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Board Meeting


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Board Meeting Module (v.5.24) User Help Document

Module Version: 5.24

1.INTRODUCTION: "QDMS Board Meeting Module", OHS Board Meeting held within the company

It is the Module that includes all the processes of activities such as meetings and meetings from the planning stage to the completion stage and ensures that they are followed.

2.PURPOSE: The purpose of this help guide is; To explain the working process of the QDMS "Board Meeting" Module. This Module is used for the management of Board Meeting activities through the system.


QDMS: Quality Document Management System


With the Board Meeting Module, announcements of planned meetings, realization of meetings, assignment and follow-up of actions planned as a result of meetings are made. The decisions taken after a meeting can be entered into the system and assignments can be made in relation to these decisions.

4.1.System Infrastructure Definitions/Board Meeting

It is the part where the infrastructure of the Board Meeting Module is created and the definitions are made. These are the menus where infrastructure definitions such as Meeting Source Identification, Area Definition and Function Designer are made. It is mandatory to use the Meeting Resource Identification Module in these menus. Field definition and Function Designer can be used when extra space is required. a Meeting Source

Menu name: System Infrastructure Definitions/Board Meeting/Meeting Resource Identification

The Meeting Resource is the menu from which the identification process is performed. Meeting resources allow meeting information to be presented to the user as a template when a new meeting is wanted to be planned under the Integrated Management System menu, and at the same time allow meetings to be collected under headings.

The meeting source is in the form of a tree and can be sub-broken as desired.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

Untitled1: A new Meeting Resource is defined.

Untitled1: The list updates the selected Meeting Resource information.

Untitled1: The selected Meeting Resource information can be deleted from the list.

To add a new Meeting Resource to the Meeting Resource screen, click (New) button to display the Meeting Template Definition screen.

The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:

Parent Process Resource:** This is the area where the parent process resource information can be selected from the Meeting Resources previously defined in the system. If meeting resources need to have a breakdown structure, the top breakdown selection should be performed in this area.

Code:** The field where the meeting resource's code is entered.

Code Template:** The field where the meeting resource's code template information is entered. On the meeting scheduling screen, the automatic code counter information for the meeting, which is defined by the meeting resource, is entered.

Counter: This is the area where the counter information for the meeting resource is entered. Whichever number the code counter should start from, this number is determined and written in this field.

Description: The name of the meeting resource is entered.

Description Template: Enter the relevant shortcode information about how you want the meeting description entered on the meeting scheduling screen to appear.

Periodicity: Determines whether the meeting source is periodic or not. If the identified meeting resource is periodic, the "Yes" option is selected.

Period: The period is defined by selecting the meeting resource periodic option and the period unit (day, month) is selected from the options.

Format to Publish: This is the area where the Excel template to be used when it is necessary to export the meetings held by selecting the meeting source to Excel is introduced to the system. The Meeting Minutes Format to be used with the "Upload Template" button in this field is uploaded to the system.

Future Meeting Date: The date and time of the next meeting scheduled to occur is selected.

Pre-Notification: The number of days in advance that the meeting pre-notification will be given to the participants is entered.

Participation Confirmation Period: It is determined how many days the meeting participants must submit their participation confirmation from the system.

DÖF Compute Resource: The transaction resource of the DÖFs that can be opened in accordance with the meeting decisions is selected from the DÖF transaction resources defined in the system.

Source Code: The action source of the actions that can be planned in line with the meeting decisions is selected from the action sources defined in the system.

Who Can See It: In line with the decisions of the meeting, it is determined whether the actions will be seen by everyone or only by the specified people, as determined in the action module.

On the Participants tab; The personnel who are scheduled to attend the meeting and their authorities are selected.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

Untitled1: A new Attendee is added.

Untitled1: The selected Participant information in the list is updated.

Untitled1: The Participant information selected in the list can be deleted.

:Data can be exported to Excel.

Meeting Template—To add a new participant to the Attendees screen, click ! Clicking the (New) button displays the Participant Identification screen.

The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:

User Type: Select the User/ Position/ Role or User Group to be added as a participant.

