Status, Button Definition and Assigning Fields to Statuses
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Status in OHS Risk Assessment Module, Button Definition and Assignment of Fields to Statuses Help document
It is a risk assessment module that enables to ensure the follow-up of the OHS risk assessment methodology in the digital environment, to create and monitor the risk analysis history, to determine and follow the measures as a result of the risk assessment, to transfer the existing risk forms to the system, to ensure the authorization control over the risk forms and to prevent unauthorized access.
1.1.System Infrastructure Definitions/OHS Risk Assessment
QDMS is the part where the necessary definitions are made in order to create the infrastructure of the OHS Risk Assessment Module. According to the definitions made, these data are used and seen in the entries from the Integrated Management System menu.
1.1.1.Defining a Field
Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/OHS Risk Assessment/Area Identification
It is the menu where the areas to be used in the functions to be related in the OHS Risk Assessment Module (Risk Assessment Form Definition, Risk Assessment Detail, Activity Group Definition, Activity Definition) are defined. The fields created here are added to the field pool.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: A new field is added.
:Used if you want to make changes to an existing field.
:Used to delete the corresponding field.
: The values of the field are defined.
To add a new field to the list, click ! Clicking the (New) button displays the Field Definition\New Registration screen.
The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:
Area Code: The area code information is defined. Spaces should be defined without using characters such as Turkish characters, so that they are not the same as previously defined fields. E.g. '001' , 'RK'
Field Name: The domain name information is defined.
Title Note: The title note information of the field is defined.
Entry Type: The generated field determines whether the user will enter / select data or be automatically assigned by the system by the calculation method.
Field Type: Determines which of the field types created will be text, numeric, date, list, etc.
Condition to Appear: Determines whether the field in progress to define appears based on the value of another previously defined field. Its usage is [AREACODE]=ALAN_DEĞERİ and so on. (For example, Is there a deal? The area code of the field is 01; The area code for the Opportunity field is 02. If you change the "Opportunity" field to, "Is there an opportunity?" If the value code "Yes" with the value code 100 is selected from the options in the field, the numbers 02 should be written in the "Opportunity" field appear in the Condition for appearance section, as follows: [01]=100)
Status: The field status is selected as active or passive.
Due Area: If the deadline field is to be activated, the relevant box is checked. The deadlines of the actions and DFs are determined by considering the duration here.
Do not increase in value from the update: If the information of the value increase without updating will be activated, the relevant check box is checked. In areas where this information is checked, the point value cannot be entered higher than the current value at the time of the update.
Related Field: With the related field property, a relationship can be established between two fields of option type. On the screen where the elements of the reference field are defined, it is possible to select which values are related to the associated field. Thus, when the value of the reference field changes on the form, the associated field can be filled automatically selectively or only the associated values can be selected from the selection screen.
Associated Field Autofill: If the Autofill associated field option is to be activated, the corresponding check box is checked. Provides an automatic filling of one of the fields based on the relationship established between the values of two list-type fields.
Width: The column width of the field is defined.
After the required fields are filled in the field definition screen, click ! Registration is performed by clicking the (Save) button.
For example, in order to define the frequency field, the area code, the field name should be written, the input type should be data entry, the field type should be selected as the list with points, the status should be selected as active. Identification of other areas, such as violence, is also carried out in this menu.
With the probability field selected to add a value to the frequency field! Clicking the (Values) button brings up the screen where the values of the field will be introduced.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
:A new value is defined
: No corrections or updates to the value will be made.
: The value can be deleted.
: Records can be searched by filtering.
: Data can be exported to Excel.
: The template is downloaded.
: The template is loaded.
Note: Field values can be transferred to the system in bulk with the Download Template and Upload Template buttons. With the template download button, the system downloads the template to the computer. When the relevant template is filled in by the users and uploaded to the system with the template upload button, all field values in the template will be transferred to the system.
: Clicking the New button starts the process of defining a new value.
The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:
Description: A description information is entered.
Description: The description information is written.
Value: The point equivalent of the value is entered.
Status: The status of the value is selected as active or passive.
Default: Makes the corresponding list value appear in the field by default.
Is the precaution mandatory?: When this value is selected, at least one measure is required from the Measures tab.
