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App Explorer

A project that is created, successfully built, and published in the development interface is ready to use. In order for end users to use the developed project, the project must be added to the applications menu from the Application Explorer screen in the web interface.

By seeing and clicking on authorized applications in the applications menu, the end user can open and fill out the relevant form, start a new process or access the report screens.

By logging into the web interface with an authorized user, you can access the Application Explorer screen under the Settings menu.

App Explorer

With the Add option in the details of the Application Explorer screen, a new record is added to the application menu. With the Save option, changes made to the application menu are saved. The Close option closes the application explorer screen.

App Explorer

Application Explorer processes;

  • Add New Application Node
  • Adding a New Profile
  • Profile Authorization

will be discussed with main headings.

Add a New Application Node

Clicking Add opens a window on the screen where the details of the application to be added to the menu will be entered. The details window consists of 3 tabs: "Basic Information", "Advanced Parameters" and "Profiles"**.

App Explorer

On the Basic Information tab;

  • Title : This is the part where the application name that will appear in the Applications menu will be entered. Multi-language support is available in this field and by clicking on the multi-language icon, the equivalents of the application name in other languages defined in the system can also be entered. Thus, according to the language entered into the interface, the application names will be displayed with the relevant language equivalents.

  • Panel Size : This is the part where clicking on the application name from the menu determines the size of the form to open. Options 1,2,3 are listed as the panel size. With option 1, the form opens full screen, while option 3 takes up less space on the screen.

  • Symbol Color : In the application menu, the symbol color at the beginning of the application name is set. According to the options in the Color panel, applications can be colored in the desired color.

  • Node Operation Type : This field must select which type of application record to add.

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App Explorer


The None*** option is the option selected on the master node to gather applications of the same process or similar processes under a single heading when creating a tree structure. Clicking on the node with "None" selected as the node operation type in the menu structure will open other menu nodes added under that node.

> According to the example below; For the record titled "Advance Request Process", the node transaction type "None" is selected.

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App Explorer


The Start a Flow* option is selected when a project created in the development interface is attempted to be started from the menu. When this option is selected as the node operation type, the screen will be visible in the "Projects" area, where all the projects that have been successfully published to the system are listed, and the "Flows"** area, where it will be selected which flow of the selected project to start the process from. By clicking on the "Start a Flow" node type from the menu, the form for the corresponding project opens with the action buttons defined in the initiator step of the flow. Fill out the form that starts the flow and advance the flow to the next step according to the scenario identified during development.

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App Explorer


The Fill Out a Form* option is selected when a form for a project created in the development interface is requested to be filled out in the web interface. By filling in and saving the fields in the form, the form data can be used elsewhere as source data. Or, a form created as a report can be added to the menu as a Fill Form type. When this option is selected as the node operation type, the screen will be visible in the "Projects" area, which lists all the projects that have been successfully published to the system, and the "Forms" area, where it will be selected which form of the selected project to open.

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App Explorer


The Startup, Document Management, Workflow Management, and Human Resources*** options, as well as nodes in the menu where basic web interface operations are performed, can be added to the application menu.

The External Link* option is the option used to link an external address to the application node so that when the node is clicked, the address is opened. When this option is selected, the "External Link Opening Type" fields where you can choose whether to open the link address in a new tab or on the panel and "External Link"** fields to enter the address to be opened will be visible.

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App Explorer


Assign Root Node :*** This option is used to add the created application node directly to the application menu or to add it under another node under the application menu. While this option is inactive, the app is added directly to the bottom of the app menu. If the option is activated and any node in the menu is selected from the selection list at the bottom, the application is added under the selected menu node.

> According to the example below; For the node titled "Advance Request Form", the record titled "Advance Request Process" is selected as the root node.

App Explorer

On the Advanced Parameters tab, there are Key and Value fields to enter the parameter key and value to send any value as a parameter to the project's flow or form.

> For example; The same process is added as two different menu nodes in the application menu. In the flow part of the process, the flow will be advanced from different branches according to the menu node clicked. In this case, the key value "X" is given to "1" in the 1st menu node to which the same process is connected, and the key value "X" is given again in the 2nd menu node, this time the value "2". In the flow part of the process, a variable object named "X" is added to the same parameter key name, that is, this variable object is marked as "Global" from its properties. By comparing the variable named X in the comparison object, if its value is "1", it is understood that it was clicked from the 1st menu node, and if it is "2", it is understood that it was clicked from the 2nd menu node.

