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Identification Method

To define human resources data, log in to the web interface with your own username and password and click on the Human Resources menu.

Identification Management

All HR data defined in the system are managed under this heading, new records can be added, arrangements can be made within the existing record.

Let's perform the process of defining the sample user given below to the system step by step;

Username :zyener
Name :Victory
Surname :Beats
Password :Zy0613!!
Department :Support & Consulting
Department Code :G05
Executive Department :Production
Department Manager :Huseyin Kar
Profession :Team Manager
Profession Code :T8
Date of Birth :02.12.1980
Commencement Date :01.04.2013
Category :White Collar
Gender :Men
Supervisor :Hakan Uzal
Position :Support Team Manager
Position Code :122nd