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Parametric Field Identification Process


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User help document defining parametric field in the language settings menu in the device management system module

1.System Infrastructure Definitions

It is the menu where personnel information is defined and the infrastructure required for other modules is constructed.

1.1.Configuration Settings

Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings

These are the menus where special settings are made in the QDMS system. The settings made in these menus are common to all QDMS users.

1.1.1. Language Settings

Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings/ Language Settings

From the language settings menu, the names of the menus and fields seen on the QDMS can be changed. New fields can be added to modules. The requirement status of existing fields can be edited. The order in which fields appear on the screen can be changed. New Space for Device Management System Module Common Use

In the Device Management System Module, in the Device Identification menu, in the Other Information tab, in the Device Categories/Measurement Constants and Calibration Report/Measurement Values tab, additional fields that are not in the system requested by the company can be defined. These defined fields apply to all Device Management System Module resources. System Infrastructure Definitions/BSAT/ Configuration Settings/Language Settings menu is clicked. On the Language Settings page that opens, "Device Management System" is selected in the Module field and the language definitions related to the Device Management System Module are displayed on the screen.

In the Device Management System Module, the Parametric field is defined from the Language settings in the Other Information tab based on the Integrated Management System```> Device Management System\>Device Identification menu. The fields defined in the Device Management System System Infrastructure Definitions\>BSAT\>Configuration Settings\>```Language Settings are displayed on the Device Categories and Calibration Report Identification screens as well as the Other Information tab on the Device Identification page, which is opened by clicking the new button on the Device list screen opened in the Device Identification menu. The measurement constants screen, which is opened by clicking the Measurement Constants button in the Device Categories menu, displays the parametric fields in the language settings defined on the Define Measurement Constants page, which is opened by clicking the New button. In the Calibration Report menu, the parametric fields defined in the Language settings are displayed on the Define Measurement Values page, which is opened by clicking the New button on the Measurement Values tab on the Process Report screen.

Parametric Type Fields Defined in Device Management System Module and Their Definitions;

1-Date type: The calendar field is the parametric field to which it is added. Sample Shortcode: lblDPARAM1(displayed in the Device Identification/Other Information tab)

2-List type: It is a parametric field where a single selection is made among multiple list elements. List elements are defined and selected in the defined list elements. Sample Shortcode: lblLPARAM1(displayed on the Device Identification/Other Information tab), Sample Shortcode: lblOS_LParam1 (Displayed on the Defining Device Category/Measurement Constants and Calibration Report/Measurement Values Identification screens.)

3-Personnel Type: QDMS allows people to be selected from the personnel database. Selection is made in the list of Personnel defined in the System Infrastructure Definitions```>Bsat\>Identification\>```Personnel Identification menu. Sample Shortcode: lblPPARAM1(displayed in the Device Identification/Other Information tab)

4-Text Type: A parametric field that adds a text box that allows manual typing. Sample Shortcode: lblPARAM1(displayed in the Device Identification/Other Information tab)

5- Unit of Measurement Type: It is a parametric field that makes data entry as a measurement. Next to the defined parametric field is the field from which Units of Measurement is selected. Units of measurement in the Units of measurement selection area are the units of measurement defined in the System Infrastructure Definitions```>```>BSAT\Definitions```>```Units of Measurement Definition menu. Sample Shortcode: lblNPARAM1(displayed in the Device Identification/Other Information tab)

6-Document (Multi-Select) Type: It is a parametric field that allows document information multiple-single selection to be selected from the QDMS document database. Sample Shortcode: lblDOCPARAM1(displayed in the Device Identification/Other Information tab)

7- Text (Multi-Line Type: It is a parametric field that adds a multi-line text box without a character limit that allows manual typing. Sample Shortcode: lblMPARAM1((Displayed in the Device Identification/Other Information tab)

