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Workplace Physician Identification

In the On-the-Job and Periodic Examination module, confidentiality comes to the fore in transactions. For this reason, not every user, including system administrator users, can access patient records. Patient examination information can only be accessed and processed by users defined on the workplace physician and workplace nurse identification screens.

Workplace Physician Identification

Workplace physicians are defined in the system with the new button on the BSAT-Definitions-Workplace Physician Identification screen.

The fields on this screen are as follows:

Personnel: It is the field where selection can be made by opening the user list on the BSAT-Definitions-Personnel Identification screen.

Diploma Number: This is the field where the Diploma Number of the physician is entered.

Dip Date: This is the field where the Diploma Date of the Physician is entered.

Workplace Medicine Certificate Date: It is the date included in the physician's workplace medicine certificate.

Workplace Medicine Document Number: It is the document number in the workplace medicine certificate of the physician.

E-Prescription User Name: It is the user name used by the physician in the Medula System.

E-Prescription Password: It is the e-prescription password used by the physician in the Medula System.

Facility Code (11-province code-9903): It is the area where the license plate code of the workplace where the physician is located is written as 11-province code-9903.

Branch Code (Leave Blank If Not a Specialist): If the physician is a specialist physician, it is the field where the specialty branch code is written.

Workplace: It is the area where it is determined in which workplaces the physician is authorized. Here, the appointment approval falls to the relevant physician for the workplaces where the selection is made.

Personnel Status: It is the area where the relevant Workplace Medicine status is selected as active or passive.

After the definitions made here, the process of defining the workplace physician continues with the task sent to the relevant workplace physician in the form of appointment approval.

When the relevant workplace physician reaches his own pending jobs screen, he accesses the list of Pending Assignments waiting for him for the BSAT module and approves the relevant assignment process.

In this way, the process of appointing a Workplace Physician is completed.