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Supplier Evaluation


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Supplier Assessment Module (v.5.24) User Help Document

Module Version: 5.24

1.INTRODUCTION: The Supplier Evaluation Module is a module that enables institutions to evaluate suppliers according to the determined criteria through a survey.

PURPOSE 2: The purpose of this help guide is; To ensure that supplier surveys are transferred to the electronic environment, the resulting data can be stored and analyzed.

3.ABBREVIATIONS: QDMS: Quality Document Management System, SAT: System Infrastructure Definitions, BSAT: Bimser System Infrastructure Definitions


Your institution evaluates its suppliers through surveys according to the criteria you specify, By defining your supplier groups, sending the same survey format to your suppliers in the same group, bringing your suppliers to the system after group definition, defining your suppliers as an Evaluation Category according to 3, 5 or any scale in your company for the acceptance of your suppliers and giving different colors to these categories, your suppliers are accepted It is the module that allows it to express its status with colors such as red, yellow, green.

4.1.System Infrastructure Definitions

It is the part where the necessary definitions are made in order to create the infrastructure of the Supplier Evaluation Module. According to the definitions made, these data are used and seen in the entries from the Integrated Management System menu. In this section, there are Evaluation Categories, Supplier Survey Templates and Question Lists Definition menus.

4.1.1.Supplier Groups

Menu Name: SAT/BSAT/Definitions/Supplier Groups

It is the menu in which the supplier groups are defined. For example, cargo companies, food companies. In the Supplier Evaluation Module, first of all, supplier groups must be defined. We build relationships with these groups when defining our customers and suppliers. The importance of these groups will then be revealed in supplier survey templates. We ask different questions for each group. We ask different questions for shipping companies, different questions for food companies, and different questions for stationery companies. Therefore, we do not prepare individual questions, we can do this by grouping them for each supplier.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

Untitled1: A new supplier group is defined.

Untitled1: The selected supplier group information is updated in the list.

Untitled1: The supplier group information selected in the list is deleted.

: Exports the existing supplier list to Excel.

: Records can be searched by filtering.

To add a new supplier group to the Supplier Group identification screen, click the ! Clicking the (new) button displays the Supplier Group Identification/New Registration screen.

The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:

Description: The name of the supplier group is entered.

After the required fields are filled, click the ! By clicking the (Save) button, the supplier group identification registration process is performed.

4.1.2.Customer-Supplier Identification

Menu Name: SAT/BSAT/Definitions/Customer-Supplier Identification

It is the menu where the definition of customers or suppliers is made in the System Infrastructure Definitions. In the Supplier Evaluation Module, supplier selection is made from the company types defined in the system in the "Type" field in order to associate with supplier groups in the customer-supplier definition. After selecting suppliers from company types, a field opens under the name of "Supplier Groups". In the opened field, supplier group selection is made and association with supplier groups is made in customer-supplier definition.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

Untitled1: A new customer-supplier is defined.

Untitled1: The selected customer-supplier information is updated in the list.

Untitled1: The customer-supplier information selected in the list is deleted.

: Exports the existing customer-supplier list to Excel.

: Records can be searched by filtering.

To add a new Customer-Supplier to the Customer-Supplier identification screen, click ! Clicking the (new) button displays the Customer-Supplier Identification/New Registration screen.

The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:

Company Code: The code of the identified company is entered. Turkish characters and spaces should not be used. Example: "TDS", "001", "T03"

Name: The name of the identified company is entered.

Type: Selected from the types of companies in the system. Company types are individual, corporate and supplier. (To change the names of company types or to Disable those that will not be used, go to the BSAT/Configuration Settings/Constants menu. For detailed information, System Infrastructure Definitions User Help Document should be examined.)

Supplier Group: Opens in relation to the type of defined company when Supplier is selected. The defined supplier groups are listed in the System Infrastructure Definitions/Definitions/Supplier Groups menu. This is the field from which the listed supplier groups can be selected.

Status: The status portion of the identified company is selected as "Active" or "Passive". The defined Customer or Supplier status must be selected as "Active". Deletion should not be performed for customers or suppliers who have been previously used but will not be used, the relevant record should be updated and the status should be selected as "Passive".

Workplace Code: The workplace code of the identified company is entered. Turkish characters and spaces should not be used. Example: "TDS", "001", "T03"

Address: The address of the identified company is entered.

