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The personnel owned by the organization and the information of these personnel generally constitute the human assets of the organization. All human assets hosted by the organization are kept and managed under this heading.

Each user has a definition, duty, authority, position within the organizational structure and the process steps he carries out within the company. User information is needed in order to manage, evaluate and monitor all this information in the system.

Many action steps such as users logging in to the system, executing business processes, obtaining user-based performance evaluation data, giving power of attorney between users and performing job assignment operations, determining user-based role and authority definitions are carried out through user definitions in the system.

The list of available users and their detailed information is accessed under the heading "Users".

Adding a new user to the system, making an existing viewing-user-information or modification-of user information are also carried out under this heading.

Clicking on the Users heading lists all the users defined in the system in the panel that opens.

The columns of this user list structure can be sorted, filtering within the records, entering the details of the existing record, adding a new user or modifying an existing record.

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Adding New Users

On the screen where the users are listed, there is a button called **"New" in the upper left corner. Using this button, a new user can be defined to the system.


Clicking on the "New" button will open a blank user information screen for entering the information of the newly identified users.


The fields on the user information screen and the descriptions of these fields are as follows;

UsernameUser's id information in the system
NameUser's name
SurnameUser's last name
PasswordUser's password information in the system
E-mailUser's e-mail address
DepartmentDepartment information that the user is involved in
ProfessionUser's title
StatusSpecifies the state of the user on the system. The values it receives;<br/>Active : User is active. A current user who can actively trade in the<br/> systemPassive : The user is inactive. Unable to<br/> actively trade in the systemTemporary Passive : This is the situation where the user is locked out when the wrong password is entered 3 times while logging into the system
Transfer StatusSpecifies the status of the user's transfer to the system from external HR applications. The values it receives;<br/>Active : means that the user is transferred to the system with the HR applicationPassive : The user is not transferred to the system with the HR application, it means that it is<br/> managed manually
Date of BirthUser's date of birth
Employment Start DateUser's employment start date information
Departure DateUser's quit date information
CategoryThe user's category information. The values it receives;<br/>Blue Collar**White Collar**<br/>
GenderThe gender of the user. The values it receives;<br/>Mr<br/>Ms
TypeThe type information of the user in the system. The values it receives;<br/>Normal : Normal<br/> type (System and Non-Custom) type of usersCustom : A type of user with special privileges within the system. Admin user is an example of a custom type user
If there is a multi-company structure in the organization, all the companies defined in the system are listed in this field, the company information that the user is included in is selected from here
If there is "User Properties" defined for users, the user properties are listed here and the property data of the user to be added is entered in this field
SupervisorsIt is the field where the user's supervisor information in the system is entered. A user can have multiple managers defined in different supervisor profiles. In the Supervisors field, all supervisor profiles defined in the system are listed, and the supervisor of the relevant user in that profile is selected from the user definitions listed in this field.

The values of the new user in the user information screen are entered and then the "Save" button at the top of the screen is pressed. Thus, a new user is added to the system.

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After entering the new user information and pressing the "Save" button, the newly added user is added to the existing user list.

Display of User Information

Clicking on a record in the user list will open a screen with the user information of the corresponding record.

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The detail information of a user defined in the system can be accessed in this way.

Editing User Information

Clicking on the row of the user whose information is wanted to be edited from the user list will open the screen with the information of the relevant user.

After any changes are made to the user information screen, the "Save" button at the top of the screen is pressed to update the information.

Current registration;


The user's profession is being changed;


Saving the change;

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Best Practice


The user id information that represents each user must be unique.

:::d anger MISUSE

When an active user in the system leaves the job, the corresponding user record should not be deleted from the system. The user's status should be taken from active to passive
