presents the list of Emergency Teams I Work Assigned to the user in Excel format.
5.2.3.Emergency Team Approval
Menu name: Integrated Management Systems/ Emergencies/ Emergency Team Approval
It is the menu from which the emergency teams created are approved.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: Returns to the previous screen.
: The selected emergency team is displayed in the list.
: The emergency team selected in the list is approved.
: The emergency team selected in the list is rejected.
Selected emergency team ! Clicking the (View) button displays the emergency team.
While the emergency team is selected (Reject) button by clicking the reason for the rejection and confirming it
While the emergency team is selected(Confirmation) button to confirm the emergency team.
5.2.4.Emergency Exercise Approval
Menu name: Integrated Management Systems/ Emergencies/ Emergency Drill Approval
It is the menu from which the approval of emergency drills is carried out.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: Returns to the previous screen.
: Displays the emergency drill selected in the list.
: Confirms the emergency drill selected in the list.
: Rejects the emergency drill selected in the list.
Emergency drill (View) button to display the emergency drill.
While the emergency drill is selected (reject) is rejected by clicking the button and confirming by typing the reason for rejection.
While the emergency drill is selected! Clicking the (confirmation) button opens the Defining the emergency drill screen.
By clicking the (Confirmation) button, the emergency drill completion is confirmed.
5.2.5.Reports Teams
Menu name: Integrated Management Systems/ Emergencies/ Reports/ Emergency Teams
It is the report that indicates which team is in which workplace. This report provides information on areas such as Team Type, Workplace, Revision No., Revision Date, Last Review Date, and Status.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: Returns to the previous screen.
:Displays team members detail information.
: Records can be searched by filtering.
: Data can be exported to Excel.
! If the (Export to Excel) button is pressed, the system automatically generates the Emergency Teams Report and presents it to the user in Excel format.
(Team Members) button to display the Team Members Detail Information.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: Data can be exported to Excel.
:Log out of the Team Members screen.
(Export to Excel) button is pressed, the system automatically presents the team members' detail information to the user in Excel format. Drills
Menu name: Integrated Management Systems/ Emergencies/ Reports/ Emergency Drills
It is the report that gives the drill lists on a workplace basis. In this report, information is given about areas such as Workplace, Drill Code, Drill Name, Status Type Code, Situation Type Name, Responsible Name, Responsible Surname, Exercise Location, Status and Exercise Date.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: Records can be searched by filtering.
: The list of available Emergency Drills can be exported to Excel.
:Displays the Team Members List.
If the Export to Excel button is pressed, the system automatically generates the Emergency Drills Report and presents it to the user in Excel format.
(Team Members) button to display the Emergency Team List.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: Displays team members detail information.
:Exit the Emergency Team List screen.
Clicking the Team Members button displays the detail information of the team members.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
:Data can be exported to Excel.
:Log out of the Team Members screen.
(Export to Excel) button is pressed, the system automatically presents the team members' detail information to the user in Excel format.