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Showing a description in a scored list-type field

In the System Infrastructure Definitions menu, on the Risk Module, Area Definition screen; The type of Probability, Intensity, Frequency fields is the scored list. When defining a scored list, description information is also entered.

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When the End User creates a new record in the Risk Detail Form under the IMS menu, the description information entered for the probability, severity, frequency values is not displayed.

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Show Explanation in Score List No. 21 on the parameter screen of the Risk Module in the SAT menu so that the explanation information appears? The parameter (Y/N) must be marked as 'Yes'.

After the parameter value is activated, the written description information of the scored list type fields such as probability, frequency, intensity can be displayed on the screen.

![](ç Views%20Information%20-2ad728e2-1b41-4ae5-861f-9d4454f12f73.png)