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Through the Beam application, the processes of determining and renewing users' passwords can be managed. Your password setting and renewal policies: Main menu > System > System Parameters screen, you can edit it with user accounts with administrator privileges.

If you don't see this menu: You can activate the menu by activating the "System > System Parameter" box from the Main Menu > System > User Groups > Change Admin Group > > Menu Authorizations.

Password Reset and Setting Settings

Search for the parameter values under the relevant heading shared below in the "Key Other" column in the System parameters. If the parameter is defined, you can edit the opposite value. If the parameter is not defined, create a parameter line using the "Add" button and add the relevant parameter in the "Key Value" column and complete the process with the Save button. You can then save it again by updating the value opposite the parameter.

Setting Password Renewal Time

Parameter Key Value: WebUISettings.User.PasswordChangePeriod

With the help of this parameter, the system will require users to change their beam application passwords at the intervals you specify. The value to be written against this parameter works with the unit of days. For example, if you type 90, users will be obliged to renew their passwords every 90 days.

Preventing the Reuse of Past Passwords During Password Reset

Parameter Key Value: WebUISettings.User.LastPassCount

With the help of this parameter, users can be prevented from reusing their old passwords that they have used in the past in the beam application while setting a password. For example, if 5 is written as the value, if users enter the last 5 passwords they have used in the past in the Beam application as a new password, this process will be blocked by the system and will give a warning.

Password Length and Character Settings (Regex)

Parameter Key Value: WebUISettings.User.PasswordFormat

With the help of this parameter, the format of the password to be determined can be arranged to meet the conditions you deem appropriate. If you define and apply the combination you deem appropriate from the following formats to the value column opposite the parameter, this structure obligation will come into play in the passwords to be determined from that moment on.

The expressions to be used in determining the format and their meanings are as follows:

Format start (Mandatory): ^

Checking if there is at least one digit in the string: (?=.*\d)

Allows you to control the characters specified in the string between []: (?=.*[@#$%])

Provides at least one uppercase check in the string: (?=.*[A-Z])

Provides at least one lowercase check in the string: (?=.*[a-z])

Allows you to control the minimum number of characters in the string (minimum 8 characters, etc.): {8,}

Format end (Mandatory): $

Sample format; " ^(?=.\d)(?=.[@#%])(?=.[A-Z])(?=.[a-z]). {8,}$ "