User/ Position/ Role/ User Group: The corresponding selection screen opens according to the participant type selected as User Type. Participant selection is carried out from this area.

  • User: The user to be added as a participant can be selected from the Staff list.
  • Position: The user to be added as a participant can be selected from the Position list.
  • Role: The role defined in the Role Definition screen can be selected for the user to be added as a participant.
  • User Group: A user group can be selected from the User Group list for the user to be added as a participant.

Task: Enter the attendee's job description information within the scope of the meeting.

Chair: If the attendee is the meeting chair, the corresponding check box is checked.

Scheduling: If the participant has scheduling authority, the corresponding check box is checked.

Adding Agenda: If the participant has the authority to add an agenda, the corresponding check box is checked.

Decision Making: If the participant has the authority to decide, the corresponding check box is checked.

Sequence No: The participant sequence number is entered.

Meeting Template After filling in the required fields on the Participant Identification screen, click ! Clicking the (Save) button performs the Meeting Template Participant Identification. The participants added on this page are automatically presented to the user from the system for the meetings to be scheduled under the Integrated Management System menu. The relevant user can add and subtract participants for meetings that are in the draft stage. The use of this space will make sense when the people attending the respective meeting are often the same people or when most of the participants are usually the same people.

Agendas; tab of the draft meeting agenda.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

Untitled1: A new Agenda is defined.

Untitled1: The selected Agenda information in the list is updated.

Untitled1: The selected Agenda information in the list can be deleted.

: The data can be exported to Excel.

To add a new Agenda to the Meeting Template Agendas screen, click ! Clicking the (New) button displays the Meeting Template Agenda Definition screen.

The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:

Agenda Definition: An agenda item is defined without being detailed.

Agenda Description: A detailed description of the defined agenda item is entered.

After the required fields are filled, click the ! Clicking the (Save) button performs the Meeting Template Agenda Definition process.

After filling in the required fields in all the tabs, the ! The (Record) button allows you to identify the meeting resource by performing the recording process.

4.1.2.Field Identification

Menu name: System Infrastructure Definitions/Board Meeting/Area Definition

In the Board Meeting Module, in addition to the fields in the meeting template definition or meeting item creation menus, some user-defined fields can be defined in the system. Fields defined by the field definition menu are saved in the field pool.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

Untitled1: A new field is added.

Untitled1: Used if changes are to be made to the existing field.

Untitled1: Used to delete the corresponding field.

: The values of the field are defined.

To add a new Field to the Field Definition screen, click ! Clicking the (New) button displays the Field Definition/New Registration screen.

The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:

Area Code: The area code information is defined. Spaces should be defined without using characters such as Turkish characters, so that they are not the same as previously defined fields. E.g. '001' , 'RK'

Field Name: The domain name information is defined.

Title Note: The title note information of the field is defined.

Entry Type: The generated field determines whether the user will enter / select data or be automatically assigned by the system by the calculation method.

Field Type: Determines which of the field types created will be text, numeric, date, list, etc.

Condition to Appear: Determines whether the field in progress to define appears based on the value of another previously defined field. Its usage is [AREACODE]=ALAN_DEĞERİ and so on. (For example, Is there a deal? The area code of the field is 01; The area code for the Opportunity field is 02. If you change the "Opportunity" field to, "Is there an opportunity?" If the value code "Yes" with the value code 100 is selected from the options in the field, the numbers 02 should be written in the "Opportunity" field appear in the Condition for appearance section, as follows: [01]=100)

Status: The field status is selected as active or passive.

Width: The column width of the field is defined.

After the required fields are filled in the field definition screen, click ! Registration is performed by clicking the (Save) button.

If the fields added to the pool are one of the types of fields that need to be added to the value, such as List, Scored List, Searchable List or Scored List, etc., if the relevant field is selected, between the buttons in the upper right corner of the screen! The (Values) button appears. With the help of this button, the values of the field in the form of a list are defined.

