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  1. We have defined a warehouse parameter. Does automatic purchase requisition or warehouse transfer occur when my inventory level falls below the minimum level?

An automated purchase requisition can be created. If it is lower than the minimum stock amount, demand is created to reach the maximum amount. Example: The minimum quantity of the warehouse parameter of the material in a warehouse is entered as 5 pieces and the maximum quantity as 10 pieces. The current amount is also 3. This
In this case, because the quantity in the warehouse is less than the min stock, 5(min) ''>''' 3(current) ''=>''' 7 pcs (10(max.) - 3 (current warehouse quantity )) creates a purchase requisition. If there is a flow in the system and the flow has not been regulated for this situation, the existing flow is used.

When you want to use it, you can send your maximum minimum quantities in your warehouses to our support team with bss and they will help you if you want the necessary adjustments.