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Access Keys

Access keys are a system that makes it possible for another user to log into their account through a token without the need for a username and password to log in. This system should not be confused with the proxy system. In the proxy system, while the proxy makes the transactions for the substituted user, the transactions made with the access key are referred to as the main user's own transaction.

Generate Access Key

The steps to follow to create an access key are as follows:

  • In the web interface, the path Profile -> My Account -> Powers of Attorney and Access Keys -> Access Keys is followed.
  • Click the New Access Key button. In the window that opens, a Name, Key Expiration Date is entered for the access key to be generated and Scope of Authorization is specified.
  • As a result of the selections made, the OK button is clicked, a new window opens where the key is created and can be copied. In this window, we need to copy our access key and store it securely. The generated access keys are not stored or stored anywhere on the system.

![Test Access Key](şim%20Anahtar I-2a874927-a665-416a-9351-b00fd7778ebe.png)

Logging In with Access Key

On the login screen, the Access Key option is selected in the field where the input type is selected and the access key is entered there.

![Access Keys - Input Option](şim%20Anahtarlar I%20-%20Input%20Option-2f783dc0-94d0-4d59-86c2-13b3fb8d068a.png)

Other Operations to be Performed on the Access Key

You come to the Access Keys window and select the access key that needs to be processed. After the selection, the Edit, Recall and Reproduce buttons at the top of the table become active.

![Access Keys - Editing](şim%20Anahtarlar I%20-%20Edit-cef54621-5e93-460c-8214-d71947f90de7.png)

  • Edit: Allows editing the Name, Key Validity Date, and Scope of Authority on the selected access key.
  • Recall: Removes the selected access key to the deactivated state. This will also deactivate the entries through the selected access key. When the recall button is pressed, another panel will be opened for verification and the access key will be requested to be entered in this field. The access key, which is once inactive, is moved to the Passive table, and cannot be edited or regenerated after this step.

![Access Keys - Passive Table](şim%20Anahtarlar I%20-%20Passive%20Table-2e7d7a44-01bd-4fe5-8620-31306764c48f.png)

  • Regenerate: Used to generate a new key when the previously generated access key cannot be reached. When a new key is created, the old key becomes unusable.