The full list of field types available in the system is as follows;

  • Text: Adds a text box that allows manual typing.
  • Text Multiline: Adds a multiline text box with no character limit allowing manual typing.
  • Numeric: Performs numerical data entry.
  • Numeric-Monetary: Numerical input as monetary value.
  • Numeric-Unit: Numerical input as a unit.
  • Date: Adds a calendar field.
  • List: Makes a single selection among multiple elements.
  • Scored List: Select from the drop-down menu, point values of list elements are available.
  • Searchable List: Allows single and/or multiple selections to search among multiple elements with a wide search function.
  • Tree List: Allows selection among multiple elements with tree breakdown so that you can search with the extensive search function.
  • Staff: Allows people to be selected from the QDMS personnel database.
  • Department: QDMS allows the selection of department information from the department database.
  • Title: Allows title information to be selected from the QDMS title database.
  • Document: Enables document selection from the QDMS document database.
  • Process: Enables process selection from the QDMS process database.
  • Management System: Enables the selection of management system information from the QDMS management system database.
  • Customer: QDMS allows customer information to be selected from the customer database.
  • Supplier: QDMS allows supplier information to be selected from the supplier database.
  • Product Group: Enables product group information to be selected from the QDMS product group database.
  • Product: Allows product information to be selected from the QDMS product database.
  • Company Profile: QDMS allows company profile information to be selected from the company profile database.
  • Title: Adds a title field to be written in bold letters on forms.
  • File: Will bring up the appropriate space for file insertion
  • Image: Will bring up the appropriate space for image insertion
  • Image List: Allows selection from a list of images.
  • Multiple Pictures: Allows selecting multiple pictures.
  • Table: Allows the creation of table-type fields. (After this type of field is added, new field definitions must be made as field values.)
  • Query: A field type that can be defined to select from master data within QDMS/Ensemble databases. (Must only be identified by the Bimser Support Team) Single and multiple selections are available.
  • Query Tree: A type of field that can be defined to select from tree-broken master data within QDMS/Ensemble databases. (Must only be identified by the Bimser Support Team) Single and multiple selections are available.
  • Tab: Creates a new tab in which the fields can be seen by establishing a relationship outside the tab with the fields in the current risk assessment form.
  • Checkbox List: A list-type field to be selected single or multiple on demand.
  • Risk: Allows values to be selected from risk-based modules. After this type of field is added, it is necessary to select which module the values will come from on the field definition screen.
  • Annotated List: A field type that allows you to write a description next to the selected list value. When defining field values in the Field Definition menu, it is necessary to select whether the description box is active for each value. According to the selection made here, when the relevant selection is made in the menu where this field will be seen under the Integrated Management System menu, the box is opened next to the field value so that the user can write a description.
  • Position: Enables position information to be selected from the QDMS position database.
  • Time: Adds a clock-type field.

4.1.3.Function Designer

Menu name: System Infrastructure Definitions/Board Meeting/ Function Designer

With the Function Designer feature, the fields added to the field pool can be associated with the relevant pages of the Board Meeting Modules. After the Field Definition process is done, the next process is to determine which parts of the module this field will be used in. On the screen that opens, the functions of the Board Meeting Module that can be added will be listed.

(Fields) button opens the screen where the fields will be associated with the relevant function.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

Untitled1: A new field is added.

Untitled1: The selected field in the list is replaced.

Untitled1: The selected field can be deleted in the list.

: Returns to the previous screen.

Fields to be used in the respective function (New) is determined by clicking the button.

The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:

Field Name: Field selection is made from the fields defined in the field definition screen.

Is it mandatory? : It is selected whether the field is mandatory or not. (It will be seen when there is no use of status.)

Obligation Message: The warning message information to be given when the required field is not filled in is written in this field.

Sequence No: The sequence number of the field is determined.

Default Role: If the value of the corresponding field is from a previously defined parent form, or if the data such as the first and last name, position, title, department, workplace of the person entering the record, etc., the role defined for them can be selected. For example, in the Risk detail form, a field named Risk Entryr's Department can be used for the default role that must come to the business unit of the user who entered the record into the system. If not used, the user can both select their own department incorrectly and the user who enters the record has done an extra job. Thanks to the default role selected here, the business unit will come automatically when the user starts entering risks.

