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Device Module - Calibration Report Tags

• SAT > BSAT > Configuration settings > Report Formats Editing menu and download the template named "KALRAP.xls" in this menu to your computer. You can edit the report using the following tags, and then upload it to the Report formats editing menu for KALRAP.xls without changing the name of the report. Then, by using the EYS > Device Management > Operation Execution menu, the excel report will be printed as you edit the calibration report of the device for which you have performed the work order.

Device code: ```<```CIHAZ_KODU```>```
Device Name:```<```ADI```>```
Brand: ```<```MARKA```>```
Model: ```<```MODEL```>```
Serial No: ```<```SERI_NO```>```
Transaction Type:```<```ISLEM_TIPI```>```
Work Order Number:```<```ISEMRI_NO```>```
Responsible for the Device:```<```CIHAZ_SOR```>```
Location: ```<```BUL_YER```>```
Last Traded Date:```<```SON_ISLEM_TAR```>```
Come here. Transaction Date : ```<```GEL_ISLEM_TAR```>```
Process Responsible:```<```KAL_SOR```>```
Cost of the device:```<```CIHAZ_MALIYETI```>```
Device-Oriented Action:```<```CIHAZ_ISLEM```>```
Calibration Site Description: ```<```KAL_YERI_ACK```>```
Calibration Cost: ```<```KAL_MAL```>```
Operation Place of the Device:```<```CIHAZ_ISLEM_YERI```>```
Certificate number:```<```SERTIFIKA_NO```>```
Previous Certificate number: ```<```ONCEKI_SERTIFIKA_NO```>```
Transaction execution note:```<```NOT```>```
Location description description:```<```BUL_YER_ACK_TN```>```
Transaction number:```<```ISLEM_NO```>```
Measure: ```<```OLCU_BIRIMI```>```
Acceptance Range: ```<```KABUL_ARALIGI```>```
Measurement Uncertainty: ```<```OLCUM_BELIRSIZLIGI```>```
Standard Value: ```<```STANDART_DEGER```>```
Reference Value: ```<```REFERANS_DEGER```>```
Measured Value: ```<```OLCULEN_DEGER```>```
Aberration: ```<```SAPMA```>```
Error Rate: ```<```HATA_ORANI```>```
Acceptance Range bottom: ```<```KABUL_ARA_ALT```>```
Acceptance Range Top: ```<```KABUL_ARA_UST```>```
Measure: ```<```OLCU_BIRIMI```>```
Measurement Definition:```<```OLCUM_TANIMI```>```
Approvers: (After the ```<```ONAYLAYANLAR```>``` approval phase is over, the prepare report button should be clicked again to write to the report)