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When an employee leaves a job, they may not have completed the work that is pending on them in QDMS. QDMS can take action to a senior supervisor of the person who has left the job as in the image and inform him by e-mail. However, this action is not for the tasks pending on the person who leaves the job, but for the transfer of the duties. The content of this action is as follows: "There are pending works on the person who left the job, these works must be completed or transferred to another user."

Actions taken to the supervisor for informational purposes are an action that is opened independently of the duties pending on the person leaving the job and without affecting them. In other words, it is an action taken by the superior to intervene in these duties.

To achieve this;

1- There should be HR integration.

2- Parameter 195 from the System Infrastructure parameters should be "Yes".

3- Parameters 196,197,198,199,200 must be filled in correctly.

An action plan should be created under the heading of actions opened to the superior of the person who left the job. The number of the main action created should be written in parameter 196. When the person leaves the job, there must be a definition and item type for the action to be opened by the QDMS to the supervisor. The definition of the action item to be formed should be written in parameter 197, and the item type code (System Infrastructure Definitions>Action>Action item type definition) should be written in parameter 198.

4- When parameter 130, one of the System Infrastructure parameters, is "Yes", the system sends an information e-mail that a user to whom the person is connected has left the job.

Thanks to the action that will occur, the supervisor of the person who left the job can transfer the pending work on the person who left the job to another user(s) via the modifier menu that will perform task transfer or action. With Approval Transfer, he/she can transfer the approvals that will come to that person in the future to another user. With the position code changer, someone else can sit in the position seat of the person who leaves the job. Since the tasks are assigned to the positions, the pending work is transferred to another user. After completing this process, the supervisor can also close the pending action on himself (the action opened to the supervisor of the person who left the job).