Do Not Change Default Value: If the selected field returns a value by default, it ensures that the value it returns does not change.

Show on grid: If the field needs to be shown on the grid, the corresponding check box is checked.

Number of Rows: If the field is multiline, it is determined how many rows should appear on the data entry screen.

Column Width: In the list of records (grid) entered in the relevant module, the column width of the field is determined. Avg. for fields where the data is long. It is ideal to use 250, and 75 for fields where only numbers are entered. Considering the data to be entered in the field, it is appropriate to use a value in these ranges.

After all the required fields are filled in the Field Identification/Functions/New registration screen, click ! By clicking the (Save) button, the corresponding field for the corresponding field is associated with the function.

The function is displayed on the More Fields tab on the Meeting Template Definition page of the Board Meeting Modules selected with the Designer feature.

4.1.4. Approval Flow and Role Definition

It is the menu in which the meetings held in the system are approved by which approvers should be approved at the decision stage after the draft approval. Flow definitions should be checked from System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration settings/ Flow Definition screen, otherwise flows should be defined. Role definitions for approval flows from the System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings/ Role Definition screen should also be performed. For a detailed explanation of the relevant Flow and Role definitions, the System Infrastructure Definitions / BSAT / Configuration Settings / Flow and Role Definition menus should be examined.

4.2.Integrated Management System/Board Meeting

It is the menu where meetings such as Board meetings, YGG meetings, Unit Meetings are planned and carried out.

4.2.1.Integrated Management System/Board Meetings/Meetings

This is the menu where the process of creating a meeting schedule takes place.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

Untitled1: A new meeting item is created.

Untitled1: The selected meeting item information in the list is edited/updated.

Untitled1: The selected meeting item information in the list is deleted.

: The on-screen meeting item list is exported to Excel.

: The meeting report is retrieved for the selected meeting item on the screen.

To create a new Meeting Pen ! Click the (New) button. On the screen that opens, click the

By selecting the Meeting Source ! The (next) button is clicked.

On the screen that opens, the "Meeting Code" and "Meeting Description" fields in the relevant "Template Detail" tab are automatically added to the definitions performed in the substructure menu.

The Meeting Date field selects the date and time when the meeting is scheduled.

The meeting resource attendees identified in the Attendees tab and the infrastructure menu arrive automatically.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

Untitled1: A new Meeting Item Attendee is defined.

Untitled1: The Meeting Item Attendee information selected in the list is updated.

Untitled1: Meeting Item Attendee information selected in the list can be deleted.

:Data can be exported to Excel.

Meeting Pen To add a new Meeting Pen Attendee to the Attendees screen, click ! Clicking the (New) button displays the Meeting Pen Participant Identification screen.

After filling in the required fields on the Meeting Pen Participant Identification screen, click ! By clicking the (Register) button, the Meeting Pen Participant Identification registration process is performed.

With the Agendas tab, the agenda items for the meeting resource defined in the infrastructure menu come automatically.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

Untitled1: A new Meeting Item Agenda is defined.

Untitled1: The Meeting Item Agenda information selected in the list is updated.

Untitled1: The Meeting Item Agenda information selected in the list can be deleted.

: The data can be exported to Excel.

Meeting Pen To add a new Meeting Pen Agenda to the Agendas screen, click ! Clicking the (New) button displays the Meeting Item Agenda Identification screen.

After filling in the required fields on the Meeting Item Agenda Definition screen, click ! By clicking the (save) button, the Meeting Item Agenda Definition recording process is performed.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

: The defined meeting item is saved.

: The defined meeting item information is sent for approval. (If the meeting draft approval flow is specified on the flow definition screen, the meeting goes to the appropriate approver to approve the meeting draft. In meeting setups where there is no draft approval, the meeting will be approved by the participants for participation approval.)

: The data can be exported to Excel.

! The meeting plan saved as a draft with the (Save) button is displayed in the "Draft" status on the meeting pen screen.

Untitled1 By clicking the (Update) button, the Meeting Item Agenda information selected in the list in Draft status is updated.

