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My 1st Scenario

As my, I only authorize my staff who will open a consumable request to perform an "exit movement". As an example, I have authorized the following m.cinar user to make an "opt-out request" only. At the same time, I have activated the "(BCG1.279) - In the case of Material Transfer, Only Self-Created Records" privilege in the user group to which this staff member belongs, so that he can only see the requests he has opened, not the requests opened by others.

My staff who make this request will select the part to be consumed and the warehouse requested.

He will enter and record which material he requested and how many pieces. With this action, it will tell the system "from which warehouse, for which part, which material and how many pieces it demands".

In the user group where the warehouse is located, the parameter "(BCG1.112) - Can Approve Material Request and Transfer" must be active. Material requests will be posted on the warehouseman's "material request and transfer" page as follows.

When you enter the relevant request, you will see "approval, rejection" buttons.

From the Materials tab, how many quantities can respond to the demand will fill in the "met quantity" field. If it does not fill up, the system gives a warning. During the period when my warehouse staff approves, there will be a stock drop from my warehouse.

My 2nd Scenario

When I request materials to the part I want to have no approval stage, if I want to have a direct exit, I do this from my "material movements" page. My requesting staff select "exit transaction" from my material transactions page. It selects the warehouse to be checked out and the consignment / part to be entered. From the Materials tab, saves the corresponding material, which fills in the quantity. Inventory dropping occurs automatically from the warehouse.


The relevant part/consignment is entered.

I can see how much I have consumed for which material and which consumable/part, and how much it costs.