After the required fields are filled, click the ! By clicking the (Save) button, the value identification process is performed.
The process of defining the values of the Probability field is performed.
The process of defining the values of the Violence field is performed.
The process of defining the values of the Number of People field is performed.
After the values of the fields are defined, formula entries are made for the fields that have the calculated data entry type, such as risk value.
On the Field Definition - New Record screen, the Calculated option is selected from the Input type field option section to enter the Risk Score as a formula. The formula type is set to Excel. The formula information for the Risk Score is typed in the Formula field. In the Field Type field, text is selected from the field type options. By filling in the required fields (Save) button to enter the formula on the Field Definition -New Record screen.
The formula in the example can be analyzed as follows.
An expression written in square brackets in a field written as (F]*[O]*[S]*[KS]) represents field codes. These expressions are specified by the user when defining fields on the field identification screen. For the frequency domain, instead of F, it is 01; For the probability field, O is replaced by 02; If the severity field had been encoded as 03 instead of S, and 04 instead of KS for the Number of People field, the formula would be ([01]*[02]*[03]*[04]). As a result of this formula, the Risk Score Field will be automatically calculated by the system as the product of the values selected in the Frequency, Probability, Severity, Number of People field
The full list of field types available in the system is as follows;
Text: Adds a text box that allows manual typing.
Multiline Text: Adds a multiline text box with no character limit that allows manual typing.
Numeric: Performs numerical data entry.
Numeric-Monetary: Numerical input as monetary value.
Numeric-Unit: Performs numerical input as a unit.
Date: Adds a calendar field.
List: Makes a single selection among multiple elements.
Scored List: Select from the drop-down menu, point values of the list elements are available.
Search Enabled List: Allows single and/or multiple selections to be made so that multiple elements can be searched with a wide search function.
Tree List: Allows selection among multiple elements with tree breakdown so that you can search with the wide search function.
Personnel: Allows people to be selected from the QDMS personnel database.
Department: QDMS enables the selection of department information from the departmental database.
Title: Allows title information to be selected from the QDMS title database.
Document: Enables document selection from the QDMS document database.
Process: QDMS allows process selection from the process database.
Management System: Enables the selection of management system information from the QDMS management system database.
Customer: QDMS allows customer information to be selected from the customer database.
Supplier: QDMS allows supplier information to be selected from the supplier database.
Product Group: Enables the selection of product group information from the QDMS product group database.
Product: Allows product information to be selected from the QDMS product database.
Company Profile: QDMS allows company profile information to be selected from the company profile database.
Title: Adds a title field to be written in bold letters on forms.
File: Will bring up the appropriate space for file attachment
Image: Will bring up the appropriate space for image insertion
Image List: Allows selection from a list of images.
Multiple Pictures: Allows selecting multiple pictures.
Table:** Allows the creation of table-type fields. (After this type of field is added, new field definitions must be made as field values.)
Query: A field type that can be defined to select from master data within QDMS/Ensemble databases. (Must only be identified by the Bimser Support Team) Single and multiple selections are available.
Query Tree: A type of field that can be defined to select from tree-broken master data in QDMS/Ensemble databases. (Must only be identified by the Bimser Support Team) Single and multiple selections are available.
Tab: Creates a new tab in which the fields can be seen by establishing a relationship outside the tab with the fields in the existing risk assessment form.
Check Box List: A list-type field to be selected single or multiple based on demand.
Risk:** Allows values to be selected from risk-based modules. After adding this type of field, it is necessary to select which module the values will come from on the field definition screen.
Commented List:** A type of field that provides the ability to type a description next to the selected list value. When defining field values in the Field Definition menu, it is necessary to select whether the description box is active for each value. According to the selection made here, when the relevant selection is made in the menu where this field will be seen under the Integrated Management System menu, the box is opened next to the field value so that the user can write a description.
Position: Enables the selection of position information from the QDMS position database.
Time: Adds a time-type field.
