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Company Identification

In organizations with a multi-company structure, company definitions should be transferred to the system in order to specify which user, position, title or department belongs to which company.

In the Human Resources menu, new company definitions can be made to the system under the heading of Companies and the existing definition can be edited.

Company identification

When the "New" button in the upper left corner of the list of companies is clicked, the screen where the company information will be entered opens. The information of the company to be added to the system is entered on this screen and the "Save" button is pressed. Thus, the new company registration is added to the system.

Company identification

After the company definitions are made, when the detail information screens of the existing user, position, title and department records are opened, the company definitions will be listed on the screen. Thus, it becomes possible to choose which registration belongs to which company.

For a detailed description of the fields on the company information screen, see Companies.