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The Relationship Between Agenda and Decision in Board Meetings

The functioning of the Board meeting module is as follows:

  1. Define a meeting resource (Create a template for a meeting)
  2. Add a meeting item (Schedule a meeting)
  3. Draft Approval
  4. Confirmation of Participation
  5. Approval of the Decision in which the decision to hold the meeting was taken
  6. Start Meeting-End Meeting

Within this flow, the agendas added to the meeting source under System Infrastructure Definitions are automatically added to the meeting agendas when the meeting is scheduled by the Integrated Management System. Those who are authorized to the meeting during and after planning can also add extra agendas.

In Step 6, various measures can be unlocked when completing the meeting (OD, Action, etc.). The meeting is then closed.

When the meeting is held and the measure is opened at the decision stage and this measure is not closed until the next meeting, when a new meeting is wanted to be scheduled from the same source, the new meeting is automatically added to the agenda of the meeting to be scheduled with the measure, except for the automatic agendas from the meeting source in the infrastructure, which are associated with the measure in the previous meeting and whose measure has an open status. (Feature 1)

In addition, when a meeting is scheduled and the decision stage in step 6 is reached, decisions with explicit measures from the last meeting consisting of the selected meeting source are automatically included in the decisions of the new meeting. (Feature 2)