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App Explorer


Before users on the system can see a record that has been added to the application menu, the user must have been delegated the corresponding application node. Authorization of application nodes is accomplished through profile definitions. By default, there is a profile definition named "admin". From the Profile area on the Application Explorer screen, new profiles can be added. It should also be defined which applications can appear in these profiles and to which users these profiles will be authorized.

On the Profiles tab; The selection of the application node to be added is made in which profile or profiles will be visible.

  • The Child Nodes section can be activated if there will be other nodes under the node to be added and they all want to appear in the same menu profiles.

  • In the Profiles section, all the defined menu profiles are listed. If the application to be added is desired to be visible in which menu profiles, the relevant menu profiles are selected from this field.

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App Explorer


Thus, to whichever system users the selected profile is authorized to, those users can see the application titles included in the profile in the application menu.

Add a New Profile

The visibility of the nodes in the application menu is determined on a profile-by-profile basis. One application node may be visible to all users in the system, while another application node may be required to be accessible only to specific users. Therefore, it must be determined in which menu profiles each added application node will be visible.

Manage the accessibility of application nodes added to the menu with profiles; It allows for many access controls, such as being able to manage only the applications that a specific person or department needs access to, ensuring that report screens with private information are visible only to authorized people. Each user will then be able to see and use only the app titles they are authorized to in the app menu.

Initially, there is a profile named "admin" by default. Application nodes activated in the "admin" profile are visible in the application menu to all users authorized in the "admin" profile.

To add a new menu profile, click the "Add" button from the Profile** area on the Application Explorer screen.

App Explorer

Clicking the Add button opens a window to enter the information for the new profile. In this window, clicking the "Copy From" button activates the following list and lists all available menu profiles. The new profile can be created by copying it from another existing menu profile and modified if desired. To create a menu profile from scratch, type the profile number and title information in the No and Title** fields and click OK.

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App Explorer


After that, the Profile list on the App Explorer screen appears with the newly added profile definition. When the newly added profile is selected from this list, all the recordings attached to the application menu will come passively.

App Explorer

Clicking on the details of the app registration that is desired to be visible in the selected profile is called "Edit".

App Explorer

In the editing window that opens, the Profiles tab is navigated to and the newly added profile definition is selected from this field and the changes are updated.

App Explorer

When the corresponding application node is activated in the selected profile, it will also appear as active in the menu. This edit must be saved by pressing the **"Save" button from the Application Explorer screen. This allows users to whom the edited menu profile is delegated to see and use whichever application nodes are active in that profile in the application menu.

App Explorer

Profile Authorization

If a user in the system needs to see which application titles are active in the applications menu, he must be authorized with the menu profile in which those application titles are active.

After the menu profile is created and the application titles that should be in the profile are activated, it is time to authorize the menu profile to the users. This is done in the web interface under the Settings menu under "Security".

App Explorer

On the security screen, on the left side is the list of user groups to which authorization edits will be made, and on the right side are the sections with authorization definitions and authorization statuses.

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App Explorer


A new group definition is created with the "Add Group" option to gather the user or users to be delegated into a group.

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App Explorer


The new group definition appears on the Security screen as added to the list of groups. By clicking on this group definition, the **"Members" tab on the right side adds members to the group via user, position, title or department and populates the group content.

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App Explorer


On the Member Of tab, the corresponding group can be selected as a member of another group. In this case, for example; When a group Y is added from the Are a member of group X tab, the privileges of group Y can move to group X. All "Unassigned" privileges in group X are taken from group Y. Authorizations other than "Unassigned" in group X are evaluated based on the authority identified in group X.

The Permissions tab contains all the field and operation definitions that can be authorized on the system. In this section, the Menu heading is expanded because the application profile will be authorized. Under the menu title, all menu profiles defined in the Application Explorer area are listed. Selecting "Allow" for the menu profile to be defined as the authorization to the created group ensures that users in the group can see the application menu with the allowed profile content. The authorization process is then completed with the **"Save Changes" button.

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App Explorer


A user may be included in different groups. In this case, it benefits from the sum of the privileges allowed in all the groups to which it is included.

For example; The user "Bob Smith" is included in both the "All Users" group and the "Accounting" group. If a privilege that was left as "Unassigned" in the "All Users" group is selected as "Allow" in the "Accounting" group, the user "Bob True" enjoys that privilege. So the "Allow" authorization status trumps "Unassigned". However, if a privilege that is "Allow" in the "All Users" group is selected as **"Deny" in the "Accounting" group, then the user will not be able to use that privilege. The "Deny" authorization status is dominant.