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SAT-DÖF-DÖF parameters are the settings for sending the delay mail.

Parameter number 1 Period of days to inform superiors in overdue transactions = Regulates the period of sending the delayed task to the superiors. Parameter 70 Should delay e-mails be sent?(M/N): If delay e-mails are to be sent, Yes is entered as the parameter value. Parameter 71 Superiors to whom delay e-mails will not be sent (if there is more than one user, write the registration numbers separated by commas): The registration numbers of the people to whom the delay e-mails will not be sent are written with a comma between them. Parameter 128 Should the delay notification sent to the team leader also be sent to the team?: The team will also receive a delay notification for the work that the team leader has delayed. Parameter 143 Upper title limit for delay e-mails (title code should be written): It is the parameter value in which the upper titles that are not desired to be sent e-mails for the works that will be delayed are defined. Title codes are written as parameter values. Parameter number 144 Level of delay e-mails (how many levels to go up): It is the parameter that determines how far the delay e-mails will go. For example; 3. If it is desired to send delay e-mails to the higher supervisor, 3 is defined as the parameter value. Parameter 136 Action and Monitoring delays should also be sent to the person who opened the job (Action = A, Monitoring = I) = In cases where Action and Monitoring tasks are delayed, an information e-mail is sent to the user who opened the task that the task is delayed. Parameter 169 Period of days to be used in overdue transactions = Determines the period of sending the delay e-mail to the user who owns the delayed task. (If 1, the next day when the task is delayed, the mail goes and goes daily) Parameter 193 User groups to which delay e-mails will not be sent (if there is more than one, write the user group codes separated by commas): If there are user groups where delay e-mails are requested not to be sent, it is ensured that the delay e-mails are not sent to the relevant group or groups by typing the group code. Parameter 194 Titles to which delay e-mails will not be sent (if more than one, write the title codes separated by commas): If there are titles for which delay e-mails are requested not to be sent, it is ensured that the delay e-mails are not sent to the relevant title or titles by typing the title code.