Article Actions in Update and Start Revision Processes
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User Help Document on Item Actions in Update and Start Revision in Legal Compliance Requirements Tracking Module
1.Item Actions in Update and Start Revision in Legal Compliance Requirements Follow-up Module**
It is the Module that shows how the existing Permits / Documents are defined, how the status of the company is within the scope of the Legal Regulations and how the actions to be taken are determined and followed.
In the Legal Legislation Compliance Requirements Follow-up Module, firstly, the Legislation definition process is performed in the Legislation Definition menu and the single and multiple definition of the Legislation Substances is performed on the screen opened with the Articles button. On the Legislation Articles screen, the Article Actions tab is located on the screens where update and revision initiation operations are performed. The purpose of using the Article Actions tab is to initiate updates and revisions related to the legal legislation articles to which the companies are subject, and then the action is defined in this tab and what is the operation on the action defined and this process is to inform the relevant persons with the action. On the Legislation Articles screen, there are update and revision start buttons. By clicking the Update button, while the legislation article is making the relevant change / arrangement / update process, these operations are done by defining the action in the item actions tab and informing the relevant people by assigning the relevant task. If there is an incorrect registration, etc. or if there is no need for revision, an update can be made. However, if the legislation item number has been revised, the revision must be initiated so that we can see the past revision records. On the screen opened by clicking the start revision button, the Action is defined in the Article Actions tab and the revised item number is informed about what is in the relevant revision process and the relevant people are informed. In the Legal Legislation Compliance Requirements Follow-up Module, it is necessary to establish priorities in the infrastructure structure in defining the Article Actions at the stage of updating the Legislation Articles and initiating revision processes.
1.1.System Infrastructure Definitions/Regulatory Compliance Requirements Follow-up
It is the part where the infrastructure of the Legal Compliance Requirements Follow-up Module is made by the definitions to be created. In the Legal Legislation Compliance Requirements Follow-up Module, it is necessary to establish priorities in the infrastructure structure for the definition of Article Actions at the stage of updating the Legislation Articles and initiating revision. In this section, Legislation Type Definition and Official Institution Definition should be done as infrastructure definitions.
1.1.1.Regulatory Type Identification
Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/Regulatory Compliance Requirements Tracking/Regulatory Type Identification
It is the menu where the types of legislation to be followed in the Follow-up of Legal Compliance Requirements Module are defined. In this menu, Legal Legislation types such as Law, Decree with the Force of Law, Regulation, Communiqué, Regulation, Instruction, Directive, Convention, Protocol are defined. In this section, we need to define all the types of legislation that workplaces follow.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: A new Type of Legislation is defined.
: Any corrections, amendments or updates are made to the Regulatory Type information selected in the list.
: The Regulatory Type information selected in the list is deleted.
: Records can be searched by filtering.
To add a new Legislation Type to the Legislation Type Definition screen, click (new) button to display the Regulatory Type Identification/New Registration screen.
The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:
Code: This is the field where the Code information of the Legislation Type is entered on the Legislation Type Identification screen.
Definition: This is the area where the definition information of the Legislation Type is entered on the Legislation Type Identification screen.
Status: This is the area where the Active and Passive status information of the Legislation Type can be selected on the Legislation Type Identification screen.
Code Template: This is the field on the Legislation Type Definition screen where the code template information of the Legislation Type is entered. According to the template entered here, when defining the legislation, the system will automatically give the code according to the type to be selected. The # sign indicates how many digits there will be. In the example, the code template YN.### will give the system of regulatory codes defined as YN.001,YN.002.
Counter: This is the area where the information about how many times the counter of the Legislation Type will start on the Legislation Type Identification screen is entered.
After filling in the required fields on the Legislation Type Identification screen, click ! By clicking the (save) button, the Legislation Type Identification registration process is performed.