City: The city where the identified company is located is entered.

Country: Enter the country where the identified company is located.

Phone: The phone number of the identified company is entered.

Mobile Phone: The mobile phone number of the identified company is entered.

Fax: The fax number of the identified company is entered.

Responsible: The name and surname of the identified company responsible is entered.

Email: The Email information of the identified company is entered.

Language:** The language of the identified company is selected from the language options defined in the system.

Description: Detailed information about the identified company is entered.

After the required fields are filled, click the ! By clicking the (Save) button, the customer-supplier identification registration process is performed.

4.1.3.Evaluation Categories

Menu Name: System Infrastructure Descriptions/Supplier Evaluation/Evaluation Categories

It is the menu from which the evaluation of suppliers is carried out. There is an obligation to make a classification at the evaluation stage. Depending on the companies, the structure of 3 or 5 scale evaluation categories is defined. "Very good", "Good", "Medium", "Bad" and "Very Poor" are examples of 5-point scale evaluation category structure. An evaluation category structure of "Acceptable?", "Conditionally acceptable?" or "Unacceptable" 3-point scale can also be defined in the Evaluation Categories. The 3-fold scale commonly used is the evaluation category structure.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

Untitled1: A new rating category is defined.

Untitled1: The list updates the information for the selected assessment categories.

Untitled1: The information for the assessment categories selected in the list is deleted.

: Exports the list of available assessment categories to Excel.

: Records can be searched by filtering.

To add a new assessment category to the assessment categories definition screen, click ! Clicking the (New) button displays the Define Assessment Categories/New Registration screen.

The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:

Color: The score can be associated with the rating category and the color it will receive can be selected. As a result of the evaluation, the relevant definition is indicated by the associated color. Example, red for "Unacceptable" and yellow for "Acceptable".

Description: The name of the defined evaluation category is entered.

Lower Limit: The value given for the lower limit is entered in the score range (according to the scale of 10 or 100) determined for the evaluation category.

Lower Limit Within Range: If the value given for the lower limit is to be included in the score range determined for the evaluation category, the relevant check box should be checked.

Upper Limit: The upper limit information of the score (according to the scale of 10 or 100) is entered.

Upper Limit Within Range: If the score is within the upper limit range, the relevant mark must be checked in the check box.

Is It Acceptable?: The question "Is it acceptable?" is selected from the corresponding options. determines the acceptability of the supplier as a result of the evaluation category.

After the required fields are filled, click the ! By clicking the (Save) button, the evaluation category identification registration process is performed.

4.1.4.Defining a Question List

Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/Vendor Evaluation/Question List Definition

It is the menu where the question lists are created in the Supplier Evaluation Module and the questions of the relevant question lists are defined.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

Untitled1: A new list of questions is defined.

Untitled1: The selected question list is updated.

Untitled1: The selected question list is deleted.

: Questions for the selected question list are generated.

: The selected question is copied.

: Exports the current list of questions to Excel.

: Records can be searched by filtering.

To add a new list of questions, click ! Clicking the (new) button displays the Define Question List/New Registration screen.

Question List Definition: The name of the question list is entered.

After the required field is filled, click ! By clicking the (save) button, the process of defining the list of questions is performed.

After the question list definition process, the question list is selected ! Survey questions are created by clicking the (questions) button.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

: Back Button: Switches to the previous page.

: Print Button: Allows printing questions.

: Add Title Button: This button is used if you want to add a title by segmenting the survey. The question number after each heading is 1. The page that opens when the button is clicked is as follows.

: Add Information Entry Button: Provides a text-type response field to people who fill out the survey.

Question Text: The text of the question to be asked is written in Turkish. In case of use in other languages, the question to be asked is entered in the field of the relevant languages.

Line Count:** The number of lines is used to determine the length of the text. If it is 0 or 1, the field to respond to is seen as a single line.

The obligation to answer the question is determined from this field. If there is an obligation to answer, saving is not allowed when the question is not answered, it gives a warning message.

Related Question/Option: If the defined question is related to another question option in the question list, it is selected in this field. This allows the identified problem to be displayed depending on the option.

: Add Option Button: Allows adding question type with options. Options can also be multiple-choice or scored. The calculation method should also be determined for the scored options.

Question Text: The text of the question to be asked is written in Turkish. In case of use in other languages, the question to be asked is entered in the field of the relevant languages.

