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All users within the system may be asked to be informed about any issue. Informational general announcements can be published from the Announcements area in the web interface.

The Announcements area on the start screen, which opens when you log in to the web interface, lists any previously published announcements, if any.


The functions of adding, viewing, editing and deleting announcements are subject to authorization.

Steps to define announcement authority

Log in to the web interface with the authorized system user and click on the Settings area. The Security settings listed in Settings are selected.


On the Security screen, all users defined in the system are authorized on the basis of the system groups they belong to. Create, View, Edit, Delete functions under the User Interface -> Announcements headings can be authorized separately by clicking on the authorization group to which the person to be authorized to announce belongs to the person.


Announcement Publishing Process

The authorized user can view the announcements section in the web interface and add new announcements. To add a new announcement, click on the **"Add Announcement" link under the Announcements area. When the Add Announcement link is clicked, the screen opens where the details of the announcement to be published will be entered. On the announcement definition screen that opens;

  • The Subject field where the announcement topic will be written,
  • The Messages field where the announcement text will be written,
  • The Status field where the active/passive status of the announcement will be indicated,
  • The Start Date field where the announcement start date can be specified,
  • For fixed-term announcements, the End Date field where the end of the announcement effective date will be entered,
  • Indefinite option to choose from for indefinite announcements,
  • Show at Startup option that can be selected to show the announcement when logging in to the web interface,
  • Send Email option that can be selected to notify users of the added announcement by sending an email

fields. A new announcement can be published in the system by filling in these fields and pressing the Save button on the screen.