1.1.2.Government Identification
Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/Regulatory Compliance Requirements Tracking/ Government Identification
It is the menu where the identification process of official institutions such as the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, Municipalities and Governorates is carried out by the company. It is the part where we define the official institutions where we receive the documents in which we need to receive what kind of documents in which public institution as a requirement of legal legislation compliance. In the Legal Permission and Document Identification process, when the institutions from which this Legal Permission and Certificate is obtained are defined in this menu, the selection process will be performed in the Official Institutions area.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: A new Government Agency is defined.
: Any corrections, changes or updates are made to the Government information selected in the list.
: Government information selected in the list is deleted.
: Records can be searched by filtering.
To add a new Government to the Government Definition screen, click (new) button to display the Government Identification/New Registration screen.
List tab: A tab that contains general information for the defined government agency. For example, the name of the institution, its Code and Address information.
The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:
Institution Code: It is the field on the Official Institution Identification screen where the Institution Code information is automatically given by the system.
Institution Name: This is the field where the Institution Name information is entered on the Government Institution Identification screen.
Institution Address: This is the field where the Institution Address information is entered on the Official Institution Identification screen.
Phone: This is the field on the Government Identification screen where the Institution's phone number information is entered.
Fax: This is the field where the fax number information of the institution is entered on the Official Institution Identification screen.
Status: This is the area where the Active or Passive information of the Institution can be selected on the Official Institution Identification screen.
On the Government Entity Identification screen, the institution name information is entered and the status is selected as Active.
Responsible tab: This is the tab where the information of the responsible persons addressed in the defined Official Institution is entered.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: A new Institution Officer is defined.
: Any correction, change or update is made to the information of the Institution Officer selected in the list.
: The Institution Principal information selected in the list is deleted.
To add a new Corporate Responsible to the Institution Responsible Identification screen, click (new) button to display the Institution Responsible Identification/New Registration screen.
The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:
Name: This is the field where the name of the Institution Responsible is entered on the Responsible Identification screen.
Surname: This is the field where the Institution Officer's Last Name information is entered on the Responsible Identification screen.
Position: This is the area where the Duty information of the Institution Responsible is entered on the Responsible Identification screen.
Phone: This is the field where the Institution Responsible's Phone information is entered on the Responsible Identification screen.
E-mail: This is the field where the E-mail address information of the Corporate Responsible is entered on the Responsible Identification screen.
Description: This is the area on the Responsible Identification screen where the Description information about the Responsible is entered.
After filling in the required fields in the Principals tab, click the ! By clicking the (save) button, the Responsible Identification registration process is performed.
On the screen that opens, the institution code and name are entered. Institution address, telephone, fax number and status information can be entered. When adding a new official institution, in the Responsible Persons tab, by entering the information of the responsible persons addressed in the official institution! By clicking the (save) button, the Government Identification registration process is performed.
1.2.Integrated Management System/Compliance Requirements Follow-up
The Regulatory Compliance Requirements Follow-up Module is the section where the Legislation Identification, Workplace Identification, Legal Permission and Document Identification operations and the viewing of the Reports are performed under the Integrated Management System menu. In this section, it will be shown that the procedures carried out in the update and revision processes of the legislation substances defined by performing the Legislation Definition process are taken into action and which process is done and the relevant persons are notified. On the screen of legislation articles, by clicking the start revision button on a legislation article, it will be carried out by taking action to determine what the revision of the articles is and to notify the relevant people. In the process of notifying the addressees of the revision made, the action in the item actions is notified by the process of defining the action. In this process, Legislation Items will be made on the Planning an Action Item Planning screen by clicking the New button on the Item Actions tab. First of all, in order to make these stages, the Legal Permission and Document Identification process will be defined first in this section and then the other process steps will be made in the Legislation definition menu.
1.2.1.Legal Permission and Document Identification
Menu Name: Integrated Management System / Compliance Requirements Tracking / Legal Permission and Document Identification
Legal Permission Document Identification menu is the menu where the definitions of the Legal Permissions and Documents that must be obtained from the official institutions and workplaces by the company are carried out. Legal Legislation is the part where the institutions or workplaces are defined in accordance with which public institution or which company requires what kind of documents or permission to be obtained.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: A new Legal Permission and Document is defined.
