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User Settings

Click on the user information in the upper right corner of the Start screen. On the screen that opens, click the 'My Account' button to open the screen with user settings.

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User Settings

This is the page where the user's theme, language, password change, security, power of attorney and access key settings can be viewed and edited.

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Theme Settings

With this feature, we can customize the theme areas in the web interface.

  • Preview: A visual of how the changes will be reflected in the web interface is presented.

  • Primary Color: Allows areas such as basic headers, buttons, form names, loading animations, etc. in the web interface to appear in the selected color.

  • Ground Image: Corresponds to the background image in the web interface. The user is offered 4 different options.

  • Background Color: This is the area where the ground image color is selected. The user can select the desired color from the color palette by clicking on the color field.

  • Primary Color: Allows areas such as basic titles, buttons, form names, loading animations, etc., to appear in the selected color in the web interface.

Regional Settings

It can be accessed by clicking on the 'Regional Settings' tab on the user settings screen. With this option, the system language can be changed by selecting from the languages defined in the system.

Change My Password

It can be accessed by clicking on the 'Change My Password' tab on the user settings screen. With this option, the user can set a new password.

  • Valid Password: The password used by the user is requested.

  • New Password: Enter the new password you want to use.

  • New Password Again: The new password to be used is re-entered. This field must be the same as the newly entered password.