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#eBA Document Management: Creating Workflow Document

Choosing the Creation Workflow in Document Management

When a new document is added to the Document Management, a new flow can be triggered by sending the document to the desired user / users approval. This will trigger the flow as soon as the document is added. For this process, it will be sufficient to add the new document.

To select the creation workflow process for the document added to the library and directories in document management, in Figure 1, click Properties after selecting the corresponding object.

In Figure 2, under the Document tab, under the Creation Workflow heading, the process to start the creation process is selected and then the Save button is clicked.

1.2. Creating the Workflow Process Design

In Workflow Studio, a new process is defined for the creation workflow. In the sample process to be carried out, when the document is added, the document will first be submitted to the approval of the Quality Specialist and the document will be sent as information to the selected users with the approval of the process. When we create a new process, the Create Document and Document objects that come by default are deleted from the flow. Because the existing document will be added to the process, a new document will not be formed. The flow will be designed as shown in Figure 3.

A new variable is added to the stream. This variable name must be filename. When the flow is triggered, the path information of the document added to this variable is assigned by the eBA.

Field references are added.

The eBAPI.dll file is added to the process. In Figure 8, the Project Properties are clicked by right-clicking on the relevant process.

The position is defined. In Figure 10, double-clicking the position object opens the Properties window. In the Documents tab, clicking the icon number 3 selects the inserted document object. The same process is done in the Notification object, allowing the notification users to view the document.

After the operations, the project is compiled and saved.

Clicking the Timed out event is added.

After typing for 1 minute to continue in a short time, click OK.

The process, form and view of the defined profile form are selected. In this way, the fields of the profile form will be accessed by the added document object.

The Link field is selected. The profile document inserted from field number 3 is selected and the object in the form is selected from field number 4.

After selecting the variable to be compared, conditions are added to the 4 numerals field. In the example made, the condition If greater than 50 is added. More than one condition can be added.

The code in field 1 is written inside the Function object. In the written code, it connects to document management with the link opened. With GetFile, the document in the filename variable is imported into the variable named invoicedocument. The document object named profileForm that we add to the flow is assigned the path to the profile form of the file that is added to the document management. This will access the attached profile form for the document.

The processes created in the eBA and the forms of the processes are kept in the workflow library in document management with the extension ".wfd" with the form number. With invoiceDocument.Profile, the ID information of the profile form of the document is obtained. With the following code, the path information of the document named profileForm is assigned to the path information of the profile form of the attached document.

Clicking on it will open the defined profile form. Filling in the fields in the form and clicking Finish will trigger both the document and the defined creation workflow.

Displays the document added to the document management. The Show Creation Process button displays the Flow history and Flowchart. The flow is advanced with the Confirm button.

Note: In order for the user to view the document received by him/her, the Document Management must be defined as the viewing authorization under Security. If the authorization is not defined, the user will not be able to view the document. How the authorization process is carried out is described in the eBA Document Management: Authorization Document.

After the object, the flow has progressed according to this value.