: The list will update the selected Legal Permission and Document information.
: The Legal Permission and Document information selected in the list is deleted.
: Takes the Legal Permission and Document selected in the list to the revocation confirmation.
: Data can be exported to Excel.
: Records can be searched by filtering.
To add a new Legal Permission and Document to the Legal Permission and Document Identification screen, click (new) button to display the Legal Permission and Document Identification \New Registration screen.
The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:
Legal Permission/Document Definition: This is the field where the Legal Permission/Document Description information is entered.
Description: This is the field where the Legal Permission/Document Description information is entered.
Government Institution: This is the field where the Official Institution information can be selected from the Institution List defined in the system.
Linked Legislation Articles: This is the area where the information of the Linked Legislation Articles can be selected from the Legislation Articles List defined in the system.
Some points are important when defining legal permissions and documents.
-Official institution should be selected on the definition page, if the permission is linked to a legislation, the relevant legislations should be selected from the Linked Legislations list (The list of dependent legislations comes from the legislations defined in the Integrated Management System/ Compliance Requirements Follow-up/ Legislation Definition menu).
- By going to the To-Do tab on the definition page, it is determined how many days in advance these actions and actions are opened and the action priority times are determined by what actions / document require to be taken.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: A new Job is defined.
: The list updates the selected Business information.
: The Business information selected in the list is deleted.
: The list displays the selected Business information.
To add a new job to the Job Description screen, click (new) button to display the Job Description/New Registration screen.
The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:
Job Description: This is the field where the Job Description information is entered.
Description:** This is the field where the Job Description information is entered.
Duration(Days): This is the field where the Duration of the job is entered in days.
To Do: This is the field where the person who will do the work information can be selected from the Personnel List defined in the system.
Related Document: This is the area where the Business Document information can be selected from the Document List defined in the system.
Should additional files be mandatory? : Should additional files be mandatory? If the information is to be activated, the relevant check box is checked.
Action Priority: This is the field where the information for the duration of the Action Priority is entered.
How Many Days in Advance Actions Should Be Opened: This is the field where the information How Many Days Advance Actions Are Opened is entered.
After the required fields are filled, click the ! By clicking the (save) button, the Job Definition registration process is performed.
After the required fields are filled, click ! By clicking the (Send Confirmation) button, the Legal Permission and Document Identification registration process is performed.
The Pending Jobs of the approved user are deducted as "Legal Permissions and Documents Pending Approval".
Clicking on the document code opens the Legal Permission and Document Identification confirmation screen.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
:The Decline button rejects the Legal permission and Document identification process.
:The Confirm button confirms the Legal permission and Document identification process.
: Returns to the previous screen.
Legal permission is rejected by clicking the Decline button and the process of defining a document is rejected by entering the reason for rejection in the Document Rejection window.
By clicking the Confirm button, the Legal permission and Document identification process is confirmed by entering the Approval Note Information in the Document approval window.
After the Legal Permission and Document approval process, the status of the approved Document is displayed as Active on the Legal Permission and Document Identification screen. In the process of defining the Legislation items of the document, it is ensured that the selection process is performed in the Legal Permission/Document list in the Legal Permission/Documents field that must be obtained.
1.2.2.Defining Legislation
Menu Name: Integrated Management System/Regulatory Compliance Requirements Tracking/ Regulatory Definition
All legislation related to legal permissions / documents and the actions to be followed are defined. After the legislation definition process is done, the update process and revision procedures related to the Legislation articles are performed on the screen where the legislation articles are defined. With the update button on the legislation items definition screen, the relevant regulation / change / update process is made for the selected legislation article. The revision is initiated and the revision procedures related to the legislation items are integrated with the action module and the Action Item is planned in the Article Actions tab and the revision is defined with the action and notified to the relevant persons. Clicking the Old Revisions button displays the old revisions of the revision. This screen opens an Action Pen Planning screen in the Action Module. On the screen that opens, the Action Pen planning process is done. In the process of defining the type of Action Pen in the Action Module for the definition of the revision process, if desired, the Action Pen identification process is performed for the Legal Legislation Module. Or by selecting from the Action Item types defined in the system, the task assignment process is made for revision operations. Action Item Planning process steps are carried out by working in an integrated way with the Item Actions Tracking Module and the Action Module.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: A new Legislation is defined.
