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Parametric Field Identification Process


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Adding Parametric Fields to Reports in Site Detection Module and General Tag List User Help Document

1. Adding Parametric Fields to Reports in the Field Detection Management Module and Tags Used in Reports

In the Site Detection Management Module, parametric fields are added to the reports. The process steps for adding parametric fields to the findings report and the list of commonly used tags (shortcodes) related to this module are included in this help document.

1.1. Display of Parametric Area Types in Site Detection Management Module in Finding Report

In order to show the parametric fields added to the Finding report from the Site Detection Management Module reports, it is necessary to first make the infrastructure setup in the System Infrastructure Definitions section. In the process of editing the infrastructure, Field Definition, Function Layout, Report Formats Editing and Parameters menus are used. In field definition, the process of defining the fields to be added to the tags in the Report format template is done. These fields, defined in the Function Layout, are correlated so that the functions are displayed on the pages. Function Dispenser is also the Integrated Management System of the fields associated with the function page```> Site Detection Management \>```Site Inspection By clicking the Unplanned Try and Do button in the Site Inspection menu, an Unplanned Audit Definition process is performed. During the realization phase of this Unplanned Audit, on the Finding Identification screen(New) button to enter the field values of the parametric field types displayed when defining the find. After the information entries of the parametric field types are made, you go to the Report Formats Editing menu. In the Edit menu of the Report Formats, the Bully report format "findingreport.xlsx" is downloaded. The tags of the parametric fields defined in the Field Definition menu are written to the downloaded "findreport.xlsx" report format by looking at the field codes defined in the Function Dizer menu. The spelling of the tags according to which parametric field type for the Finding Identification function of the field codes is in the table below.

Function NoFunctionField TypeArea CodeTag
3rdFinding IdentificationText, Like Text MultilineAREA3<FIELD3```>```
3rdBulguIdentificationList, List type like StaffAREA4<ALAN4_ACK ```>```

For the number 3 "Finding Identification" function; For example, if the field code of the Parametric field with text type Function Placement is FIELD3, the tag shape to be added to the report format should be <FIELD3```>. <FIELD CODE\> should be written in the report format template as Field codes \<\>in the Function Grid menu to be written between the signs greater than \\ and less than. In list-type parametric field types such as List, Personnel, Department, the suffix "ACK" is added to the tags. For example, if the field code in the Function Sequencer menu of a field of type List is FIELD4, the report format template of the Field tag<ALAN4_ACK\>must be added.<FIELD KODU_ACK\> in the Function Grid menu Field codes should be written in the report format template as \<\>``` is greater than and less than "ACK" by adding the suffix "ACK" between the signs The report format "findingreport.xlsx" is saved to the computer with the same name after the parametric fields are written in the form of tags in the report format template. The format of the Finding Report with the same name recorded is uploaded to the system again in the Report Formats Editing menu. The report format loaded in the Report Formats Edit menu is copied with the name and extension of the template and defined by right-clicking/pasting the "Finding Report template File" parameter number 29 in the Field Detection Management parameters in the parameters menu.

After defining the Report format of the finding report to the parameter of the template, go to the Integrated Management System```> Site Detection Management \>Reports\>``` Finding Report menu. On the Finding Report screen that opens, by selecting the company where the Unplanned Audit is performed in the Company Profile list in the Field field from the search criteria in the filter tab! Click the (Search) button. By selecting unplanned Field Inspection from the list(Export to Excel) button is clicked. In the report received in Excel format, it is seen that the field information comes from the Finding Definition screen entered in the section where the tags of the parametric fields are located and the tags work.

Reports in the parameters of the Site Detection Management Module:

The information about which report format template will be defined for which function of the Site Detection Management Module and which parameter is available in the table below.

Function NoFunctionReport Format Template NameRelated Parameter NoRelated Parameter Definition
3rdFinding IdentificationFinding.xlsx29thFindings Report Template File

After associating the fields defined in the field definition in the Field Detection Management Module with the pages of the function in the Function Layout, the field codes are added to the Report Formats templates specified in the table. After adding the tag, the report formats are uploaded to the system in the edit menu. After uploading to the system, the report formats are copied by copying the name and extension in the editing menu and defining the relevant parameter specified in the table.

While the "Finding Report" parametric fields are selected in the "Finding Identification" function number 3 from the Function Designer menu(Fields are determined according to the field codes that come up when the button is pressed.

