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  • Enter the Power of Attorney menu located between the menus below the profile picture.

When you click the proxy menu, the Proxy Viewer page opens. This page displays the previously issued power of attorneys. New add, delete, list, search and export to exel buttons are available.

New power of attorney can be given from this page. For new power of attorney; The fields of Power of Attorney, Power of Attorney, Start date, End date and Authorized modules must be filled in and click the save button in the upper right.

If a power of attorney is to be given in place of another user, proceed from the other menu under the profile name, Another User's Power of Attorney, as follows. One person can delegate power of attorney to more than one person at the same time interval for the same module at the same time.

To withdraw the power of attorney, open the relevant page from the proxy menu under the profile picture. Save it just by filling in the proxy field and leaving the other fields blank. In this way, you remove the power of attorney