Options: The options for the defined question are entered.

Option-Score: If it is a question with a scored option, the values of the defined options are entered. The obligation to answer the question is determined from this field. If there is an obligation to answer, saving is not allowed when the question is not answered, it gives a warning message. The single or multiple selection method is determined for the options of the question. Single-line or multi-line is selected from the options to list the options for the question in a single row or bottom by bottom.

Calculation Method: The calculation method should be selected in cases where more than one can be selected for the defined questions with a scored option.

Weighted Score: The question identified must be scored first. If there is a weight difference between the questions, the numerical value is written. The system multiplies the written value by the score of the option to create the score of the question.

Related Question/Option: If the defined question is related to another question option in the question list, it is selected in this field. This allows the identified problem to be displayed depending on the option.

: Add Sort Button: This is the type of question used for the options that are asked to be sorted. People sort the options for the question by preference.

Question Text: The text of the question to be asked is written in Turkish. In case of use in other languages, the question to be asked is entered in the field of the relevant languages.

Options: The options for the defined question are entered.

Related Question/Option: If the defined question is related to another question option in the question list, it is selected in this field. This allows the identified problem to be displayed depending on the option.

: Add Multi-Select List Button: If there are too many options in the question you want to create and they need to be selected like a mark list, a question of the multi-selection list type can be added.

Question Text: The text of the question to be asked is written in Turkish. In case of use in other languages, the question to be asked is entered in the field of the relevant languages.

Options: The options for the defined question are entered.

Option-Score: If it is a question with a scored option, the values of the defined options are entered. The obligation to answer the question is determined from this field. If there is an obligation to answer, saving is not allowed when the question is not answered, it gives a warning message.

Min/Max Selection Count: The number of options that are desired to be selected at least and most from the options of the question is written numerically. If 2 is entered in the Example min field, people must select at least two options.

Calculation Method: The calculation method should be selected in cases where more than one can be selected for the defined questions with a scored option.

Weighted Score: The question identified must be scored first. If there is a weight difference between the questions, the numerical value is written. The system multiplies the written value by the score of the option to create the score of the question.

Related Question/Option: If the defined question is related to another question option in the question list, it is selected in this field. This allows the identified problem to be displayed depending on the option.

: Add Drop-Down List Button: This is the question type used for questions with options. Allows the options for the question to be selected from the list.

Question Text: The text of the question to be asked is written in Turkish. In case of use in other languages, the question to be asked is entered in the field of the relevant languages.

Options: The options for the defined question are entered.

Option-Score: If it is a question with a scored option, the values of the defined options are entered. The obligation to answer the question is determined from this field. If there is an obligation to answer, saving is not allowed when the question is not answered, it gives a warning message.

Min/Max Selection Count: The number of options that are desired to be selected at least and most from the options of the question is written numerically. If 2 is entered in the Example min field, people must select at least two options.

Calculation Method: The calculation method should be selected in cases where more than one can be selected for the defined questions with a scored option.

Weighted Score: The question identified must be scored first. If there is a weight difference between the questions, the numerical value is written. The system multiplies the written value by the score of the option to create the score of the question.

Related Question/Option: If the defined question is related to another question option in the question list, it is selected in this field. This allows the identified problem to be displayed depending on the option.

: Add Predefined Selection Button: A question type used for department, customer, staff, or product selection. According to the type of selection, the system creates a question with options. When the sample department is defined as a selected question, the department list is displayed as an option.

Question Text: The text of the question to be asked is written in Turkish. In case of use in other languages, the question to be asked is entered in the field of the relevant languages. If there is an obligation to answer, saving is not allowed when the question is not answered, it gives a warning message.

Related Question/Option: If the defined question is related to another question option in the question list, it is selected in this field. This allows the identified problem to be displayed depending on the option.

Selection Type: Determines the type of problem identified. A department, staff, customer, or product is selected from the list.

: Add Date Button: Used for date-type question identification. In the defined field, people select the desired date from the calendar.

Question Text: The text of the question to be asked is written in Turkish. In case of use in other languages, the question to be asked is entered in the field of the relevant languages. If there is an obligation to answer, saving is not allowed when the question is not answered, it gives a warning message.

Related Question/Option: If the defined question is related to another question option in the question list, it is selected in this field. This allows the identified problem to be displayed depending on the option.

