🗃️ Definitions
1 items
📄️ QDMS Authorization Hk #STDPR2-1167
📄️ How is a user group rule defined?
You can find the explanations of the fields in the group rules with their examples below.
📄️ Bulk Item Number Transfer
SAT `>`BSAT `>` Definitions `>` Management System Item No. With the new button in the upper right corner, the item number in the first line of excel must be manually uploaded to the system. (The code you define in the management system definition should be selected as the system code, and the definition and explanation in excel should be written in the definition and description sections.) Then the item number you added manually is deleted and saved with right-click delete in the excel template.
📄️ Batch Item Number Deactivation
First of all, you need to save `>` download all the items on the system from the SAT BSAT `>` Definitions `>` Management System Definition Screen with the "Export to Excel" button in the upper right corner.
📄️ Notification Details What is the Difference Between Module Manager and System Manager?
The System Administrator specifies the menu authorizations that the user can see specific to the authorization groups, and the menu authorizations can be arranged through the SAT `>` BSAT `>` Definitions `>` Authorization Groups Definition menu.