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Ribbon Button Examples

The operations that can be done about the RibbonBar in eBA Forms are as follows.

protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)


Base. OnLoad(e);

RibbonButton btnCheckOut = RibbonBar.FindButton("Editing", "CheckOut");//Checkout button belonging to the Editing group

RibbonButton btnButton1 = RibbonBar.FindButton("EventButtons", "NewButton1"); Button to add new to Event Button group

RibbonButton btnButton2 = RibbonBar.FindButton("NewGroup1", "NewButton2"); Button to add to newly added group

RibbonGroup grpEdit = RibbonBar.FindGroup("Editing");

RibbonButton btnSave = RibbonBar.FindButton("Editing", "Save");

RibbonButton btnCancel = RibbonBar.FindButton("Editing", "Cancel");

RibbonGroup grpOpen = RibbonBar.FindGroup("Open");

RibbonGroup grpShare = RibbonBar.FindGroup("Share");

RibbonGroup grpEventButtons = RibbonBar.FindGroup("EventButtons");

RibbonGroup grpNewGroup1 = RibbonBar.FindGroup("NewGroup1"); New group to add.

Button settings

if (btnCheckOut != null)


btnCheckOut.VisibleIndex = 0;

btnCheckOut.Count = 5;

btnCheckOut.Visible = true;

btnCheckOut.OnClickMethod = RibbonButton_onClickEvent2;

btnCheckOut.Size = "big";




Button events must be assigned each time in OnLoad to work.

btnCheckOut.OnClickMethod = RibbonButton_onClickEvent2;


if (btnSave != null)


btnSave.VisibleIndex = 1;


if (btnCancel != null)


btnCancel.VisibleIndex = 2;


Group settings

if (grpOpen != null)

grpOpen.VisibleIndex = 0;

if (grpShare != null)

grpShare.VisibleIndex = 1;

if (grpEdit != null)


grpEdit.VisibleIndex = 2;

grpEdit.Caption = "E--D--I--T--I--N--G";

grpEdit.BackgroundColor = "rgba(255, 223, 104, 0.73)";


if (grpEventButtons != null)


grpEventButtons.VisibleIndex = 3;


Add a new button to an existing group

if (btnButton1 == null && grpEventButtons != null &&; grpEventButtons.Buttons != null)


grpEventButtons.Buttons.Add(new RibbonButton()


caption = "newbutton1",

IconCode = "1027",

IconColor = "blue",

Name = "NewButton1",

Size = "small",

Visible = true,

VisibleIndex = 99,

OnClickMethod = RibbonButton_onClickEvent3,





Button events must be assigned each time in OnLoad to work.

btnButton1.OnClickMethod = RibbonButton_onClickEvent4;


Add a new group that has one button in it.

if (grpNewGroup1 == null)


RibbonGroup g = new RibbonGroup();

g.Name = "NewGroup1";

g.Caption = "NewGroup1";

g.Visible = true;

g.BackgroundColor = "red";

g.VisibleIndex = 2;

RibbonButton btn = new RibbonButton()


caption = "newbutton2",

IconCode = "1027",

IconColor = "blue",

Name = "NewButton2",

Size = "big",

Visible = true,

OnClickMethod = RibbonButton_onClickEvent3,







Button events must be assigned each time in OnLoad to work.

RibbonBar.FindButton("NewGroup1", "NewButton2"). OnClickMethod = RibbonButton_onClickEvent3;



public void Button1_OnClick(Object sender, EventArgs e)


if(RibbonBar.FindButton("Editing","CheckOut") != null){

RibbonBar.FindButton("Editing","CheckOut"). Count = 6;

RibbonBar.FindButton("Editing","CheckOut"). OnClickMethod = RibbonButton_onClickEvent2;

RibbonBar.FindButton("Editing","CheckOut"). Visible = true;


if(RibbonBar.FindGroup("Editing") != null){

RibbonBar.FindGroup("Editing"). caption = "editing__";


if(RibbonBar.FindGroup("Open") != null){

RibbonBar.FindGroup("Open"). Visible = false;

RibbonBar.FindGroup("Open"). BackgroundColor = "red";


if(RibbonBar.FindGroup("Share") != null) {

RibbonBar.FindGroup("Share"). BackgroundColor = "yellow";


if(RibbonBar.FindButton("Share","Print") != null){

RibbonBar.FindButton("Share","Print"). IconColor = "red";


if(RibbonBar.FindButton("Open","Notes") != null){

RibbonBar.FindButton("Open","Notes"). IconColor = "yellow";


if(RibbonBar.FindGroup("Open") != null)

RibbonBar.FindGroup("Open"). VisibleIndex = 1; 

if(RibbonBar.FindGroup("Share") != null)

RibbonBar.FindGroup("Share"). VisibleIndex = 0;


private void RibbonButton_onClickEvent2(EventArgs e)


txtFrom.Text = "CheckOut button clicked!";


private void RibbonButton_onClickEvent3(EventArgs e)


txtFrom.Text = "NewButton2 clicked !";


private void RibbonButton_onClickEvent4(EventArgs e)


txtFrom.Text = "NewButton1 clicked !";