1.1.2.Function Designer
Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/OHS Risk Assessment/ Function Designer
With the Function Designer menu, the fields added to the field pool can be associated with the relevant functions of the OHS Risk Assessment Module. For this, you can go to the Function Designer menu under the System Infrastructure Definitions / OHS Risk Assessment Module. On the screen that opens, the functions of the OHS Risk Assessment Module to which fields can be added will be listed. On this screen, the fields to be used in the Resource Group Identification, Resource Identification, Risk Assessment Form Identification, Risk Assessment Detail, Measure Identification and Control Identification functions and their ordering and hierarchy detail in approval processes are defined. The buttons to be used in this menu are selected from the OHS Risk Assessment Module parameters as "Status to be used? (Y/N) " varies depending on parameter number 22. If this parameter value is "Yes", the buttons below ( Statutes,
Buttons ) all visible; however, in cases where the parameter value is "No", only the ! The (Fields) button is visible.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: Used to define status.
: Used to define buttons.
: Fields to be used in the details of the forms are determined.
: Clicking the Fields button opens the screen where the fields will be associated with the relevant function.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: New Function is added.
: The selected Function information in the list is replaced.
: The selected Function information in the list can be deleted.
: Returns to the previous screen.
Fields to be used in the selected function on the screen opened by the fields button
(New) is determined by clicking the button.
The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:
Field Name: Field selection is made from the fields defined in the field definition screen.
Is it mandatory? : It is selected whether the field is mandatory or not.
Obligation Message: The warning message information to be given when the required field is not filled in is written in this field.
Sequence No: The sequence number of the field is determined.
Default Role: If the value of the corresponding field is from a previously defined parent form, or if the data such as the first and last name, position, title, department, workplace of the person entering the record, etc., the role defined for them can be selected.
Do Not Change Default Value: If the selected field returns a value by default, it ensures that the value it returns does not change.
Show on grid: If the field needs to be shown on the grid, the corresponding check box is checked.
Show in selection: If the field is supposed to be shown in the selection, the corresponding check box is checked.
Number of Rows: If the field is multiline, it is determined how many rows should appear on the data entry screen.
Column Width: In the list of records (grid) entered in the relevant Module, the column width of the field is determined. Avg. for fields where the data is long. It is ideal to use 250, and 75 for fields where only numbers are entered. Considering the data to be entered in the field, it is appropriate to use a value in these ranges.
Active Status: Determines which of the statuses defined in the system the area will be active. In the statuses marked in this field, the operation can be carried out according to the type of the relevant field.
Visible Status:** Determines which of the statuses defined in the system the field appears in. Active status should be designated for selected areas as well as statuses marked in the least active status field in visible status.
Mandatory Status: : Determines which of the statuses defined in the system the field will be mandatory.
On the screen that opens, the field information is selected from the list, and if it is a mandatory field, the message that will appear when the user does not fill in this field is defined, the sequence number is determined. Active status, Visible Status, and Mandatory Status statuses are selected. Whether it is mandatory, whether it will be shown on the grid, the column width is determined and all the necessary fields are filled in the upper right corner of the screen ! By clicking the (Save) button, the association with the function for the corresponding field is performed.
1.1.3. OHS Risk Assessment Parameters
Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/OHS Risk Assessment/ OHS Risk Assessment Parameters
It is the menu where the OHS Risk Assessment Module is systematically adjusted according to the wishes and needs of the user and the parameters are determined accordingly. Changes to parameters apply to all QDMS users.
The OHS Risk Assessment parameters menu is accessed within the scope of OHS Risk Assessment as well as this menu is accessed from the BSAT/SAT/Configuration Settings/Parameters menu. It is the section where the parametric adjustments of all Modules are made on the screen opened in the Bsat Module menu. When the search is made by selecting OHS Risk Assessment from the filter tab from the screen that opens, the parameters of the relevant Module are displayed.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: Correction / change / update is made for the parameter selected in the list.
: Search by filtering records.
: The data is exported to Excel.
If a change is desired from a parameter, the parameter to be changed is selected. The number of the parameter is typed in the parameter ID field to select the parameter. Or, if the number of the parameter is unknown, the parameter is selected by writing a key word related to the parameter in the definition section. OHS Risk Assessment Module parameters number 22 "Should the status be used? (Y/N)" parameter. In this aid document, the OHS Risk Assessment parameter 22 will be activated and it will be explained how the processing stages of the status utilization in the OHS Risk Assessment Module are carried out. If the parameter value is selected "Yes", the status definition processes such as Draft, Approval, etc. will be performed in the System Infrastructure Definitions / OHS Risk Assessment / Function Designer menu in the menu step by step and displayed.