: Any corrections, changes or updates are made to the selected Legislation information in the list.
: The Regulatory information selected in the list is deleted.
: Data can be exported to Excel.
: Records can be searched by filtering.
: Legislative articles are defined.
: The template is downloaded.
: The template is loaded.
To add a new Legislation to the Legislation Definition screen, click (new) button to display the Regulatory Definition/New Registration screen.
The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:
Linked Legislation Code: If the Linked Legislation Code under creation is a sub-breakdown of a Regulatory code definition, this field will be filled automatically. In the field that comes in filled, is the name of the category code definition to which it is linked. When the upper breakdown to which it is connected is wanted to be deleted, the one on the right side is the (delete) button or when you want to change the ! The (select) button is used. If there is no parent category to which it is linked, this field is empty.
Legislation Code: This is the area where the Legislation Code information is entered on the Legislation Definition screen.
Legislation Name: This is the field where the Legislation Name information is entered on the Legislation Description screen.
Description: This is the area where the Legislation Description information is entered on the Legislation Definition screen.
Number of Official Gazettes: It is the field where the Official Gazette Number information is entered on the Legislation Definition screen.
Official Gazette Date: This is the field where the Official Gazette Date information is entered on the Legislation Definition screen.
Status: This is the area where the Active or Passive status information of the Legislation can be selected on the Legislation Definition screen.
To Be Performed: It is the field where the Transaction to be Performed information is entered on the Legislation Definition screen.
Read Task Will Occur: This is the area on the Legislation Definition screen where the Read Task Will Occur information can be selected from the User Group Selection List defined in the system. After defining this legislation, the read task is sent to the user groups defined in the system. The work that is waiting for the people in the user groups to whom the reading task is sent is "Regulations to be Read".
After all the required fields are filled in the Legislation Definition screen, click ! By clicking the (save) button, the Legislation definition registration process is performed. Item Identification Process
On the Legislation Definition screen Legislation Articles belonging to the legislation defined by the (Articles) button and within the responsibility of the company are defined as single and multiple.
With the new button, the legislation article is defined.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: New Articles of Legislation are defined.
: Any corrections, amendments or updates shall be made to the information on the selected Regulatory Items in the list.
: The information on the selected Regulatory Items in the list is deleted.
: Allows the revision to be initiated.
: Displays older revisions.
: The data can be exported to Excel.
:Recordings can be searched by filtering.
: The template is downloaded.
: The template is loaded.
To add a new Legislation Article to the Legislation Articles screen, click (new) button to display the Regulatory Items Identification/New Registration screen.
The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:
Article No: This is the area where the Article No information is entered on the Legislation Articles screen.
Official Gazette Number: This is the area where the Official Gazette Number information is entered on the Legislation Articles screen.
Official Gazette Date: This is the area where the Official Gazette Date information is entered on the Legislation Articles screen.
Related Workplaces: This is the area on the Legislation Articles screen where the relevant Workplaces information can be selected from the Workplace List defined in the system.
Legal Permits/ Documents to be Obtained: It is the area where the Legal Permits/ Documents to be Obtained information on the Legislation Articles screen can be selected from the Legal Permission / Document List defined in the system.
Related Documents: It is the area where the Related Documents information can be selected from the Document Selection List defined in the system on the Legislation Articles screen.
Related Management System: It is the area where the relevant Management System information can be selected from the Management Systems defined in the system on the Legislation Articles screen.
Related Management System Article No: This is the area where the relevant Management System Item No information can be selected from the Item No Select List defined in the system on the Legislation Items screen.
