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Departments are departments that are separated to do a specific job within the organization. Each user in the organization has a department to which they belong. Departments can be thought of as groups of users who perform the same or similar tasks within the system.

Business processes can be divided into different branches based on the value of a particular department. Depending on the department information of the user in the flow, different flow scenarios can be designed or different form visuals can be designed. When it is desired to reduce the business process to people in the same department, instead of selecting individual users with the same department in the relevant work step, the department can be selected directly and all users in the selected department can be provided with approval reduction.

Authorization can be done on a departmental basis. When a specific department is asked to have an authority in the system, it is necessary to delegate authority directly to the department instead of authorizing individual users in that department. So when a new user is added to the business unit, the new person automatically has the authority from the business unit.

Department definitions are also used to perform departmental performance evaluation analyzes of the works performed in the system.

The list of available departments and the detailed information of these department descriptions can be accessed under the heading "Departments".

Adding a new department to the system, existing viewing-department-information or modifying department-information operations are also carried out under this heading.

Clicking on the Departments heading lists all the departments defined in the system in the side panel.

The columns of this department list structure can be sorted, filtering within records, entering details of an existing record, adding a new department, or modifying an existing record.

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Adding a New Department

On the screen where the departments are listed, there is a button called "New" in the upper left corner. Using this button, a new department can be defined to the system.


Clicking on the "New" button will open a blank department information screen to enter the information of the newly defined department.


The fields on the department information screen and the descriptions of these fields are as follows;

CodeDepartment's id information
DescriptionDepartment's description, description
AdministratorAdministrative user of the department
Executive DepartmentTop department information
StatusSpecifies the active status of the department. The values it receives;<br/>Active : Department is activePassive : Department is<br/> passive
Transfer StatusSpecifies the status of the department's transfer to the system from external HR applications. The values it receives;<br/>Active : means that the department is transferred to the system with the HR applicationPassive : It means that the department is not transferred to the system with the HR application, it is<br/> managed manually
TypeIt is the type information of the department in the system. The values it receives;<br/>Normal : Used<br/> for normal type (Non-Custom) departmentsSpecial : For departments with special types of users, it is the department type used to perform some special operations (mostly automated work)
If there is a multi-company structure in the organization, all the companies defined in the system are listed in this field, the company information including the department is selected from here
If there is "Department Properties" defined for departments, the department properties are listed here and the property data of the department to be added is entered in this field

The values of the new department on the department information screen are entered and then the "Save" button at the top of the screen is pressed. Thus, a new department is added to the system.

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After the new department information is entered and the "Save" button is pressed, the newly added department is added to the existing department list.

Display of Department Information

Clicking on a record in the department list will open a screen with the department information for the relevant record.


The detail information of a department defined in the system can be accessed in this way.

Editing Department Information

When clicking on the row of the department whose information is desired to be edited from the department list, the screen with the information of the relevant department will open.

After any changes are made to the department information screen, the "Save" button at the top of the screen is pressed to update the information.

Current registration;


The manager of the department is being replaced;


Saving the change;


This changes the manager of the department.

Best Practice

  • The department ID information of each department record defined in the system must be unique

:::d anger MISUSE

  • When an existing department is closed, the record defined in the system should not be deleted. The status of the departmental record must be switched from active to passive
