Product integration
Data can be obtained from different sources as data sources for product integration. If WebService and API are selected as data sources, additional effort is requested. If sources/methods such as sending data to View, Excel, SAP RFC or QDMS services are preferred, no additional effort is taken. For product integration, it is necessary to transmit a data format containing the following fields, respectively.
URUN_KODU --->``````>
Product code information. (Must be the Unique value)
URUN_ADI --->``````>
Name of the Product information.
URUN_GRUP --->``````>
The Product code to which the Product is attached. The code submitted here must also be included as the Product code.
URUN_TIPI --->``````>
Product type information. Such as finished products, semi-finished products.
Product Responsible --->``````>
is the information of the person responsible for the product. It is sent as a registration number.
WorkplaceCode is the workplace where --->``````>
product is defined. It is sent as a workplace code.
URUN_KODU and other fields outside the URUN_ADI field are not required fields. It can be sent empty.