A questionnaire is created by making question definitions.

4.1.5.Supplier Survey Templates

Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/ Supplier Evaluation/Supplier Survey Templates

It is the menu where supplier survey templates are defined. The page that opens lists the supplier groups that are defined. Supplier evaluation is carried out through the survey template created for the relevant supplier group.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

: A survey template is created for the supplier group selected in the list.

: Records can be searched by filtering.

By selecting the listed supplier group on the screen that opens! Click the (Create survey template) button.

The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:

Is it periodic: "No" should be selected if the survey template is not periodic, and "Yes" should be selected if it is desired to repeat it periodically.

Duration (Month): For the surveys that are requested to be carried out periodically, the duration is entered on a monthly basis. Like example 3. In this way, the system reopens the survey at 3 month intervals.

Pre-Notification Period(Days): The number of days in which the survey template will be notified is entered to be completed.

Start Date: If the survey template is periodic, the periodic start date is entered.

Authorized User Groups: The groups of users who are authorized to create or edit new surveys on the survey template are selected.

Description: A description of the selected template, if any, is entered.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

Untitled1: A new approver is added.

Untitled1: The list updates the selected approver information.

Untitled1: The approver information selected in the list is deleted.

: Survey template registration is performed.

The supplier survey templates menu lists supplier groups. For example, shipping carriers are selected from the list. The Create survey template button is clicked. "Yes" is selected if the survey template is periodic, and "No" is selected if it is not periodic. If "Yes" is selected in periodicity, an interval is set and a start date is selected accordingly. On the designated start date, the first periodic survey is opened. After that, the system starts to open other surveys automatically. Opens by month. They can create people who are authorized when they create a new survey in the Authorized user groups area. The user who will perform the task of creating a new survey is selected from the list of groups. In the explanatory information field on the questionnaire, detailed information is made.

To add a new approver, click (Add validator) button is clicked to display the Define Survey Sections/New Registration screen.

The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:

Question List: Select from the list of questions created in the SAT/Supplier Evaluation/Question List Definition menu.

Approver Type: Can be selected from the list of approver type defined in the system. Personnel, position and role selection can be made.

Approver: The approver is selected from a list of approvers based on the type of type selection (role, personnel, position).

Level: The level of validators defined for the approval ranking is written.

Weight: The weight ratio of the questionnaire is determined.

Post-Fill Information: Post-fill information is selected from a list of validator definitions.

Approver Message Body: The approver defined in the system is selected from the message body list.

Informational Message Body: Selected from the list of information message body defined in the system.

Filling Time: The time it takes to fill out the questionnaire is determined.

Clicking the New button displays the screen for defining survey sections. In the Question list field, the list of questions defined in the system is selected. By selecting the approver type, the task of surveying the personnel type, role type or position type to the persons, positions, roles, personnel falls. For example, "My Cargo company is evaluated as follows. At level one, we go to the person in the approver and average the weight at 60%." The survey also has a weight in itself. There is a weighted average method in the people who will go for approval on the survey sections identification screen. Once filled, it is selected who will be informed from this questionnaire. If there are any information to be informed after filling, they are selected. After it is sent for approval, the e-mail to the approver is selected from the message body list defined in the system. In the same way, if there are those who will be informed, the message body should be selected for them. (For this, two separate message bodies must be defined in the system. If there is no such thing or if the content of the message is desired to be changed, go to the SAT/BSAT/Definitions/Message Body Identification menu and select the Supplier Evaluation Module from the filter.) The fill time field at the bottom of the page determines the time it takes to fill out the survey. Delay mails are also determined according to the time it takes to fill out the survey. (If the parameter value of 1 is selected "Yes", delay mails are sent. Parameter 8 for supervisors who are asked not to send delay mails, parameter 14 for user groups or parameter 15 for titles should be filled. The required explanations are included in the parameter values.)

After the required fields are filled, click the ! By clicking the (Save) button, the registration process of defining the survey sections is performed.

Role definition is made for the people who are determined for approval or who will be notified by e-mail. If there is a new/different role to be defined, it is done by the Bimser Support / Consultancy team from the BSAT/SAT/Configuration Settings/Role Definition menu.

4.2.Integrated Management System

Within the scope of the Supplier Evaluation Module, Supplier Surveys are defined and Graphs are displayed.

