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Company Executives

The process of determining the company administrator to the company records defined in the system is done under this heading. The user who is defined as a company administrator will be able to manage the organizational structure of the company in which he or she is defined.

Clicking the Company Administrators heading lists any records that have already been defined.

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Company Administrators


The pick list titled "Company" on the list screen lists all the company definitions defined under the Companies heading. According to the selected company description, only the records for that company are shown on the list screen.

  • When it is desired to add a new company manager definition, first of all, the company should be selected from the Company named selection list to which the director will be appointed.

Company Administrators

  • Then click on the **"New" button in the upper left corner of the screen. Clicking the New button will list all users in the selected company in the side panel. From this list, the user record to be designated as the company administrator is marked and then the "OK" button is pressed.

Company Administrators

Thus, the manager is appointed to the selected company.

Company Administrators