1.1.1.System Infrastructure Definitions/ Site Detection Management

It is the part of the finding report where the infrastructure structure of the parametric field addition process is designed. Field Definition and Function Dizanyer menus are used for infrastructure construction. In addition, the Report Formats Editing menu is also used in the System Infrastructure Definitions Module to download the Report format template and to upload the template to the system with the same name of the report format with the tag added to the downloaded report format. In the System Infrastructure Definitions```>```>BSAT\Configuration Settings```>Parameters menu of the Finding Report uploaded to the system, the identification process to the relevant parameter is done in the relevant parameter of the same module. In the Site Detection Management parameters, the "Finding Report Template File" parameter numbered 29 is defined. In order to enter the defined field values, the Question Pool, Question List Definition and Authorization Matrix menus are used in the System Infrastructure Definitions section of the module. The menus in the infrastructure used to enter the defined field values are used to define Planned or Unplanned Site Inspection in the Integrated Management System \> Site Detection Management \>```Field Audit menu. In the Field Inspection menu for the Finding Report(Make Unplanned Inspection) button to click the Findings tab in an Unplanned Site Inspection(New) button will enter the values of the fields displayed on the Finding identification screen and reflect them in the report. Field Definition

Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/ Site Detection Management/Area Definition

Function It is the menu where the fields to be shown on the pages of the menus in the Dizanyer menu are defined. Fields are defined for the "Finding Identification" functions number 3 for the Finding Report. These parametric field definitions are parametric field types such as text, numeric, list, personnel.

Field Identification for the "Finding Identification" Function:

Performing the process of defining the field with the text type "Finding Report Name";

To add a field with the text type "Finding Report Name" to the list, click ! Clicking the (New) button displays the Field Definition\New Registration screen.

On the field definition screen, after the required fields are filled in by selecting text in the field type field, click ! By clicking the (Save) button, the text-type field identification registration process is performed.

"Finding Report Number" Numerical type field identification process;

To add the "Finding Report Number" Numeric-type field to the list, click ! Clicking the (New) button displays the Field Definition\New Registration screen.

On the field definition screen, after selecting Numerical in the field type field and filling in the required fields, click ! Numerical type field identification registration is performed by clicking the (Save) button.

"Date of Finding Report" Performing the process of defining a date-type field;

To add a "Date of Finding Report" date type field to the list, click ! Clicking the (New) button displays the Field Definition\New Registration screen.

On the field definition screen, after the required fields are filled in by selecting Date type in the Field type field, click ! By clicking the (Save) button, the Date type field definition registration process is performed.

"Responsible for Detecting the Finding" Performing the personnel type area identification process;

To add the "Responsible for Detecting the Finding" Personnel type field to the list, click ! Clicking the (New) button displays the Field Definition\New Registration screen.

On the field definition screen, after selecting Personnel in the field type field and filling in the required fields, click ! By clicking the (Save) button, the Personnel type field identification registration process is performed.

"Department Detecting the Finding" Performing the department-type field identification process;

To add a "Department Detecting the Finding" Department-type field to the list, click ! Clicking the (New) button displays the Field Definition\New Registration screen.

On the field definition screen, after the required fields are filled in by selecting the "Department" type in the Field type field, click ! By clicking the (Save) button, the "Department" type field definition registration process is performed.

"Is the Detected Finding Important?" list-type field identification process;

To add a "Detected Finding Important?" list-type field to the list, click ! Clicking the (New) button displays the Field Definition\New Registration screen.

On the field definition screen, after the required fields are filled in by selecting the list type in the Field type field, click ! By clicking the (Save) button, the registration process of defining a list-type field is performed.

With the "Detected Find Important?" field selected to add a value to the "Is the Detected Find Important?" list-type field! Clicking the (Values) button brings up the screen where the values of the field will be introduced.

: Clicking the New button starts the process of defining a new value. If desired (Download Template) and (Upload Template) buttons can be transferred to the system in bulk. (Download template) button downloads the system template to the computer. The relevant template is filled in by the users ! When uploaded to the system with the (upload template) button, all field values in the template will be transferred to the system.

After the required fields are filled, click the ! Defining the value is performed by clicking the (Save) button. The list elements (values) of the "Is the Detected Finding Important?" list-type field are all defined in the same way.

(Back) button is clicked. Designer

Menu Name: System Infrastructure Descriptions/Site Detection Management/Function Designer

In the Field Definition menu, after defining the fields to be added to the report format template, click on the System Infrastructure Definitions / Site Detection Management / Function Sequencer menu. On the Function Dizanyer screen that opens, there are 7 functions to add to the fields to be defined. Of these functions, the function to be used for the Finding Report is the "Finding Identification" function number 3. The association of the defined fields with the sheet of this function in the Function Dizer menu is done in this menu, and the fields defined for the Finding Report are associated with the sheet of the function. After associating the defined fields with function number 3 page, performing an Unplanned Site Audit in the Findings tab(New) button allows the Finding Identification to be displayed on the screens in the process.

