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On demand .. The GetLink method has been added to our BSAT/BSATWebAPI.asmx web service. Through the method, the viewing links of the records in our modules below can be obtained. CAP, MS Suggestion Action (Function1 = Main Action, Function2 = Action Pen), Document (Function1= Authorized Link, Function2=Unauthorized Link), Risk  The method takes moduleID, functionID, and caseID parameters. The functionID parameter can only be sent in cases where a link is to be received through the Action and Document module, the relevant parameter can be sent blank for other modules, even if it is sent, it will not have any effect on the method. The function ID information that can be sent for the Action and Document modules is as above, that is, 1 and 2 values can be sent as integer. For example, if an unauthorized document link is desired, the functionID 2 value should be sent, and the value 1 should be sent for the authorized document. In the same way, if only the main action display link is desired, the functionID 1 value should be sent, and the value 2 should be sent for the item. • If the viewing link of the action item numbered 10.2 is to be received for the action item, 10.2 can be sent to the registration Code. • If the viewing link of a risk record is expected to be received, RDF_NO. RDFD_NO. The registrationID value must be sent on the REV_NO form. For example, for a record with RDF_NO 87920, RDFD_NO 6204, and REV_NO 0, the value 87920.6204.0 must be sent from the recordID field. • For MS modules, the registration code information seen on the web page can be sent.

• For CAP, Suggestion, Document modules, code information can be sent directly to the registration code parameter. Task - 62427 - On demand .. The GetLink method has been added to our BSAT/BSATWebAPI.asmx web service. Through the method, the viewing links of the records in our modules below can be obtained. CAP, MS Suggestion Action (Function1 = Main Action, Function2 = Action Pen), Document (Function1= Authorized Link, Function2=Unauthorized Link), Risk  The method takes moduleID, functionID, and caseID parameters. The functionID parameter can only be sent in cases where a link is to be received through the Action and Document module, the relevant parameter can be sent blank for other modules, even if it is sent, it will not have any effect on the method. The function ID information that can be sent for the Action and Document modules is as above, that is, 1 and 2 values can be sent as integer. For example, if an unauthorized document link is desired, the functionID 2 value should be sent, and the value 1 should be sent for the authorized document. In the same way, if only the main action display link is desired, the functionID 1 value should be sent, and the value 2 should be sent for the item. • If the viewing link of the action item numbered 10.2 is to be received for the action item, 10.2 can be sent to the registration Code. • If the viewing link of a risk record is expected to be received, RDF_NO. RDFD_NO. The registrationID value must be sent on the REV_NO form. For example, for a record with RDF_NO 87920, RDFD_NO 6204, and REV_NO 0, the value 87920.6204.0 must be sent from the recordID field. • For MS modules, the registration code information seen on the web page can be sent.

• For CAP, Suggestion, Document modules, code information can be sent directly to the registration code parameter.