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Conditionally Modifying the List Object DataSource

using eBAPI.Connection;

using System.Data.Common;

using eBAIntegrationAPI;

--namespaces should be added



--These references should be added to the project

--If Choice1 is checked, List1 is populated with a query in the intagration manager, and if it is not checked, it is populated with another query

public void Secim1_OnCheckedChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)


DataTable dt = new DataTable();

eBAConnection con = CreateServerConnection();

Con. Open();



eBAIntegrationQuery qry= new eBAIntegrationQuery("connectionName", "queryName");

qry. Parameters.Add("parameterName", "value"); If there is a parameter

DT = qry. Execute(con);




eBAIntegrationQuery qry= new eBAIntegrationQuery("connectionName", "queryName2");

qry. Parameters.Add("parameterName", "value"); If there is a parameter

DT = qry. Execute(con);


Con. Close();

List1.DataSource = dt;

List1.DataTextField = "Field1";

List1.DataValueField = "field2";