! The meeting plan created with the (Send for Approval) button is sent to the participant for approval.

4.2.2.Meeting Participation Confirmation

Meeting participants notify the system whether they can attend the meeting or not according to the meeting source participation confirmation period defined in the infrastructure. The attendee sees their meeting pending approval in the "Meeting Join Confirmation" field in the "My Pending Jobs" menu.

By clicking on "Meeting Code", the Meeting Pen-OHS BOARD MEETINGS screen opens.

Participation can be confirmed or denied on the screen that opens.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

: Participation is confirmed.

: Participation is denied. (If the Decline button is blocked, the Participation confirmation can be rejected by typing the reason for the rejection on the Meeting Rejection screen. If the participant refuses to participate confirmation, he/she must state the reason for the refusal.)

: The data can be exported to Excel.

! Confirmation of participation is given by clicking the (Confirm) button. If the participant confirms to participate, a message like the one below is displayed on the screen.

4.2.3.Meeting Decision

After the Meeting Join Confirmation entry is entered by all attendees, the meeting goes to the meeting resolution to decide whether the meeting will take place.

The Meeting Decision Approver has a task in the My Pending Work menu as "Meeting Decision".

The decision approver clicks the meeting code to access the relevant meeting information.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

: Used to confirm the Meeting Decision (confirmation to hold a meeting).

: Used to draft the scheduled meeting.

: Used to cancel a scheduled meeting.

The Scheduled Meeting is approved by the decision ratifier to give the decision to take place. The approved meeting is turned on.

For the meeting for which the Decision Approval has been given, the participants are assigned to the My Pending Work page as "Meetings I Will Attend".

For the meeting for which the Decision Approval has been given, the My Pending Works page of the meeting supervisors is assigned as "Meetings I Am Responsible For".

The Meeting Leader reaches the "Start a Meeting" screen by clicking on the Meeting Code.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

: Used to Start a Meeting.

: Used to receive Meeting Report.

Start a Meeting

! The (Start Meeting) button starts the corresponding meeting. The screen that opens determines the join status of the meeting participants.

After the Participation Statuses are determined! The (Start Meeting) button is clicked. The Meeting Pen (Scheduling) screen opens. On this screen, the "Decisions" tab is reached. The decisions taken in the meeting on the Decisions tab are entered into the system.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

Untitled1: A new Meeting Item Decisions are defined.

Untitled1: The Meeting Item Decisions information selected in the list is updated.

Untitled1: Meeting Item Decisions information selected in the list can be deleted.

:Data can be exported to Excel.

To add a new Meeting Pen Decisions to the Meeting Pen Decisions screen, click (New) button to display the Meeting Pen Decisions Identification screen.

Decision: The decision taken as a result of the meeting in accordance with the agenda item is defined to the system. The decision defined in the system is assigned as a task in the decision type to be created.

Decision Type (OF, Action, Document, Document Revision, Other): The appropriate action is marked from the options.

If "DÖF" is selected, the Team Leader is selected from the personnel list, the deadline is entered, and the nonconformance categories defined in the system are selected. DÖF flow is initiated through the system and a task is assigned to the relevant person.

"Action" is selected, the Action Officer and Job Person are selected from the personnel list. The Action Start and End Date is selected. Action flow is initiated through the system and a task is assigned to the relevant person.

If "Document" is selected, it is determined which folder the document planned to be prepared will be prepared in. Document preparation request task is assigned to the relevant person (Document Preparation Request Approver) through the system.

If "Document Revision" is selected, it is determined which document defined in the system will be revised. Document revision task is assigned to the relevant person through the system.

If "Other" is selected, information about the decision is entered, no task assignment is made through the system.

Voting: Participants who approved the decision are marked. Comments, if any, are defined.

Decision Status: If no participant in the voting area has given their consent, you will be notified that the decision was rejected.

If all users give consent, an approved alert is received.

After all fields are defined, decision assignments are performed.

After the meeting decisions are defined and the relevant task assignments are made! The (End Meeting) button closes the meeting.

By selecting the meeting item created from the Meetings menu (Meeting report) is generated.