📄️ Action Dashboard Filtering
The total action does not include actions in cancellation, suspension, rejection and opening approval. Those who have approved the closure are also included in the closures.
📄️ Unable to select action indicator (measurement location)
In the area where the indicator selection is made in the action module: the action-indicator relationship is actually made not with the indicator, but with the indicator-measurement location relationship. If the gauge you are trying to select had a measurement location data in it, it would be able to display and select it on this screen. On the Ensemble product, the measurement location can be found on the "element page" and the measurement location relationship can be defined on the "indicator measurement location relationship" screen. After defining the measurement location on the display on the ensemble, it will be selectable in the action module.
📄️ Multi-Action Pen Opening
From the action module parameters;
📄️ Deletion of Additional Files in Action Module
In order to ensure the security of the additional files used in the action module;