4.2.1.Supplier Surveys

Menu Name: Integrated Management System/Supplier Evaluation/Supplier Surveys

On the Supplier surveys page, suppliers are listed as associated with supplier groups.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

: The supplier questionnaire is published and sent to the people in the stream to fill out.

: Used for surveys on criteria identified as unacceptable on the Define rating category page. It is used to send unacceptable surveys for approval.

: The View button displays supplier surveys.

:Supplier survey approval history information is displayed.

: Data can be exported to Excel.

(New) button is clicked and the questionnaire is published and sent to the person in the stream to fill it out. (Again! When clicking the new button , you will be greeted with the notification message "You will not reproduce it because there is a survey that is live".)

The published survey is listed as "Supplier Surveys to be Completed" in the pending work of the relevant person. The survey is filled out by clicking on the relevant supplier code.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

http://qdmsv522.bimser.local/Common/Images/font-size-increase.png: Used to make the typefaces of the survey larger or smaller.

: Uses a print button for printing.

: Uses a Save as draft button to save the answers made and continue the survey later.

: If you want to exit without answering the questions, the back button is used.

: Used to send questions after answering.

The person in the flow fills out the supplier questionnaire.

The person in the flow fills out the survey by clicking on the relevant supplier code.

Once filled, the survey ! It is saved by clicking the (save) bot.

The Integrated Management Systems/Supplier Evaluation/Supplier Surveys menu is clicked.

The acceptance status of the survey appears as no in the grid.

! The (View) button displays the supplier survey listings.

On the supplier survey selected in the supplier survey list! The content of the surveys can be viewed in detail by clicking the (view) button.

Supplier A confirmation flow is initiated to Start acceptable approval so that the status of the survey is "Approved acceptance". People in senior management positions are relegated to the task. That person cannot be accepted according to the survey but to start the acceptance status in the form of approved acceptance to see if you approve the survey(Start acceptance confirmation) button is clicked

The work of the person concerned is deducted as "Admissibility Approval" in my pending work.

The relevant supplier code is clicked.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

: Supplier surveys are displayed.

:The Check History information is displayed.

: Data can be exported to Excel.

: The supplier survey is rejected.

: The supplier survey is approved.

(View) button to display the Supplier Survey Listings.

By clicking the (Confirm) button, the Supplier confirms the Acceptable approval of the questionnaire by typing the Confirmation note information.

A "Selected has been made acceptable" warning message is given by the system

In the list of the Supplier Survey in the system, the acceptance status of the Supplier Survey is displayed as "Approved Acceptance".

(Show Approval History) button to display the Supplier Survey's Approval History information.


Menu Name: Integrated Management System /Supplier Evaluation /Charts

This is the part where the graphs related to the Supplier Evaluation Module are displayed. Stories Analysis

Menu Name: Integrated Management System / Supplier Evaluation / Graphs / Most Analysis

To get the most analysis chart, click the most charts analysis menu.

The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:

Chart Name: Comes filled with "Most Analyzed". If desired, the chart can be deleted and renamed.

Maximum: The most value (numeric) that is desired to be shown in the chart is entered according to the criteria selected on the x-axis. A value of 5 comes automatically defined. This allows up to five values to be displayed on the x-axis according to the selected criteria.

X Axis: The criteria for the desired chart to be created is selected. The acceptance status in the list is based on the rating category, minimum score or maximum score.

Main Theme: Comes in automatic definition. A graphic can be created by selecting the desired theme from the list.

Color Palette: Comes in automatic definition. A chart can be created by selecting the desired color from the list.

Chart Title: The chart title is automatically generated based on the chart name and criteria selected on the x-axis. Changes can be made if desired.

Graphic Width: The standard width is defined as 800. It can be changed at will.

Chart Size: The standard size is defined as 600. It can be changed at will.

Chart Type: Two types of charts can be created, "PieChart" or "Bar". The bar option lists the column shape, and the piechart option creates the pie chart.

Supplier: Allows the selection of suppliers from the list and the creation of a chart according to the supplier.

Supplier Group: Provides graphical creation according to supplier group by selecting supplier group from the list.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

: Plots the graph on the screen according to the specified properties.

: Converts the desired graphic to the selected format type (excel, jpg, pdf, etc.) and exports it to the external environment.

: Chart data is exported in Excel list format.

(Draw Graph) button is clicked to get the Most Analysis Chart according to the specified areas.