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Document Parametric Field Definitions

1-Date type: The calendar field is the parametric field to which it is added. Sample Shortcode: lblDALAN1(displayed on the Other Information tab for the document), lblKK_DPARAM1((Displayed on the Record Display Tab for Quality Record.)

2-List type: It is a parametric field where a single selection is made among multiple list elements. List elements are defined and selected in the defined list elements. Example Shortcode: lblFIELD10 (displayed on the Other Information tab for the document), lblKK_LPARAM1(Displayed on the Record Display Tab for Quality Record.)

3-Personnel Type: It is a parametric field that allows people to be selected from the QDMS personnel database. System Infrastructure Definitions>Bsat>Identification>Selection is made in the list of Personnel defined in the Personnel Identification menu. Sample Shortcode: lblPALAN1(displayed in the Other Information tab for the document)

4-Query type: It is a field type that can be defined to select from the main data in QDMS / Ensemble databases. (Must only be identified by the Bimser Support Team) Single and multiple selections are available. Sample Shortcode: lblQFIELD1(displayed in the Other Information tab for the document)

5-Text type: It is a parametric field that adds a text box that allows manual typing. Sample Shortcode: lblFIELD2 (displayed on the Other Information tab for the document), lblKK_PARAM1(Displayed on the Record Display Tab for Quality Record.)

6-Text (Multi-Line)Type: It is a parametric field that is added to a multi-line text box without a character limit that allows manual typing. Sample Shortcode: lblMALAN1(displayed on the Other Information tab for the document), lblKK_PARAM9 (displayed on the Record Display Tab for Quality Record.)

7- Department Type: QDMS is the parametric field that allows the selection of department information from the department database. System Infrastructure Definitions>BSAT>Definitions>Department In the Definition menu, the department information is selected from the list of defined departments. Sample Shortcode: lblKK_DSPARAM1(Displayed on the Record Display Tab for Quality Record.)

8-Department (Multi-Select) Type: QDMS is a parametric field that allows the selection of department information multiple-single selection from the department database. System Infrastructure Definitions>BSAT>Definitions>Department In the Definition menu, the department information is selected from the list of defined departments. Sample Shortcode: lblKK_DMPARAM1 (Displayed on the Record Display Tab for Quality Record.)

9-Monetary Type: It is a parametric area that makes data entry in monetary terms. Next to the defined parametric field is the field where currencies are selected. The currencies in the Currencies selection area are the currencies defined in the System Infrastructure Definitions>BSAT>Definitions>Currencies Definition menu. Sample Shortcode: lblKK_NPARAM1 (Displayed on the Record Display Tab for Quality Record.)

10- Unit of Measure Type: It is a parametric field that makes data entry as a measurement. Next to the defined parametric field is the field from which Units of Measurement is selected. Units of measurement in the units of measurement selection area are the units of measurement defined in the System Infrastructure Definitions>BSAT>Definitions>Units of Measurement Definition menu. Sample Shortcode: lblKK_NPARAM6 (Displayed on the Record Display Tab for Quality Record.)