Associating the fields defined for the "Finding Identification" function 3 with the sheet of the respective function;

: Clicking the Fields button opens the screen where the fields will be associated with the relevant function.

Fields to be used in the respective function (New) is determined by clicking the button.

On the screen that opens, the field information is selected from the list, and a mandatory field defines the message that the user will encounter when he does not fill in this field. After all the required fields are filled, click ! By clicking the (Save) button, the association with the function pages for the respective field is performed. All the required fields are thus added to the respective function. As seen below, next to the Field ID is the Area Code section. This is the code that allows the Finding report to be edited by adding the tag to the report format template of the report in the form of ```< FIELD1\>``` and so on in these field arrangements.

The fields to be used in the respective function are all the same (New) is determined by clicking the button.

In the "Finding Identification" function, in list-type fields such as list, personnel and department, for example, for the list-type field "Is the Detected Finding Important?", the tag```< ALAN6_ACK\>``` is added to the report format of the Finding report.

1.1.2. Entering the values of the fields to be tagged in the Findings Report format

A new Unplanned Site Inspection is defined in the Site Inspection menu to enter the values of the fields to be tagged in the Finding Report format. On the Findings tab to perform the audit(New) button to define the finding. Since the fields defined in the Field Definition menu are associated with the page of this function in the Function Dizanyer menu, in the Results tab to perform an Unplanned Site Inspection(New) button to define the Find and display the field values on the Find identification screens. The information for these displayed field values is entered. In order to carry out Unplanned Site Inspection, it is necessary to make infrastructure fiction in System Infrastructure Definitions. For the infrastructure structure of the process of performing the Unplanned Site Inspection, it is necessary to perform the Question Pool, Question List Definition and Authorization Matrix operations in the System Infrastructure Definitions section. After the infrastructure setup is defined, the Unplanned Site Audit process is performed in the Field Inspection menu in the Integrated Management System. On the Perform Check screen that opens, on the Findings tab(New) button with the Finding identification process is also performed. Management System/ Site Detection Management

In the Field Inspection menu of the module whose infrastructure setup is defined in the System Infrastructure Definitions / Site Detection Management section( Perform Unplanned Inspection) button is the part where the process of defining an Unplanned Site Inspection is performed. On the Perform check screen, on the Results tab! By clicking the (New) button, the Finding identification process is performed and the field values on this identification screen are entered. Inspection

Menu Name: Integrated Management System/ Site Detection Management/ Field Inspection

It is the menu where the field inspection is carried out in the Site Detection Management module. Site detection management is divided into two as planned site inspection and unplanned site inspection.

(Make Unplanned Inspection) button is clicked to perform an unplanned site inspection.

By filling in the necessary information about the audit The Next button is clicked. The Audit questions screen opens. If desired, questions are added from the question pool or a list of questions defined in the Question List is added. An Unplanned Site Inspection can be performed without adding questions.

! Clicking the (Add Question List) button adds the Question List to the Control.

By selecting the Question List on the Select Question screen(Select) bot to add a list of Question to the Unplanned Site Inspection.

After adding a Question list to the control, the The Next button is clicked. The Perform check screen opens.

On the Perform Audit screen, the mandatory field comment section is filled in and the options for the answers to the questions are selected.

The Findings tab is clicked. The findings detected in the unplanned field audit are defined.

In the Findings tab Untitled1 Finding identification is made by clicking the (New) button.

The Parametric field types defined in the Field Definition menu and associated with the Finding Definition page are displayed in the Function Designator menu. Information entries are made for these parametric field types displayed. The tags of these parametric field types will then be added to the report format and printed on the report. After all the required fields are filled in the Finding Identification screen, click ! By clicking the (save) button, the Finding identification registration process is performed.

(Save )button to turn off the Unplanned Site inspection.

1.2.3.Finding Adding Tags of Parametric Fields Defined to the Report Format of the Report

Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/BSAT/ Configuration Settings/Edit Report Formats

To add the tags of the parametric fields for which the Finding Report is defined, go to the System Infrastructure Definitions```>BSAT\> Configuration Settings\>```Report Formats Editing menu. Qdms is the menu from which all reports are loaded.

! By clicking the (View) button, the report format template of the Finding Report (finding.xlsx) is downloaded to the computer.

After the fields defined in the Field Definition are associated with the corresponding pages in the Function Dizanyer menu, the Function Dizer is also selected in the function(Fields) The field codes that pop up when the button is clicked are added by typing them in the field values section of the report format.

