In the audit module, master audit plans are created on the Audit Plans page >
Audit Activities >
Integrated Management System. If these audit plans are not viewed by all auditors, and if each auditor is required to view the audit plans for which they are responsible and the audits under them, the value of the "Will authorization control be carried out over the responsible groups?" parameter in the audit parameters should be arranged as "Yes".

For each audit master plan, it is necessary to select a user group in the responsible groups field. For this reason, new user groups should be created outside the user groups where the auditors are existing and the auditors should be added to these user groups.
If which user group needs to see which control plan and the audits under it, each audit plan should be opened one by one with the update button and appropriate user groups should be added to the responsible groups fields. System administrator user groups can also be added to the responsible groups for each audit plan. In this way, users who are system administrators will be able to see all audit plans, while auditors added to the responsible users group will be able to view the relevant plan.