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Document Management

Document Management is a document management system used to store business documents / files and project / system files in order to digitalize them and to allow them to be edited and displayed in the required areas.

Document Management Interface

The first page of the introduction to Document Management is the Document Management Home Screen. This area is divided into 7 separate parts to view Recent Docs, Favorites, Workspaces, Activities and Repositories, including a Search field to search for files.

Document Management Home Screen

Repositories Interface

The interface, which basically has a mesh/design structure that is divided into two sides;

  • Left Part: Recent Documents, Favorites, Trash, Repositories and their sub-breakdowns come with a tree structure.

  • Right Part: The navigation area at the top displays an area with operations that can be performed within the authorizations on the selected file and/or document, an area that allows searching, an area where the listing type can be changed, and finally the operations area as an area where the document management panel can be closed, and at the bottom of it is a navigation area where document path information can be displayed, and below them is a warehouse, There is a filing area with folders and files.

Stores and Folders

Repositories are considered root directories where documents are kept. Folders, on the other hand, are the filing and directory structure in which files or new folders to be created in them are placed in a certain order.

Operations Area

If you want to perform an operation on a repository, folder or file, hover over the object to view the relevant operations and select the round selection area that appears on the right side, or the window that opens by right-clicking* displays the operations that can be performed on the object. At the same time, if it is desired to make changes on more than one object; The round selection areas on the right side of the objects whose selection is desired are marked and more than one selection is made. Actions that can be performed in bulk are filtered based on selections, and changes are made from the processes area or from the right-clicking window.

![Document Management Screen](üman%20Yönetimi%20Ekran I-32f28b68-0ba3-4a94-b46a-19e1e23e2c60.png)


- **New Repository**: Allows creating a new repository. The new repository can only be created in the _Başlang I ç_ directory.
- **New Folder**: Allows creating a new folder. A new folder can only be created outside the _Başlang I ç_ directory.
- **New File**: Allows creating a new file. A new file can only be created outside the _Başlang I ç_ directory.


- **Compare**: Allows comparison of two text files with each other, lists their similarities and differences.
- **Properties**: Although object-based headers are variable, it is an area where information about the object is presented and set under the headings General, MetaData, Directory Settings, New File.
- **Security**: A security tab that allows individuals or groups to define various authorizations such as viewing, downloading, printing, etc. specifically for the selected object.
- **Show Profile**: Opens if there is a profile form defined on the object.
- **Activities**: Brings up a panel screen that allows users to post a message on the object and view the messages they have posted or the actions they have performed on the object.


- **Add to Favorites**: Pin the object for display in the Favorites area.
- **Copy**: Duplicates the selected object.
- **Move**: Moves the selected object to another directory.
- **Refresh Indexing**: Processes and keeps content in system memory for faster results in searches.
- **Rename**: Allows the object to be given a new name.
- **Delete**: Deletes the object from the directory in which it is located.
- **Digital Signature**: If there is a digital signature on the object, it shows and/or signs.


- **Download**: Starts a process to download the selected object to the computer.
- **Share**: Allows sharing the selected file as a link or as an attachment to the mail. Sharing possibilities and boundaries are organized from this area.
- **Subscription**: A notification system for files created and/or deleted for stores and folders.


- **History**: Opens a panel for viewing the history of changes made to the object.
  • Add to Clipboard: Collects folders or files in a different repository or folder into a repository; allows copying or moving to the currently current -desired to be processed- directory. In order to add to the clipboard, right-click on the folder or file and add to the clipboard by pressing the Add to Clipboard button from the drop-down menu. When a folder or file is added to the clipboard, the area named Clipboard appears in the actions area. The folder to be copied or moved is opened in the document management and the Clipboard button that has become visible in the process areas is clicked, and the copy or move process specified as a result of the selections made in the drop-down list is performed.
  • Shortcut: A shortcut object is created in the current directory for the folder and file. Attempting to view this object opens the parent object directly. A shortcut object can be added to the clipboard, moved, copied, renamed, or deleted. These changes will not affect the parent object. When a change is requested to be made to files displayed using the shortcut object, the system will not approve these changes.