LDAP integration
There are two different integrations as LDAP integration.
LDAP login integration; For login integration, LDAP address and domain name information must be provided first. (You can request it from your IT team) Must be allowed to access the given LDAP address from the QDMS server. Users who will log in to the system with their LDAP username and password must be registered on the Personnel identification screen in the QDMS environment. On the personnel identification screen, the Active directory Logon UserName information of the users must be filled. ** Adjustments can be requested from the QDMS infrastructure team when the above information is fully available.
LDAP Personnel transfer integration; In order to automatically provision user transfers by LDAP, data must first be added according to the columns in the Personnel transfer template in the fields on the LDAP side The equivalent of the columns on the LDAP side should be written on the Excel template and shared via BSS. Along with the Excel template, the LDAP address and a username and password authorized by LDAP to read data must be transmitted via BSS. On the LDAP side, information about which conditions will be transferred should be shared. ** Access authorizations from the QDMS server to the LDAP address must be defined.