8-Numeric Type: A parametric field that performs numerical data entry. Sample Short Code: lblOS_NParam1(Displayed on the Instrument Category/Measurement Constants Identification and Calibration Report/Measurement Values Identification screens.) Define a Parametric Field in the Device Identification/Other Information tab in the Device Management System module of Date Type Parametric Fields

To define a Date-type parametric field on the Other Information tab in the Device Management System Module>Integrated Management System```>```Device Management System \Device Identification menu, first go to the System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings/ Language Settings menu, type Date by typing Date in the type field and search for Date-type parametric fields and the list of Date-type parametric fields is listed in the Language settings menu. The field definition of the listed date-type parametric fields is made. Type Parametric Field Identification

lblDPARAM1 To enter the data of the field by selecting a parametric field of date type Untitled1 (change) button is clicked.

On the screen that opens, the field name we want to see is written in the value field.

By filling in the required fields such as the order no information whether the field will be mandatory or not(Save) button is clicked to record the date type parametric field definition.

The Device Purchased Date field, which is a parametic field with a defined Date type, is displayed on the More Information Tab in the Integrated Management System/Device Management System/Device Identification menu. of Parametric Fields with List Type

To define a List-type parametric field on the Other Information tab in the Device Management System Module>Integrated Management system\Device Management System ```>```Device Identification menu, first go to the System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings/ Language Settings menu, search for list-type parametric fields by typing a list in the type field and the list of list-type parametric fields is listed in the Language Settings menu. The field definition of the listed list-type parametric fields is made. List Type Parametric Field Identification

lblLPARAM1 For data entry of the field by selecting the list type parametric Untitled1 (change) button is clicked.

On the screen that opens, the field name we want to see is written in the value field.

To enter the list values of a list-type fieldUntitled1 Click the (New) button, type the list values and save them. The list element is defined for a value of 1.

The list element value is defined for 2.

Whether the field will be mandatory or not, by defining the sequence no information and list elements and filling in the required fields(save) button is clicked to record the list-type parametric field definition.

The Device Transaction Locations list field, which is a defined List-type parametic field, is displayed on the More Information Tab in the Integrated Management System/Device Management System/Device Identification menu. of Personnel Type Parametric Fields

To define a Personnel type parametric field on the Other Information tab in the Device Management System Module, Integrated Management system```>Device Management System \>```Device Identification menu, first go to the System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings/ Language Settings menu, type Personnel by typing Personnel in the type field and search for Personnel type parametric fields and the list of Personnel type parametric fields is listed in the Language Settings menu. Area definition of listed personnel type parametric fields is made. Personnel Type Parametric Area Identification

lblPPARAM1 Field for data entry of the field by selecting the personnel type parametric field Untitled1 (change) button is clicked.

On the screen that opens, the field name we want to see is written in the value field.

By filling in the required fields such as the order no information whether the field will be mandatory or not(save) button to record the Personnel type parametric area identification.

The Device Maintenance Officer field, which is the defined Personnel type parametic field, is displayed on the More Information Tab in the Integrated Management System/Device Management System/Device Identification menu.

The Maintenance Officer of the device is in the personnel type parametric area! Clicking the (Select) button enables selection from the list of personnel defined in the system. List of Parametric Fields with Text Type

To define a Text-type parametric field on the Other Information tab in the Device Management System Module>Device Management System ```>```Device Identification menu, first go to the System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings/ Language Settings menu, search for Text-type parametric fields by typing Text in the type field and the list of Text-type parametric fields is listed in the Language Settings menu. The field definition of the listed text-type parametric fields is made. Define a Text-Typed Parametric Field

lblPARAM1 To enter the data of the field by selecting the parametric field with text type Untitled1 (change) button is clicked.

On the screen that opens, the field name we want to see is written in the value field.

By filling in the required fields such as the order no information whether the field will be mandatory or not! By clicking the (save) button, the text type parametric field identification recording process is performed.