Reviewer: This is the area on the Legislation Articles screen where the Reviewer information can be selected from the Personnel Selection List defined in the system.
Review Period: This is the area on the Regulatory Items screen where the Review Period information is entered from the day, month, or year options.
On the screen that opens, the relevant workplace is selected and the legal permission / documents to be obtained are determined. Thus, as soon as the legislation definition is realized, in the workplaces selected by the system; It will be checked whether the legal permission / documents specified in the legislation are defined. If the permissions are defined in the workplaces, the action will not be opened, if the permission is not defined, the work to be done automatically related to the permissions will be assigned to the relevant workplace responsible as an action. After all the required fields are filled, click ! By clicking the (save) button, the Regulatory Articles identification registration process is performed. Item Planning in the Article Actions Tab in the Subject Article Update Process
On the Legislation items definition screen, the update process related to the Legislation article is performed. If there are operations such as incorrect registration, etc. or if there is no need for revision, the update process can be done. The legislation article is the process of making changes and arrangements on the relevant areas.
To make an update process about Legislation Articles(Update) button opens the Regulatory Items screen.
On the screen that opens, two tabs appear, the List and Article Actions tabs.
List tab;
Legislation is the tab that contains general information in the identification process of substances. Edits/updates/changes are made to this information.
Item Actions tab;
It is the tab used to take these transactions through the action after the arrangement / change / update transactions of the transactions that need to be made regarding the legal legislation articles to which the companies are subject in the update process and to inform the relevant persons by performing the Action Item Planning process. The purpose of making action assignments on the item numbers screen is to ensure that the item numbers are up to date.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: A new Item Action is defined
: The Item Action information selected in the list is deleted.
For example, the process of updating the review period of the legal legislation article to which the company is subject as 6 to 12 months of the relevant period and defining the Action Item Plan of the Item Actions tab to the relevant persons and notifying them that this process has been done and notified.
To Plan a new Action Item related to the Legislation Item in the Item Actions tab(Create Action) button is clicked.
On the Action Item Planning-New Registration screen that opens, the update / Amendment / arrangement process related to the Legislation Article is done by planning the relevant Action and informing the relevant persons about this update process is done by Action.
Action Information tab; This is the tab where information about the action is entered.
Additional Files tab;
On the Action Pen Identification screen, the updated Legislation item can be added if there is an additional file.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: Attachment attached to the action pen is attached.
: The additional file selected in the list is displayed.
: Deletes the additional file that is selected in the list.
Action Pen Planning -On the New Registration screen, the basic information required (action pen type, action responsible, person to do the job, start and end date, action description) is entered and the registration process is performed by clicking the save button.
Performing the Action Task
On the My pending jobs page, the task is listed as "Actions to be Performed in My Responsibility" in the "Action Responsible" and "Actions to be Performed" in the "Person Who Will Do the Work".
To perform the action task, the person who will do the work opens the "Actions to Perform" list. After clicking on the relevant action code, "Realization", "Update", "Deadline" and "Delay" operations can be performed.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: The action is performed.
: The action is updated.
: The term of the action is changed.
: The task to perform the action is rejected by the person who will do the work.
: The work of performing the action is directed to another person.
: The data is exported to Excel.
: Records can be searched by filtering.
The person who will perform the action, that is, the person who will do the work Clicking the "Perform Action" button displays the action to be performed. Information about the action taken is entered in the "Work Done" field at the bottom. In the "Occur Date" field, select the date on which the action was taken. Evidence files, if any, are uploaded from the "Additional File" tab. Registration is performed with the record button.
The action information is entered into the system and Pressing the Save button performs the action. When the action occurs, if there is a confirmation step, the action item goes to the close confirmation, and if there is no confirmation step, the action closes automatically.
The updated legislation item is located on the Item Actions tab on the relevant Closed Action Legislation Items screen. Item Planning in the Item Actions Tab in the Initiate Regulatory Article Revision Process
Again, when there is a change in the legal legislation articles to which the companies are subject, it is aimed to establish and manage the relationship with the action thanks to the revision feature. For this purpose, when the Start Revision button is clicked, a New Action Item is defined in the Article Actions tab and the Action is created and it is ensured that the revision is made and the revision is notified to the relevant people.
