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Device Module - Work Orders Detail Report Tags

To download and edit the report;

SAT > BSAT > Configuration settings > Report Formats Editing menu and download the template named "KAL_ISEMRI_RAP_DETAY.xls" in this menu to your computer. You can edit the report using the following tags, then upload it to the Report formats editing menu KAL_ISEMRI_RAP_DETAY.xls without changing the name of the report. Then, the relevant fields will be printed as you have arranged in the excel report you have taken using IMS > Device Management > Reports > Work Orders Detail Report.

Device Code: ```<```CIHAZ_KODU```>```
Device Name: ```<```ADI```>```
Category: ```<```KATEGORISI```>```
Work order number: ```<```ISEMRI_NO```>```
Work order date : ```<```ISEMRI_TARIHI```>```
Device Responsible: ```<```CIHAZ_SOR```>```
Device-Oriented Action: ```<```ISLEM_SONUCU```>```
Process Description for the Device: ```<```ISLEM_ACIKLAMASI```>```
Approval Date: ```<```ONAY_BASLANGIC_TARIHI```>```
Calibration responsible: ```<```KAL_SOR```>```
Work order closure date: ```<```ISEMRI_KAP_TAR```>```
Transaction Date: ```<```IS_TAR```>```
Place of operation: ```<```KAL_YERI_TANIMI```>```
Brand: ```<```MARKA```>```
Model: ```<```MODEL```>```
Serial Number: ```<```SERI_NO```>```
Transaction Type: ```<```ISLEM_TIPI```>```
Trading Period: ```<```PERIYOT```>```
Last Traded Date: ```<```SON_ISLEM_TAR```>```
Future Transaction Date: ```<```GEL_ISLEM_TAR```>```
Location of the Device: ```<```BUL_YER```>```
Description of the location of the device: ```<```BUL_YER_ACK```>```
Full description of the location of the device:```<```FUL_YER```>```
State: ```<```DURUM```>```
Certificate number: ```<```SERTIFIKA_NO```>```
The cost of the device: ```<```CIHAZ_MALIYETI```>```
Notes: ```<```NOTLAR```>```
Standard Value: ```<```STANDART_DEGER```>```
Reference Value: ```<```REFERANS_DEGER```>```
Measured Value: ```<```OLCULEN_DEGER```>```
Aberration: ```<```SAPMA```>```
Error Rate: ```<```HATA_ORANI```>```
Acceptance Range bottom: ```<```KABUL_ARA_ALT```>```
Acceptance Range Top: ```<```KABUL_ARA_UST```>```
Operations Principal Name: ```<```ISLEM_SORUMLUSU```>```