Parameter No:22
Parameter Definition: Use status? (Y/N)
Parameter Description: It is the parameter that ensures the use or non-use of status in the OHS Risk Assessment Module. When the parameter value "Yes" is selected, it allows status definition such as Draft, Approval, etc. in the Function Designer in the OHS Risk Assessment Module. Otherwise, if the parameter value is selected "No", it does not allow status definition such as Draft, Approval, etc. in the Function Designer in the OHS Risk Assessment Module.
System Infrastructure Definitions/ OHS Risk Assessment/ OHS Risk Assessment Parameters menu is clicked. On the screen that opens, the number 22 is written in the Parameter No field and the number 22 is "Should the status be used? (Y/N)" parameter is selected.
Number 22 of the OHS Risk Assessment module "Should the status be used? (Y/N)" parameter is selected with Clicking the (Modify) button displays the contents of the parameter. On the screen that opens, the parameter value is selected in the Yes and No options. By selecting the parameter value Yes, the parameter is activated to allow the use of status in the module. Otherwise, the parameter value cannot be allowed to use status in the module by selecting No and making the parameter passive. After the parameter value is selected Yes and the parameter is activated and the status is allowed to be used ! Registration is performed by clicking the (save) button.
1.1.4.Define an Approval Flow
In order for the evaluated risks to go to the approved users, it is necessary to establish an approval flow in the system. Status usage is activated in the module and approval flow fiction is realized. To do this, you go to the System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings/ Parameters menu. On the Filter tab from the screen that opens, OHS Risk Assessment Module is selected.
By clicking the (Change) button, the value of parameter 22, "Will the status be used?", is changed to "Yes".
Flow definitions should be checked from System Infrastructure Definitions / BSAT / Configuration Settings / Flow definition screen or their flows should be defined. In addition, role definitions are made for approval flows from the System Infrastructure Definitions / BSAT / Configuration Settings / Role Definition screen. Since SQL and QDMS database knowledge will be required in role definition processes, the necessary role can be requested by contacting Bimser Technical Support team. Identification
Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings/ Role Definition
It is the menu that defines which role to go to as the approver for approval flows used in modules. Role definitions are available for each module in the system. When deemed necessary, new role definitions are made for the OHS Risk Module. When you want to change roles or define a new role, support can be obtained from the Bimser Solution Team. For a new Role definition for the OHS Risk Assessment Module, click on System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings/ Role Definition menu.
On the screen that opens, the Risk Assessment Module is selected on the filter tab. ! By clicking the (Search) button, the relevant Role Definition list of the OHS Risk Assessment Module defined in the system is displayed.
To add a new Role to the Role Description screen, click (New) button opens the Define Role/ New Registration screen.
After the required fields are filled, click the ! By clicking the (save) button, the Role Definition registration process is performed. Body Identification
Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/BSAT/Definitions/ Message Body Definition
It is the menu where the contents of the mails to be sent after the operations in the modules are defined. Message bodies are defined for the OHS Risk Assessment Module in the system, and when necessary, mail contents are updated or new message bodies can be defined. For a new Message Body definition for the OHS Risk Assessment Module, click on the System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings/ Message Body Identification menu.
On the screen that opens, the Risk Assessment Module is selected on the filter tab. ! By clicking the (Search) button, the Message Body Identification list related to the OHS Risk assessment Module defined in the system is displayed.
To add a new Message Body to the Message Body Identification screen, click (New) button opens the Message Body Definition/ New Registration screen.
After the required fields are filled, click the ! By clicking the (save) button, the Message Body Identification registration process is performed. a Stream
Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings/ Flow Definition
It is the menu that contains the definitions of the approval flows used in the modules. Flow definition is available for each module in the system. When this is deemed necessary, new flow definitions are made for the OHS Risk Assessment Module. For a new Flow definition for the OHS Risk Assessment Module, click on the System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings/ Flow Definition menu.
