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Document Storage Period - Destruction Time

Storage Period: It is shown only as information on a folder basis. There is no effect on the process. When the time entered into this information is completed, the document will not be canceled/deleted. The Integrated Management System > Document Operations > Folder Identification are fed from the Retention Period (Months) field in the Folder Settings tab within the relevant folder. To see the information here as a report, go to the Reports > Document Summary List's template, the MasterSablon_TR template SAT > BSAT > Konfg. You can download the settings from the > Report Formats Editing menu, add the RETENTIONTIME tag as a column, save it, and restore it again from the Report Format Editing menu with the same file name. When the document is prepared, the system will print the month information in the report in response to the relevant tag of the document if there is any month information in the folder.

Destruction Period/Responsible: A document-based field that is kept for informational purposes in order to cancel or delete the document. There is no effect on the process. When the time entered into this information is completed, the document will not be canceled/deleted. These areas are SAT > BSAT > Konfg. The settings are > fed from the lblIMHASURAH and lblIMHAProduct fields in the Name column for the Document Module in the Language Settings menu. When the relevant parametric domain names are defined; During the document preparation phase, the names you defined in these two fields in the Document Information tab will appear at the bottom. The system pulls the destruction period from the Retention Period (Months) field in the folder settings of the folder where you prepared the document. It can be changed at the stage of preparation. In addition, this information entered in the document can be shown in the Document Summary List. You can use the EXPIRESSURE tag as a tag in the MasterSablon_TR template.