Tags to be added to the finding report format for the "Finding Identification" Function No. 3;

Field codes in the Function Sequencer to Report Format are written between the Greater Than ```<\>and Less Than signs. The tag spelling is<FIELD\>. For example, the parametric field with the text type "Finding Report Name" encoded FIELD1 is written as <FIELD1\>in the field value section of the report format template. In list-type fields such as List, Personnel, it is necessary to write the tag with the suffix "ACK". For example, in the parametric field with the personnel type "Finding Detecting Officer" coded FIELD4, it is necessary to write the tag in the form of<ALAN4_ACK\>``` to the report format template.

For the "Finding Identification" function, the tag form of the codes of the fields defined in the Field Definition in the Function Dizanyer menu is given in the table below

Domain NameField TypeArea CodeTag
Fact Report NameTextFIELD1<FIELD1```>```
Finding Report NumberNumericalFIELD2<FIELD2```>```
Date of Finding ReportHistoryAREA3<FIELD3```>```
Detecting the Finding OfficerStaffAREA4<ALAN4_ACK```>```
Department Detecting the FindingDepartmentAREA5<ALAN5_ACK```>```
Is the Detected Finding Important?ListAREA6<ALAN6_ACK```>```

Function: The information about the functions in the layout, the field definitions and tags of the parametric field types in the table is written to the downloaded report format template.

After the software of the field definitions and tags to the template to the report format "findingreport.xlsx" the report is saved to the computer in the format of the same name.

Report format of the same name (findingreport.xlsx) saved on the computer ! With the (New) button, the report formats are loaded to the system again from the editing menu.

In the Report Formats Edit menu, the report format of the same name is loaded.

Report Formats are copied by right-click/copy method with the name and extension of the Report Format uploaded to the system in the Edit menu.

Go to System Infrastructure Definitions/BSAT/Configuration Settings/Parameters.

In the Filter tab, by selecting Field Detection Management as the Module(Search) button is clicked. Site Detection Management Parameters are listed on the list tab. By selecting the "Finding Report Template File" parameter number 29 in the Field Detection Management parametersUntitled1 (Change) button is clicked.

The content of the parameter is displayed and the report format uploaded to the system in the Report formats Edit menu is defined by pasting the copied Report format template parameter value with the right click/Paste method.

Report format template file ! The parameter value is defined by clicking the (save) button.

1.1.4. Display of parametric fields added to the report format of the findings report

Menu Name: Integrated Management System/ Site Detection Management/Reports/Findings Report

After adding the tag to the report format (findingreport.xlsx) of the Finding Report, uploading the Report to the system in the Edit menu of the Formats and defining it to the parameter number 29, the Integrated Management System / Field Detection Management / Reports / Finding Report menu is clicked.

On the Finding Report screen that opens, the List and Filter tab appears. In the search criteria, by selecting the Company information in the Company Profile list of the Company where the Unplanned Field Inspection is carried out in the Field area! The ( search) button is clicked.

By selecting the Unplanned Site Audit performed on the List tab(Export to Excel) button is clicked.

It is seen that the Finding report from the imported Excel format comes from the report of the values of the parametric field types defined in the Field definition menu and the tags of the parametric field types added to the template work.

1.2. General Replacement (Shortcodes) Tag Table in Field Detection Management Module

The list of General tags used in the Site Detection Management Module is in the table below.

<ID```>```Audit ID Information
<DEFINITION```>```Audit Definition Information
<PLAN_TARIHI```>```Plan Date Information
<WILL```>```To Do Information
<DENETLENEN_SAHA```>```Audited Field Information
<GERCEKLESME_TARIHI```>```Realization Date Information
<DENETIM_SAATI```>```Audit Time Information
<COMMENT```>```Comment Info
<STATU```>```Status Information
<ONAY_TARIHI```>```Approval Date Information
<RED_ONAY_ACK```>```Rejection Approval Disclosure Information
<BULGU_ID```>```Finding No Information
<BULGU_OZET```>```Finding Summary Information
<BULGU_DETAY```>```Finding Detail Information
<BULGU_TIPI```>```Finding Type Information
<AKSIYON_NO```>```Action No Info
<AKSIYON_DURUMU```>```Action Status Information
<DOF_NO```>```DÖF No Information
<DOF_DURUM```>```DÖF Status Information
<SORU_ID```>```Question No Information
<QUESTION```>```Question Info
<ANSWER```>```Answer Information
<MPUAN```>```Max Points Info
<WEIGHT```>```Weight Information
<SORU_PUAN```>```Score Info
<OLUMLU_CEVAP```>```Affirmative Answer Information
<OLUMSUZ_CEVAP```>```Negative Answer Information
<NOTR_CEVAP```>```Neutral Answer Information