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All properties are defined under this heading. When you want to add a new feature to the system, click on the "Features" heading. Clicking on the Properties heading will open a list of properties if they are already defined.

The screen that lists properties can be searched, columns can be sorted, a new property can be added, or changes can be made by clicking on the record of an existing property.


Adding New Feature

To add a new feature to the system, click on the "New" button located in the upper left corner of the screen where the features are listed.

Clicking the New button will open a blank page where the information of the property to be defined will be entered.


This page contains the following fields;

NameFrom this field, the record of the inactive title must be selected
TitleFrom this field, the title record to replace the passive title must be selected
TypeThe type of information is the property. The values it receives;<br/>Text : Used to store text-type valuesInteger : This type of property is used if the value to store is an integerTrue/False : Used<br/>``````<br/> when the value to store is a yes/no (true/false) type valueDate : Is<br/> the type of property used when storing date valuesList :This type of property is used when it is<br/> desired that the values to be stored come from a list of choices. List elements can be added to allow selection<br/> from the added listDecimal Number : This type of feature is selected when it is desired to use a non-integer comma number (double)
Default ValueIf you want to give the property a default value, it is specified in this field
Multi LanguageIt is the part where the choice of whether the fields will support the multi-language structure can be made. When this field is checked by saying support for multiple languages, an icon will appear next to the title and description fields. Clicking on this icon will open the sections where the languages and fields defined in the system and the relevant language equivalents can be entered

After the feature details to be added are entered on this screen and the "Save" button on the screen is pressed, the new feature is added to the list of features. This attribute can now be selected as a user, position, department, title, or group property.