On the screen that opens, OHS Risk Assessment Module is selected on the filter tab. ! By clicking the (Search) button, the relevant Flow Definition list of the OHS Risk assessment Module defined in the system is displayed.
To add a new Flow on the Flow Definition screen, click (New) button opens the Stream Definition / New Recording screen.
On this screen, the relevant role is added by selecting the relevant role from the roles previously defined in the system.Clicking the (Add) button opens the roles involved in the role definition. The appropriate role is selected and saved.
Multiple flow validators can be defined in the OHS Risk Assessment Module. On the screen, the sequence number indicates the order in which the approver will give the approval. Hierarchy is done. Sequence numbers such as 0, 1, 2 can be used to come to the last zeroth validator. If a group is selected without defining a role as an approver, the number of approvers on the screen indicates how many staff members from that group will need to approve.
After the required fields are filled, click the ! By clicking the (save) button, the Flow Definition recording process is performed.
Once the appropriate role for flow identification has been selected, the Sub-module identification menu should also be checked. Otherwise, if the definition in the submodule is not appropriate, the flow may not be provided appropriately or the desired flow may not work.
After the infrastructure identification procedures required for the status definition process for the OHS Risk Assessment Module are done, the System Infrastructure Definitions / OHS Risk Assessment / Function Designer menu is clicked to start the status definition processes. On the screen that opens, the relevant functions of the OHS Risk Assessment Module to which the areas added to the field pool will be associated are listed.
Number 22 of the OHS Risk Assessment module "Should the status be used? (Y/N)" parameter value When No is selected (Parameter is inactive), the button as seen in the Function Designer menu:
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: Fields are associated with functions.
When the parameter value of parameter 22 of the OHS Risk Assessment Module is not selected Yes, only at the first stage displays the fields button.
OHS Risk Assessment Module No. 22 "Should the status be used? (Y/N)" parameter value Yes selected (when parameter is active) and the buttons shown in the Function Designer menu are:
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: Used to define status.
: Used to define buttons.
: Fields are associated with functions.
By selecting the parameter value Yes, it is ensured that the status is allowed to be used in the OHS Risk Assessment Module after the parameter is activated. After the parameter number 22 is activated, the Status and Button identification process is performed in the Function Dizanner menu(Statuses) and ! Two buttons named (Buttons) are displayed on the screen. Status
In the OHS Risk Assessment Module, click on the Function Designer menu. On the screen that opens, the relevant functions of the OHS Risk Assessment Module to which the areas added to the field pool will be associated are listed. The Risk Assessment Detail function is selected.
To perform the status identification process on the selected Risk Assessment detail screen(Statuses) button is clicked.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: A new status is defined.
: The selected status information in the list is updated.
: The status information selected in the list is deleted.
: Returns to the previous screen.
To add a new status on the Status Definition screen, click (New) button opens the Define Status / New Registration screen.
The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:
Status Code: This is the field in which the status code information is defined. Spaces should be defined without using characters such as Turkish characters, so that they are not the same as previously defined fields.
Status Name: This is the field where the status name information is defined.
Start Stream: If any flow is to be started in this status, the let flow be started check box is the area where it is checked.
New Status: This is the area where it can be selected from the statuses defined in the system.
Approval Period: Approval period information is defined.
First Reminder: The day of the first reminder e-mail is defined during the approval period information. It is ensured that reminder mails are sent for approval on the defined days.
Second Reminder: The day of the second reminder e-mail is defined during the confirmation period information. It is ensured that reminder mails are sent for approval on the defined days.
Last Reminder: The approval period is defined as the day on which the last reminder e-mail will go during the information. It is ensured that reminder mails are sent for approval on the defined days.
Initiate Revision: If the defined status is desired to start the Revision, the corresponding check box is checked.
Status: The status status is selected as active or passive.
Flow Definition: It is the area where it is possible to select which flow will be in the flows defined in the system. The flow identification process is defined in the Bsat/System Infrastructure Definitions/Configuration Settings/Flow Definition menu.
Approval Request Message: It is the field where the Approval Request Message can be selected from the Messages defined in the system. The message identification process is defined in the Bsat/System Infrastructure Definitions/Definitions/Message Body Identification menu.