The Device Maintenance Description field, which is the defined Text-type parametic field, is displayed on the More Information Tab in the Integrated Management System/Device Management System/Device Description menu. of Parametric Fields with Unit of Measure Type

To define a Parametric Field of Unit of Measurement type on the Other Information tab in the Device Management System Module, Integrated Management system```>Device Management System \>```Device Identification menu, first go to the System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings/ Language Settings menu, search for parametric fields with Unit of Measurement type by typing Unit of Measure in the type field and the list of parametric fields with Unit of Measure type is listed in the Language Settings menu. Parametric fields with the Unit of Measure type are defined as the area. Unit of Measure Parametric Field Definition

To enter the data of the field by selecting the parametric field of the type lblNPARAM1 Unit of MeasureUntitled1 (change) button is clicked.

On the screen that opens, the field name we want to see is written in the value field.

By filling in the required fields such as the order no information whether the field will be mandatory or not(save) button to record the definition of a parametric field with a Unit of Measurement type.

The Device Unit of Measure field, which is a parametic mandatory field with a defined Unit of Measure type, is displayed on the More Information Tab in the Integrated Management System/Device Management System/Device Identification menu. List of Document (Multi-Select) Type Parametric Fields

To define a Parametric field of Document (Multi Select) type in the Other Information tab of the Integrated Management system```>Device Management System \>```Device Identification menu in the Device Management System Module, first go to the System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings/ Language Settings menu, type Document (Multi-Select) by typing Document (Multi-Select) in the type field and search for parametric fields of Document (Multi-Select) type and the list of Document (Multi-Select) type parametric fields is listed in the Language Settings menu. The area definition of the listed Document (Multiple Select) type parametric fields is made. Document (Multi-Select) Type Parametric Field Identification

lblDOCPARAM1 For data entry of the field by selecting the document (Multi-Select) type parametric fieldUntitled1 (change) button is clicked.

On the screen that opens, the field name we want to see is written in the value field.

By filling in the required fields such as the order no information whether the field will be mandatory or not! By clicking the (save) button, the Document (Multi-Select) type parametric field definition recording process is performed.

The Documents field, which is the defined Document (Multi-Select) type parametic field, is displayed on the More Information Tab in the Integrated Management System/Device Management System/Device Identification menu.

In the Document (Multi-Select) field defined in the language settings! When the (Add) button is clicked, single and multiple selections are made from the list of documents defined in the system. Text (Multiline)Typed Parametric Field List

To define a Text (Multiline) type parametric field on the Other Information tab in the Device Management System Module, Integrated Management system```>Device Management System \>```Device Identification menu, first go to the System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings/ Language Settings menu, type Text (Multiline) by typing Text (Multiline) in the type field and search for parametric fields of Text (Multi Line) type and the list of parametric fields of Text (Multi Line) type is listed in the Language Settings menu. Parametric fields of the Text (Multiline) type are defined as fields. Text (Multiline) Type Parametric Field Definition

lblMPARAM1 To enter the data of the field by selecting the parametric field of type Text (Multi Line) type Untitled1 (change) button is clicked.

On the screen that opens, the field name we want to see is written in the value field.

By filling in the required fields such as the order no information whether the field will be mandatory or not(save) button to record the Text (Multiline) type parametric field definition.

The Device Maintenance Operations Detail field, which is a defined Text (Multiline) type parametic field, is displayed on the More Information Tab in the Integrated Management System/Device Management System/Device Identification menu.

All parametric Fields Defined in the Device Identification/Other Information tab in the Device Management System Module; Defining Parametric Field in Device Category and Transaction Report Screens in Device Management System Module List of Parametric Fields with List Type

To define a list-type parametric field on the Measurement Constants screen opened by clicking the Measurement Constants button in the System Infrastructure Definitions```>Device Management System\>Device Categories menu in the Device Management System Module and in the Measurement Values tab on the Process Report screen that opens when clicking the Calibration Report in the Integrated Management System>\Device Management System\>```Transaction Execution menu, first go to the System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings/ Language Settings menu and type Field is searched for List-type parametric fields, and the list of List-type parametric fields is listed in the Language Settings menu. Listen List type parametric fields are defined as fields. List Type Parametric Field Identification

lblOS_LParam1 For data entry of the field by selecting the list type field Untitled1 (change) button is clicked.

