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What is the Authorization Code, How to Use It?

The authorization code is used for filtering purposes in business request and work order records, and for record-based change authorization in asset records. The basic logic can be explained as "users who are assigned an authorization code can only see records opened by users who are assigned the same authorization code, or records opened by users who do not have an authorization code." The authorization code for a user account is assigned in the field titled "Authorization Code" within the "General Information" tab on the user registration detail page.

Use of Work Order and Job Requisition

After the authorization code has been assigned to the user account; When you create a new work order or work request, the authorization code that is defined in the user account is automatically assigned to the relevant records. If the BC037 coded parameter in the company parameters is activated; Only users who have been assigned the relevant authorization code and users who have never been assigned an authorization code can see the work requests and work orders created with this user account, that is, users who have been assigned a different authorization code cannot see these records.

Use in Assets

The authorization code is also used for registration-based authorization of assets. There are no parameters for this feature to be active. When a user creates an entity record, the authorization code is automatically moved into that entity record. Only users who have been assigned the same authorization code and users who have never been assigned an authorization code can modify this entity record that is then created. The basic logic can be explained as "users who are assigned an authorization code can only modify entity records opened by users who are assigned the same authorization code".