To make a revision of the Legislation Articles related to ! Clicking the (Start Revision) button opens the Legislation Articles screen.
On the screen that opens, two tabs appear, the List and Article Actions tabs.
On the List tab;
Legislation is the tab that contains general information in the identification process of substances.
Item Actions tab;
It is the tab used to establish a relationship with the action thanks to the Revision feature when there is a change in the legal legislation articles to which the companies are subject to the revision process and to inform the relevant people by performing the Action Item Planning process. Just as the item actions tab is used in the update process of the legislation article, the Item Actions tab is used in the revision process. If the item number has been revised, the revision must be initiated so that we can see the past revision records. In transactions such as the revision of the Legislation Articles to which they are subject and their announcement to the relevant persons, it is ensured that the relationship with the Action is established and managed.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: A new Item Action is defined
: The Item Action information selected in the list is deleted.
Legal Permits/Documents Required to be Obtained as Revision of the Legal Legislation Article to which the Company is subject To have the relevant revision process and to notify the relevant persons by defining the Item Actions tab Action Item Plan. As an example, in the legislation article to which it is subject, the Legal Permits / Documents to be obtained are only Environmental Permits, the relevant revision process is carried out and the relevant Action definition process is carried out.
On the Action Item Planning-New Registration screen that opens, the revision process related to the Legislation Article is made by planning the relevant Action and the Revision is made by informing the relevant persons about this Revision process by Action. To Plan a new Action Item related to the Legislation Item in the Item Actions tab(Create Action) button is clicked.
On the Action Item Planning-New Registration screen that opens, the Revised Action related to the Legislation Article is planned and the relevant persons are informed.
Action Information Tab; General information about the action is entered.
Additional Files tab;
On the Action Pen Identification screen, the revised Legislation item can be added if there is an additional file.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: Attachment attached to the action pen is attached.
: The additional file selected in the list is displayed.
: Deletes the additional file that is selected in the list.
Action Pen Planning -On the New Registration screen, the basic information required (action pen type, action responsible, person to do the job, start and end date, action description) is entered and the registration process is performed by clicking the save button.
Performing the Action Task
On the My pending jobs page, the task is listed as "Actions to be Performed in My Responsibility" in the "Action Responsible" and "Actions to be Performed" in the "Person Who Will Do the Work".
To perform the action task, the person who will do the work opens the "Actions to Perform" list. After clicking on the relevant action code, "Realization", "Update", "Deadline" and "Delay" operations can be performed.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: The action is performed.
: The action is updated.
: The term of the action is changed.
: The task to perform the action is rejected by the person who will do the work.
: The work of performing the action is directed to another person.
: The data is exported to Excel.
: Records can be searched by filtering.
The person who will perform the action, that is, the person who will do the work Clicking the "Perform Action" button displays the action to be performed. Information about the action taken is entered in the "Work Done" field at the bottom. In the "Occur Date" field, select the date on which the action was taken. Evidence files, if any, are uploaded from the "Additional File" tab. Registration is performed with the record button.
The action information is entered into the system and Pressing the Save button performs the action. When the action occurs, if there is a confirmation step, the action item goes to the close confirmation, and if there is no confirmation step, the action closes automatically.
To view the Old Revisions of the legislation item made by the Revision process on the Legislation Articles screen(Old Revisions) button is clicked.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
:Old Revisions are displayed.
: The data is exported to Excel.
:Returns to the previous screen.
(View) button to display the Old Revision of the Regulatory Article.
The List tab appears.
The Item Actions tab displays the action taken
It has been seen that the two modules work in an integrated way with the Action Item Definition Definition in the Item Actions tab in the Update and Start Revision processes on the Regulatory Compliance Requirements Follow-up Module and Action Module Legislation Articles screens with the Action Module Tracking Module.