To enter the list values of a list-type fieldUntitled1 Click the (New) button, type the list values and save them. The list element value is defined for 1.

The list element is defined for a list element value of 2.

Whether the field will be mandatory or not by defining the sequence no information and list elements by filling in the required fields(save) button is clicked to record the list-type parametric field definition.

The Metric values field, which is a defined List-type parametic field>, is first displayed on the Define metric Constants screen, which is opened by clicking the metric constants button in the System Infrastructure Definitions\Device Management System```>```Device Categories menu.

The Measurement values field, which is the defined List-type parametic field, is displayed secondly on the Defining measurement Values screen opened on the measurement Values tab in the Process Report that is opened by clicking Calibration Report in the Integrated Management System>\Device Management System```>```Performing Operation menu. List of numeric-type parametric fields

To define a parametric field of Numeric type on the Metric Constants screen opened by clicking the Measurement Constants button in the System Infrastructure Definitions```>Device Management System\>Device Categories menu in the Device Management System Module and in the Transaction Report screen opened by clicking the Transaction Report button in the Integrated Management System\>Device Management System\>```Transaction Execution menu, first go to the System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings/ Language Settings menu and enter the type field Typing Numeric searches for parametric fields of type numeral, and the list of parametric fields of type Numeric is listed in the Language Settings menu. The field definition of the listed Numeric type parametric fields is made. Numeral-type Parametric Field Identification

lblOS_NParam1 Numeric type parametric field is selected for data entry of the field Untitled1 (change) button is clicked.

On the screen that opens, the field name we want to see is written in the value field.

By filling in the required fields such as the order no information whether the field will be mandatory or not! By clicking the (Save) button, the numeric type parametric field identification recording process is performed.

The Serial Number field of the Device, which is the defined Numeric-type parametic field, is first displayed on the Defining Measurement Constants screen, which is opened by clicking the measurement constants button in the System Infrastructure Definitions```>Device Management System\>```Device Categories menu.

All Parametric Fields Defined in Measurement Constants;

The Measurement values field, which is the defined List-type parametic field, is displayed secondly on the Defining measurement Values screen opened on the measurement Values tab in the Process Report that is opened by clicking Calibration Report in the Integrated Management System>\Device Management System```>```Performing Operation menu.

All Parametric Fields Defined in Measurement Values; Parametric Area types defined in language settings Display Remove from Screen

In Step 1, the screen with the parametric area opens. The example displays the Device Identification/Other information tab.

2. After the screen with the Parametric Area is displayed in the stage, the name of the parametric field is copied with the Right Click/Copy command by selecting any field in the example. Example:Device Maintenance Officer personnel type parametric field

3. At the stage, Device Management System Module is selected as the Module on the screen opened by clicking the System Infrastructure Definitions```>BSAT\>Configuration Settings\>```Language settings menu. The Personnel type parametric field defined from the copied Language settings is pasted with the right-click/paste command into the EN field on the grid screen.

In the 4th stage, to view the content of the area by selecting the Personnel Type type parametric fieldUntitled1 (change) button is clicked.

By deleting the value part of the personnel type field that displays the content in the 5th stage(Save) button to remove the defined personnel type field in the Language Settings menu.

The removal process in the language settings menu of other parametric field types defined in System Infrastructure Definitions/BSAT/Configuration Settings is the same.

In the Integrated Management System```>Device Management System\>```Device Identification menu, in the other information tab, it is seen that the Parametric field with Device Maintenance Responsible Personnel Type has been removed.