Confirmation Letter Message: It is the field where the Confirmation Letter can be selected from the Messages defined in the system. The message identification process is defined in the Bsat/System Infrastructure Definitions/Definitions/Message Body Identification menu.
Confirmation Rejection Message: This is the area where the Approval Rejection Message can be selected from the Messages defined in the system. The message identification process is defined in the Bsat/System Infrastructure Definitions/Definitions/Message Body Identification menu
On the screen that opens, the status code, status name, whether the flow will be started or not, new status, status, flow description, approval request message, approval okay message and approval rejection message are entered and the required fields are filled in and then the upper right corner ! By clicking the (save) button, the status definition registration process is performed.
In the OHS Risk Assessment Module, all relevant statuses are defined in the same way with the Risk Assessment Detail menu. Button Definition
In the OHS Risk Assessment Module, click on the Function Designer menu. On the screen that opens, the relevant functions of the OHS Risk Assessment Module to which the areas added to the field pool will be associated are listed. The Risk Assessment Detail function is selected.
Button on the selected Risk Assessment detail screen to perform the identification process (Buttons ) button is clicked.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: A new button is defined.
: The button information selected in the list is updated.
: The button information selected in the list is deleted.
: Returns to the previous screen.
Button To add a new button on the Identification screen, click (New) button opens the Define Button / New Registration screen.
The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:
Button Code: Button code information is defined. Spaces should be defined without using characters such as Turkish characters, so that they are not the same as previously defined fields.
Button Name: Button name information is defined.
Button Type: It is the area where it is specified in the button type options defined in the system.
Image: It is the area where the button image of the defined button is determined from the button image options defined in the system.
Visible Status: This is the area where the defined button is determined in which status it will be displayed.
New Status: When the defined button is clicked, which status to switch to is the field where it is selected from the statuses defined in the system.
Status: The status of the defined button is selected as active or passive.
Warning Message: This is the area on the screen where the information of the warning message is entered when the defined button is clicked. For example: Are you sure you want to send it for approval?
On the screen that opens, the Button Code, Button Name are determined. Button type and Picture are determined. Visible Status, New Status, and Status are selected. After the required fields are filled in(Save) button to identify the button recording process is performed.
In the OHS Risk Assessment Module, all the buttons related to the Risk Assessment Detail menu are defined in the same way.
1.2.Integrated Management System/OHS Risk Assessment
Activity Groups, Activity, Risk Form, Risk Form Details are defined, Reports and Charts are displayed.
1.2.1. Defining a Risk Assessment Form
Menu Name: Integrated Management System/OHS Risk Assessment/ Defining Risk Assessment Form
Risk assessment Form It is the menu where the identification process takes place. The purpose of defining RDF is to classify the detailed forms in which the risk analysis will be performed under certain categories (unit, unit, activity group, department, etc.). For this, the Risk Assessment Form Definition menu is opened under the OHS Risk Assessment Module under the Integrated Management System heading.
On the RDF Definition screen ! New RDF identification can be performed with the (New) button.
On the RDF definition screen, the code of the form is entered by the user if the automatic code is not given, by adding the description of the form and the responsible user groups! By clicking the (Save) button, the risk assessment form identification process is performed.
After all RDFs are defined in this way, the risk detail will be added from the buttons on the top right while the RDF is selected (Details) button is clicked to reach the Risk Assessment Form Detail (RDFD) screen.
! The (New) button displays the Risk Assessment Form/Details screen. In the parameters of the OHS Risk Assessment Module, parameter number 22 is seen in the Risk Assessment Form- Details menu where the transactions are carried out with the help of the buttons displayed by activating the "Let the status be used (Y / N) parameter". In the System Infrastructure Definitions/ OHS Risk Assessment/ Function Designer menu, the fields associated with the function are displayed with the Fields button.
Risk Score calculation is made by selecting the value part of the fields associated with the Risk Assessment Form-Details menu.
After filling in the required fields in the Risk Assessment Form-Details menu, click on the Function Designer menu(Buttons) button to identify
(Save as Draft) button in the same menu
(Statuses) button is defined as Draft status.