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In organizations with a multi-company structure, company definitions should be transferred to the system in order to specify which user, position, title or department belongs to which company.

The company information in the system serves to separate the users, workflows and processes of different companies in the same system on a company-by-company basis. For example; In proxy transactions, job assignment transactions and the process of substituting an admin authorized user for another user, it can be ensured that people can only delegate, assign or replace work to users in their own companies. In the same way, when messages are written to forms in the system, controls such as sending messages only to personnel in the company of the person who wrote the message can be provided.

Users who are selected as company administrators in the company records can control the organization of their own company.

According to all company information defined under the heading of Companies; Users, Positions, Departments, Titles, User Groups, and Company Admins can be filtered under headings and only records for the selected company can be listed.

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The area where current company information and company details can be listed and managed can be accessed under the **"Companies" heading.

Adding a new company-record to the system, existing viewing-company information or modifying-company information operations are also carried out under this heading.

When clicking on the Companies heading, all the companies defined in the system are listed in the side panel.

The columns of this company list structure can be sorted, filtering within the records, entering the details of the existing record, adding a new company or modifying an existing record.

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Adding New Companies

On the screen where the companies are listed, there is a button called "New" in the upper left corner. Using this button, a new company can be defined to the system.


Clicking on the "New" button will open a blank company information screen for entering the information of the newly identified company.


The fields on the company information screen and the descriptions of these fields are as follows;

CodeCompany id info
DescriptionCompany description, description
Transfer StatusSpecifies the status of the company's transfer to the system from external HR applications. The values it receives;<br/>Active : means that the company is transferred to the system with the HR applicationPassive : The company is not transferred to the system with the HR application, it means that it is<br/> managed manually

The values of the new company on the company information screen are entered and then the "Save" button at the top of the screen is pressed. Thus, a new company is added to the system.

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After entering the new company information and pressing the "Save" button, the newly added company is added to the existing company list.

Display of Company Information

Clicking on a record in the company list will open a screen with the relevant record, company information.


The detail information of a company defined in the system can be accessed in this way.

Editing Company Information

Clicking on the row of the company record whose information is to be edited from the list of companies will open the screen with the relevant company information.

After any changes are made to the company information screen, the "Save" button at the top of the screen is pressed to update the information.

Current registration;


Modifying the company description and saving the change;


This changes the company description.

Best Practice

  • The id information of the company descriptions in the system must be unique