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Department Features

The properties for the departments are listed here. When a new property is desired to be added to the department definitions, this field will be selected.

Clicking on the Department properties heading lists any business unit properties that have already been added in the side panel. This list of business unit attributes can be searched, existing department properties can be sorted, an existing property can be mandated to be determined, or the attribute can be removed from the department attribute list. In addition, a record defined on the "Properties" screen can be added as a department property by pressing the "New" button.

Department Features

Addition of New Department Feature

Clicking on the New button in the upper left corner of the screen where the business unit properties are listed will open the list of features previously defined on the "Properties" screen. A record created as a business unit property is selected from this list.

Department Features

The selected record is added to the list of business unit properties.

After this process, clicking on the "Departments" field under the "Human Resources" heading and entering the details of any department will see that the newly added department feature has been added to the department details page. For each department, this property value becomes definable.

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Department Features
